Applying General Equilibrium

Book Description

The aim of this book is to make more widely available a body of recent research activity that has become known as applied general equilibrium analysis. The central idea underlying this work is to convert the Walrasian general equilibrium structure (formalized in the 1950s by Kenneth Arrow, Gerard Debreu and others) from an abstract representation of an economy into realistic models of actual economies. Numerical, empirically based general equilibrium models can then be used to evaluate concrete policy options by specifying production and demand parameters and incorporating data reflective of real economies. Shoven and Whalley describe all aspects of developing applied general equilibrium models, including developing an appropriate equilibrium structure, calibrating the model, compiling counterfactual equilibria, and interpreting results. The authors contend that the Walrasian general equilibrium model provides an ideal framework for appraising the effects of policy changes on resource allocation, assessing who gains and who loses, and the policy impacts not well covered by empirical macro models. The applications in the book illustrate a number of ways in which fresh insights are provided in long standing policy controversies.

A Standard Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Model in GAMS

Book Description

The purpose of this manual is to contribute to and facilitate the use of computable general equilibrium (CGE) models in the analysis of issues related to food policy in developing countries. The volume includes a detailed presentation of a static “standard” CGE model and its required database and incorporates features of particular importance in developing countries. The manual discusses the implementation of the model in GAMS and is accompanied by a CD-ROM that includes the GAMS software (free demo system), the GAMS input files for the model, sample databases, simulations, solution reports, and a social accounting matrix (SAM) aggregation program. Although the volume provides a standardized framework for analysis, the analyst is not forced to make “one-size-fits-all” assumptions. The GAMS code is written to give the analyst considerable flexibility in model specification.

Multi-regional Dynamic General Equilibrium Modeling of the U.S. Economy

Book Description

This book details the preparation of USAGE-TERM, a computable general equilibrium model that provides regional economic detail in the USA. The model can represent either congressional district or state level economic activity. The latter may include a top-down representation of county activity. Interest in USAGE-TERM is growing among government departments. It is a practical tool, which may enhance analysis of productivity growth and innovation, adverse events such as drought or civil disruption and the dynamic economic impacts of major projects.Economic analysts and policy makers care about regions. Some regions suffer growing pains, as supporting infrastructure and services struggle to cope with population growth. Soaring house prices and rentals may lower affordability for many. Other regions suffer ongoing decline due to structural change. Regional economic fluctuations are often far more dramatic than national fluctuations.

Modeling Farm Decisions For Policy Analysis

Book Description

Microeconomic modeling has been an important tool for agricultural economists for several decades and promises to be important for ad-dressing the research problems of the 1980s as well. This volume explores the possibilities for using micromodeling to analyze how individual farm businesses react to and are affected by farm policies. Although this purpose represents only one potential use of micro-modeling, effective modeling for policy analysis necessitates a broad look from several historical, analytical, and institutional perspectives. The Micromodeling Conference held November 18-20, 1981, at Airlie House, Virginia, under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Agri-culture's Economic Research Service and the Farm Foundation reflected these concerns.

Modeling Developing Countries' Policies in General Equilibrium

Book Description

Policies affecting resource allocation across tradable sectors and those affecting the incentives to produce tradable activities are key determinants of macroeconomic balance and growth. Computable general equilibrium models have made significant contributions to both types of policies. With advancements in computing power and software, these models have become easy to implement and are now widespread. The question then is when and how to formulate them to avoid the 'black box' syndrome. This book seeks to address these issues through carefully selected essays that analyse how to model general equilibrium linkages in a single economy, across developing and developed economies, and across both micro and macro policies. Micro policies examined include tariffs quotas and VERs, the choice of taxes to maximize government revenue, migration and remittances, and the political economy of tariff setting. Applications on macro policies cover capital inflows, real exchange rate determination, and the modeling of the effects of adjustment policies on income distribution. The book provides insights on the development of a family of models for diverse policy choices, focusing on the ways to model the following: links between tradable and non-tradable activities, labor markets, and portfolio choices given limited capital mobility. Selected essays are all inspired by specific policy problems, including the adaptation to external shocks (i.e. oil), consequences of capital inflows, determinants of migration and associated remittances, the productivity of foreign aid, and rent-seeking activities under trade regimes with non-price trade restrictions. Examples in this book lay out the theoretical foundations, alongside a variety of applications, to help formulate coherent and transparent models for policy analysis. Archetype economies are extensively used to show how differences in economic structure influence the effects of policies. Graduate students and policy analysts interested in modeling will find this a useful compendium of studies.

General Equilibrium Impacts in Imperfect Agricultural Markets

Book Description

My dissertation evaluates the general equilibrium effects of agricultural market structures by examining how market power and capacity constraints of downstream intermediaries shape the economy-wide impacts of agricultural program interventions. I construct an integrated general equilibrium model of agricultural market structure and calibrate the model using original household-level survey- and industry-data from the Tanzanian cotton industry to estimate the direct and spillover effects of technological improvements in cotton production when the downstream cotton ginners have market power in purchasing cotton from farmers. Chapter 2 of my dissertation reviews the three strands of economic literature into which this work fits and contributes: demand-side constraints in agricultural markets, in particular, limited capacities and imperfect competition among downstream intermediaries, welfare distribution of downstream market structure in agriculture, and general equilibrium effects of policy interventions in local economies. In Chapter 3, I develop the integrated general equilibrium model of market structure by explicitly allowing for intermediary market power and their capacity constraints, and capturing local-economy general equilibrium effects. Chapter 4 presents the original household-level data from the Western Cotton Growing Area of Tanzanian and the ginners’ industry-level data, and explores the existing coalitions of cotton ginners, their contractual agreements with cotton farmers, spatial and temporal dimensions of cotton purchase, and the costs of producing lint. In Chapter 5, I discuss the empirical strategy of econometric estimations of inputs needed to parameterize the integrated model. Using ginners’ cost data on processing inputs, I non-parametrically estimate their market power to be 0.28 in cotton purchase, which is akin to a scenario as if the ginners are playing a three-four firm Cournot game. Chapter 6 presents the direct and indirect (spillover) effects of ginners’ market power, and estimates the income and production impacts of higher cotton productivity experiment with imperfectly competitive ginners and compares that to the synthetic case of perfect competition. I find that the total real income of the Western Cotton Growing Area reduces by 3.1 percent due to ginners’ market power with heterogeneous welfare impacts for the different cotton and non-cotton producing households. The income (inflation-adjusted) gains in the entire local economy are reduced from 5.9 to 2.4 percent due to ginners’ market power upon the 25 percent cotton productivity increase. The direct income increases of technology improvement for the cotton producers are reduced by 2.2 to 5.6 percentage points, and the indirect income increases for the non-cotton producing households are reduced by 0.5 to 0.8 percentage points. The methodology presented in my dissertation applies to both developed and developing country agricultural settings. The findings from this dissertation have important implications for agricultural program evaluations to consider the negative effects of market power and to assess the impacts through a local economy angle. Evaluations based on a partial equilibrium analysis typically overlook the agricultural spillovers. I also highlight the importance of intermediary capacities in agriculture in determining the welfare of upstream farmers and their local economy. When intermediaries operate at their maximum processing capacities, direct welfare gains and income spillovers of technological improvements in agricultural production are unambiguously negative for the farmers, and all the benefits of innovation are transmitted to the intermediaries. A realistic analysis of policies aimed at raising welfare in rural economies must consider effects of market power and downstream capacity constraints. Taking these effects into account opens up new policy considerations and opportunities, including the benefits of laws limiting or proscribing anticompetitive behavior to prevent formation of mergers and coalitions downstream from farms. Introducing interventions to ensure a more elastic demand for farm products when intermediaries are capacity constrained could complement other welfare-enhancing programs that governments undertake in potent and dynamic – yet easily overlooked – ways.