Deserts! - Animal Habitats for Kids! Environment Where Wildlife Lives - Children's Environment Books

Book Description

Could there be life in the arid desert land? Apparently there are plenty! This educational book will show you around the desert. You will also get to meet some of the magnificent animals that survive there. The use of pictures make this book extra attractive for young learners. Grab a copy today!

Grasslands! - Animal Habitats for Kids! Environment Where Wildlife Lives for Kids - Children's Environment Books

Book Description

What animals survive in the grasslands? We'll show you some of them in the pages of this book. Your child can use this educational book as a reviewer or as an introduction to a new topic in school. If neither is applicable, then recommend that this book be used in place of the usual bedtime stories. Now that's a bedtime twist your child needs!

Freshwater- Animal Habitats for Kids! Environment Where Wildlife Lives for Kids - Children's Environment Books

Book Description

Did you know that the pond you see is actually teeming with life? There are many animals that depend on the pond as their water source and even as their home! Get to know some of the animals that live in freshwater. Open this book to see them face-to-face and to read up some interesting tales about them, too. Begin reading today!

Mountains - Animal Habitats for Kids! Environment Where Wildlife Lives for Kids - Children's Environment Books

Book Description

You see mountains rise in magnificence just about anywhere but have you ever climbed one? Have you ever met the animals that treat mountains as their homes? If not, then this is your chance to learn about life in the mountains. There are interesting facts that will push you to continue reading and pictures to cement the knowledge, too. Grab a copy today!

Oceans - Animal Habitats for Kids! Environment Where Wildlife Lives - Children's Environment Books

Book Description

The ocean is so vast that only a minute part of it has been explored by humans. They say that it is an alien world inside our world because of its mystery. But what we know about the oceans, we tried to condense in this book. We focused on the animals and other life forms that are commonly seen in our seas. Would you like to meet them?

Desert Animals and Plants for Kids: Habitat Facts, Photos and Fun | Children's Environment Books Edition

Book Description

Is there life in the desert? There sure is! This educational book will teach your child about the animals and plants that survive the harsh desert environment. It's a great book to have because it's not all texts; rather, there's even more pictures. And pictures are universal forms of learning that make education fun and memorable. Make sure to buy a copy now!

Coral Reefs - Animal Habitats for Kids! Environment Where Wildlife Lives - Children's Environment Books

Book Description

Did you know that coral reefs play a very important role in the marine ecosystem? They serve as home for many marine life and nursery for the baby fish. They are naturally abundant, beautiful and useful. Unfortunately, human activities have damaged the coral reefs beyond repair. What can you do to stop the destruction? We'll show you how in the following pages!

Who Lives Here? Wetland Animals

Book Description

Hippos, crocodiles and anacondas are just a few of the fascinating animals featured in their watery habitat.

Desert Animals and Plants for Kids

Book Description

Is there life in the desert? There sure is! This educational book will teach your child about the animals and plants that survive the harsh desert environment. It's a great book to have because it's not all texts; rather, there's even more pictures. And pictures are universal forms of learning that make education fun and memorable. Make sure to buy a copy now!

Coasts - Animal Habitats for Kids! Environment Where Wildlife Lives for Kids - Children's Environment Books

Book Description

This educational book has two main purposes. The first of which is to educated a child on the importance of coasts as homes to different wildlife. The second purpose is to encourage active participation in keeping coasts clean and healthy for all. We created this book with clean layout and age-appropriate texts for easy reading. Secure a copy today!