Description and Engineering Characteristics of Eleven New High-temperature Alloys

Book Description

The Memorandum contains a description and summary of preliminary properties of eleven new alloys that are considered to be promising high-temperature materials. Most of them are in the experimental-application stage of their development; however, a few have reached the point where they can be considered commercial. Included are six nickel-base alloys, two iron-base alloys, one iron-nickel-base alloy, one cobalt base alloy, and one multicomponent alloy that contains primarily nickel and chromium. Following descriptions of composition and microstructure of each alloy, a large section of the memorandum is concerned with physical and mechanical properties, predominantly stress-rupture and creep properties. Oxidation and sulfidation as well as elevated temperature stability of the alloys is discussed. Information on processing and availability of the alloys is also given. (Author).

Cold and Hot Forging

Book Description

Editors Altan (Ohio State University), Ngaile (North Carolina University), and Shen (Ladish Company, Inc.) offer this extensive overview of the latest developments in the design of forging operations and dies. Basic technological principles are briefly reviewed in the first two chapters.

High-temperature Property Data

Book Description

This volume organizes information by alloy so that pertinent data can be found easily. Physical and mechanical properties from room temperature to temperatures in excess of 100 C are shown graphically or in tabular form. All data is thoroughly referenced. Now high-temperature property data can be found in one complete reference! Over 200 alloys are organized by AISI number into 11 major sections: Irons, Carbon Steels, Alloy Steels, ASTM Steels, Low Alloy Constructional Steels, Ultra High Strength Steels, Tool Steels, Maraging Steels, Wrought Stainless Steels, Heat Resistant Casting Alloys, and Wrought Iron-Nickel Alloys and Iron-Nickel Superalloys. Each alloy record lists the designation, specifications, UNS number composition product forms and a comment on the high-temperature properties and applications. Data is then given for physical properties such as density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, electrical conductivity. Poisons ratio, moduli of elasticity and rigidity, etc. Mechanical properties follow, and include tensile properties, shearing and bearing properties, impact properties, creep, stress rupture and stress relaxation, and fatigue properties.The last part of the alloy record gives other effects of temperature, such as hot hardness, corrosion, and growth.

Forging Equipment, Materials, and Practices

Book Description

The handbook provides design engineers with up-to-date information about the many aspects of forging including descriptions of important developments made more recently by industry and/or government. The handbook describes suitable measures for in-process quality control and quality assurance, summarizes relationships between forging practices and important mechanical properties and compares various forging devices to aid in equipment selection. Attention is also given to describing practices for relatively new materials and emerging forging practices. (Modified author abstract).

Fatigue Mechanisms

Book Description

Metallic Matrix Composites

Book Description

Composite Materials, Volume 4: Metallic Matrix Components provides an in-depth report and a reference on the technology of metal-matrix composites. The book starts by giving an introduction to metal-matrix composites, and by discussing the principal metal-laminate fabrication methods, the properties of metal laminates, and materials engineering of laminated-metal composites for specific applications. The text also describes the technology in eutectic superalloys of nickel and cobalt; nickel alloys reinforced with alpha-Al2O3 filaments; and the problems and progress encountered in developing wire-reinforced superalloys. The fiber-reinforced titanium alloys; the development of metal-matrix composites reinforced with high-modulus graphite fibers; as well as the development, the physical and mechanical properties, and the engineering considerations for the use of boron-aluminum are also encompassed. Materials scientists and engineers will find the book invaluable.

High Temperature Alloys

Book Description

Advances in industrial technologies and improved performance of constructional materials are interdependent and have become of increasing concern in recent years. This Conference aimed to - provoke discussion of the limits towards which high temperature alloys properties can, ultimately, be developed, identify the resulting R&D requirements and design developments. Following a key-note paper concerning the relation of current capabilities to requirements for gas turbines the conference was structured into 3 sessions which examined: * the theoretical?ldpracticallimits for HT Alloys, * the potential for development in alloys and processing, * engineering considerations. Finally, feeling perhaps the approaching "wind of change"??1s Conference on remaining alloy potential was wound up with a paper entit1ed "The potential?ld problems ofEngineering Ceramics". The different sessions each included a number of invited papers followed by a series of posters and were concluded by a presentation of a "synthesis" by a sess10n rapporteur and general discussion. This structure is retained in the proceedings, including the discussion points in those cases where?le authors have provided written answers to questions raised.