Desiderata for Dog Lovers

Book Description

Man’s best friend has always been a source of comfort and calm for owners--and that makes the combination of dogs and Desiderata such a superb match. Each phrase in the poem receives just the right accompanying image: a black Lab resting quietly on the beach illustrates "and remember what peace there may be in silence.” A cute mutt with its face cocked to the side--as if concentrating on a conversation--demonstrates what it means to "listen to others.” A pair consisting of one large and one small doggie reveals the truth that: "For always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.” Every dog lover will be charmed.

Desiderata for Baby Lovers

Book Description

Nothing could more perfectly illustrate the "Desiderata"'s mood and meaning better than this gallery of innocent, adorable tots. A peacefully sleeping infant helps us remember "what peace there may be in silence" and a tiny hand gripping the edge of a crib shows exactly what it means to "nurture strength of spirit." It's an inspired and unusual pairing of words and images that would be the ideal gift for a mom-to-be at her baby shower, expectant grandparents, and every parent.

Desiderata for Horse Lovers

Book Description

Each line of the poem Desiderata is accompanied by a color photograph of a horse or horses on opposite page.

Desiderata for Cat Lovers

Book Description

What could be more placid amid noise and haste than a cat staring quietly out into a dramatic skyscape, her soft fur reflecting the light? Or more peaceful than sleeping kittens cuddled up together in a pile? Does anything illustrate the idea of "being on good terms with all persons” more than a sweet, small feline sitting atop a large, calm dog? From photos of a meowing kitty ("speak your truth quietly and clearly”) to another happily licking her paw ("beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself”), this Desiderata will charm every cat lover and provide spiritual sustenance, too.


Book Description

Written 75 years ago, Desiderata achieved fame as the anthem of the sixties' hippie-dom - the subject of many millions of posters and handbills - and famously narrated by Les Crane in his 1971 song version of the poem. Over the years Desiderata has provided a kind and gentle philosophy, a refreshing perspective on life's bigger picture. This new presentation of the prose poem will bring it to the attention of a new generation. The origins of Desiderata were, for many years, shrouded in mystery. Once thought to have originated from St. Paul's Church in Baltimore, Maryland in the seventeenth century it was later discovered that American poet Max Ehrmann had written it in 1927. Presented in a refreshingly modern design, Desiderata will appeal to a younger generation looking to find the meaning of life, and to baby-boomers who'll recall Desiderata from their youth.

The Dog of the Marriage

Book Description

Amy Hempel's compassion, intensity, and illuminating observations have made her one of the most distinctive and admired modern writers. In three stunning books of stories, she has established a voice as unique and recognizable as the photographs of Cindy Sherman or the brushstrokes of Robert Motherwell. The Dog of the Marriage, Hempel's fourth collection, is about sexual obsession, relationships gone awry, and the unsatisfied longings of everyday life. In "Offertory," a modern-day Scheherazade entertains and manipulates her lover with stories of her sexual encounters with a married couple as a very young woman. In "Reference # 388475848-5," a letter contesting a parking ticket becomes a beautiful and unnerving statement of faith. In "Jesus Is Waiting," a woman driving to New York sends a series of cryptically honest postcards to an old lover. And the title story is a heartbreaking tale about the objects and animals and unmired desires that are left behind after death or divorce. These nine stories teem with wisdom, emotion, and surprising wit. Hempel explores the intricate psychology of people falling in and out of love, trying to locate something or someone elusive or lost. Her sentences are as lean, original, and startling as any in contemporary fiction.

The Kennel

Book Description