Quasioptical Systems & Components for Terahertz Astronomy

Book Description

Over the past two decades, submillimeter and terahertz astronomy has grown rapidly and become an important new window for studying the universe. This growth has been enabled by the confluence of several technologies which make the design and fabrication of high frequency single and multi-pixel heterodyne receivers possible. This dissertation reviews the development of a new generation of terahertz instrumentation at the University of Arizona, with specific emphasis on their optical components and systems. These instruments include several receivers for the Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope and Remote Observatory (formerly installed at the South Pole), including a dual-frequency 492/810 GHz receiver called Wanda, a 4-pixel 810 GHz heterodyne array called PoleSTAR, and a 1.5 THz receiver called TREND. It also covers receivers for the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope on Mt. Graham in southern Arizona. These receivers include a 7-pixel 345 GHz heterodyne array called DesertSTAR, a 64-pixel polarimeter/bolometer system called Hertz, and a 64-pixel 345 GHz heterodyne array called SuperCam. After reviewing these instruments, concepts for the next generation of arrays and terahertz telescopes designed for the high Atacama desert, Antarctica, high altitude balloon missions, and orbiting observatories will be presented. This dissertation will also cover other contributions made to terahertz astronomy, including the creation of a Gaussian beam propagation program to help design terahertz optical systems and an integrated optics design for a waveguide interferometer to be used as an alternative to traditional bulk optics systems.

Design of Quasi-optical Components for Millimeter to THz Vacuum Electron Beam Devices

Book Description

With the emergence of high power, millimeter wave sources operating at 94 GHz and 220 GHz with output powers in excess of 10 kW and 50 W, respectively, creates a critical need to route and process these powers efficiently. Since fundamental mode waveguides become unreasonably lossy and run into the breakdown regime to handle these associated powers when operating at the millimeter wave to terahertz regime, quasi-optical techniques, which utilize higher beam modes and common optical techniques, are employed. Such techniques typically require stringent mode control and call for intercoupling wave propagation analysis to minimize mode conversion. These complicated analysis techniques stretch the capabilities of traditional differential equation formulations typically employed to analysis complex structures in the microwave regime. Additionally, these structures become electrically large due to the shrinking associated wavelengths of the propagating waves in the millimeter wave to terahertz spectrum making such analysis difficult-to-impossible under 'normal' computing conditions. To intelligently design and manufacture these components, the multiphysics behavior of these devices must be carefully understood. As a result, circuit models and quick solver methodologies are presented and used to analyze these electrically large systems. As a result of careful signal integrity engineering, quasi-optical components and systems are designed and the experimental results are presented to extract empirical values, benchmark numerical solutions, and for practical use. As a result of these studies, one can conclude that quasi-optical signal processing and overmoded transmission line systems are essential to efficiently process the high powers fields radiating from the described vacuum electron beam devices for next generation telecommunication, remote sensing, scientific instrumentation, and electronic warfare systems.

Infrared and Terahertz Detectors

Book Description

This new edition of Infrared and Terahertz Detectors provides a comprehensive overview of infrared and terahertz detector technology, from fundamental science to materials and fabrication techniques. It includes a new tutorial introduction to technical aspects that are fundamental for basic understanding.

Millimetre and Submillimetre Astronomy

Book Description

The millimetre and submillimetre spectral region (300 to 3000 Ilm or 1000 to 100 GHz) was until recently one of the few spectral regimes not fully opened up for astronomical studies. Thanks both to improvements in detectors and receivers and to the construction of large telescopes at high altitude sites this situation is improving very rapidly. Three major telescopes have been built recently and are coming into operation during 1987 and 1988, namely the 15m James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) and the lOAm Caltech Submillimetre Observatory (CSO) telescope, both located on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and the 15 m Swedish -ESO telescope (SEST) in Chile. Because a very wide range of astronomical problems can be tackled with these major new facilities there is a great deal of interest from the many potential new users anxious to become familiar with this rapidly developing field. During 1986 it became clear to British and Dutch astronomers involved in planning the commissioning and operation of the JCMT, that a summer school in this field would greatly benefit the potential and actual JCMT user community. With financial support from the SERC and supplemented by a grant from the ZWO, the Summer School on 'Millimetre and Submillimetre Astronomy' was held at Stirling University from June 21 to 27, 1987.

Advanced Technology MMW, Radio, and Terahertz Telescopes

Book Description

This collection of works on MMW, radio, and terahertz telescopes features 80 papers on topics within this field, including the laser micromachining of silicon as a method of manufacturing terahertz imaging arrays, and multipliers for terahertz local oscillators.

Fundamentals of the Physical Theory of Diffraction

Book Description

This book is the first complete and comprehensive description of the modern Physical Theory of Diffraction (PTD) based on the concept of elementary edge waves (EEWs). The theory is demonstrated with the example of the diffraction of acoustic and electromagnetic waves at perfectly reflecting objects. The derived analytic expressions clearly explain the physical structure of the scattered field and describe in detail all of the reflected and diffracted rays and beams, as well as the fields in the vicinity of caustics and foci. Shadow radiation, a new fundamental component of the field, is introduced and proven to contain half of the total scattered power.