Artificial Photosynthesis

Book Description

Since the events crucial to plant photosynthesis are now known in molecular detail, this process is no longer nature's secret, but can for the first time be mimicked by technology. Broad in its scope, this book spans the basics of biological photosynthesis right up to the current approaches for its technical exploitation, making it the most complete resource on artificial photosynthesis ever published. The contents draw on the expertise of the Australian Artificial Photosynthesis Network, currently the world's largest coordinated research effort to develop effective photosynthesis technology. This is further backed by expert contributions from around the globe, providing an authoritative overview of current research worldwide.

Photosystem II

Book Description

The most mysterious part of photosynthesis yet the most important for all aerobic life on Earth (including ourselves) is how green plants, algae and cyanobacteria make atmospheric oxygen from water. This thermodynamically difficult process is only achieved in Nature by the unique pigment/protein complex known as Photosystem II, using sunlight to power the reaction. The present volume contains 34 comprehensive chapters authored by 75 scientific experts from around the world. It gives an up-to-date account on all what is currently known about the molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics and physiology of Photosystem II. The book is divided into several parts detailing the protein constituents, functional sites, tertiary structure, molecular dynamics, and mechanisms of homeostasis. The book ends with a comparison of Photosystem II with other related enzymes and bio-mimetic systems. Since the unique water-splitting chemistry catalyzed by Photosystem II leads to the production of pure oxygen gas and has the potential for making hydrogen gas, a primary goal of this book is to provide a molecular guide to future protein engineers and bio-mimetic chemists in the development of biocatalysts for the generation of clean, renewable energy from sunlight and water.

Design of Diruthenium Metalloproteins as Structural Models

Book Description

Bimetallic complexes with multiple metal–metal bonds have drawn intense interestacross various fields due to their unique properties. Particularly, in the bioinorganic chemistry area, paddlewheel diruthenium compounds are increasingly receiving attention due to the unique versatility of the diruthenium core that cannot be achieved with monometallic compounds. Diruthenium complexes have been widely studied as promising anticancer metallodrugs, testing their cytotoxic properties against a great variety of cancer cell lines. In recent studies, a synergetic effect between the drug and the diruthenium core is searched. But the mechanism of action of these compounds is still unknown. Nevertheless, evidences suggest that the pharmacological features of these complexes rely on the specific interactions with proteins, and their selectivity could be related with steric hindrance or charge effects...

Biosensing for the 21st Century

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With contributions by numerous experts

Bottom-up Design of Metalloprotein Assemblies with Diverse Metal Coordination Motifs and Emergent Properties

Book Description

Metal ions are indispensable to biological function, as they are utilized for a myriad of processes encompassing signaling, electron transfer, and catalysis. These functions are made possible by exploiting intrinsic properties of the metal ions and the ligands to which they bind, represented by small molecules and metalloproteins. From the perspective of a synthetic chemist, proteins can be conceived as "macromolecular ligands". Like those of small molecule ligands, the properties of "macromolecular ligands" can be parameterized at two discrete coordination spheres. The primary sphere is composed of the amino acid residues and exogenous ligands that coordinate the metal ion, and thus has the most direct impact on metal-based function. The secondary sphere is composed of residues that form mainly non-covalent interactions--hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic, and van der Waals (vDW) interactions--with the primary sphere. Although secondary sphere features do not directly bind the metal ion, they play an indispensable role in controlling metal-based reactivity. For example, the oxygen-binding affinity of myoglobin is influenced significantly by hydrogen bonding interactions between a histidine residue in its secondary sphere and the oxygen ligand that binds the heme co-factor. The large functional scope of metalloproteins is a testament to the wide diversity of primary and secondary spheres, and the efficiency with which metalloproteins execute these functions is a testament to the intricate interplay between the spheres. The functional potential of natural metalloproteins has long inspired protein design efforts. Two major metalloprotein design approaches are rational and de novo design. In rational design, primary and/or secondary sphere features of a natural protein are repurposed to mediate non-native functions. This approach has culminated in the engineering of new-to-nature functions spanning metal-hydride mediated ketone reduction and carbon-silicon bond coupling. While rational design represents an effective path to engineer metal-based functions, such functions are achieved within rigid and highly evolved protein folds/interfaces. Therefore, important questions remain unanswered: how does metal-based function emerge from an initially nonfunctional metalloprotein, and what are the minimum primary/secondary sphere coordination requirements to achieve metal-based functions? The work described in this dissertation stems from a de novo design approach in which both the quaternary structure and metal coordination site(s) of a metalloprotein are designed from scratch. The building block of our designed metalloprotein structures is cytochrome cb562, a natively monomeric, four-helix bundle protein. With cytochrome cb562 as our starting point, we obtain a diverse array of metalloprotein assemblies that serve as platforms for pursuing complex metal-based functions encompassing redox-based signaling and oxygen activation. In Chapter 2, we describe the sequential design of three metalloprotein trimers, TriCyt1, TriCyt2, and TriCyt3. TriCyt1, our initial trimeric construct, is obtained through a single hydrophobic mutation (G70W) at the interface of a cytochrome cb562 variant. Solution experiments indicated that TriCyt1 assembled as a trimer in the presence of all mid-to-late first row transition metals (MnII-ZnII), with yields ranging from 12% (+MnII) to 89% (+CoII). Crystal structures of NiII and CuII-supplemented TriCyt1 revealed a biologically rare His6 coordination motif. The only known natural His6 motif is present in calprotectin, a metal sequestering protein that coordinates MnII with nanomolar affinity. Motivated by the prospect of obtaining from scratch a MnII:His6 site of such high affinity, which had not yet been achieved in protein design, we sought to increase the preorganization of this metal coordination site through redesign of the C2 and C3 interfaces of TriCyt1. Computationally prescribed, mostly hydrophobic mutations at the C3 interface led to TriCyt2, a construct that trimerized with near-quantitative yield in the presence of MnII. A second round of redesign, in which salt bridges were installed at the C2 interface, led to a metal-independent, pH-switchable trimer which bound MnII with ~ 50 nM affinity. While a His6 primary sphere is suitable for achieving high affinity metal binding sites, our ability to design metalloproteins with broad functional potential hinges on our ability to engineer multiple types of metal binding sites. In Chapter 3, we describe our efforts to diversify the primary and/or secondary spheres of the TriCyt scaffold in pursuit of metalloprotein constructs which could coordinate lanthanides with high affinity and selectivity, mediate metal-dependent catalysis, and stabilize multinuclear metal coordination sites. The TriCyt series illustrates metal-ion-identity-independent assembly: the assembly path converges on the same architecture with the same metal coordination motif regardless of the metal ion added. In the TriCyt series there is low cooperativity between metal-ligand and non-covalent interactions, as metal coordination preferences play a minimal role in directing assembly. In Chapter 4, we describe our design and characterization of a variant of Rosetta interface design cytochrome 1 (A74/C96RIDC1) in which the cooperative interplay between metal-ligand and non-covalent interactions could be tuned by the redox state of the protein. In the oxidized state, C96-C96 disulfide bonds rigidify a tetrameric architecture (A74/C96RIDC14ox) whose assembly is independent of metal ion identity. Chemical reduction of the disulfide bonds gives rise to A74/C96RIDC1red, whose assembly is governed in larger part by the metal coordination preferences of exogenous metal ions. Whereas A74/C96RIDC14ox can only access two structural states (apo and metal-bound), A74/C96RIDC1red can access three distinct, metal-ion-identity dependent structural states with unique coordination environments. With five structural states whose accessibility is dependent on solution redox potential and metal ion identity, A74/C96RIDC1 represents a rare protein construct whose oligomerization path is varied through two different types of stimuli. We characterize the oligomeric and conformational states of A74/C96RIDC1 under disulfide-oxidized and disulfide-reduced states and in the presence of different mid-to-late first row transition metal ions, both in solution and via X-ray crystallography. We also employ density functional theory (DFT) and Rosetta interface calculations to attempt to quantify the energetic contributions of metal-ligand and non-covalent interactions and rationalize how differences in metal ion identity result in divergent metal-directed assembly paths.

Cadmium: From Toxicity to Essentiality

Book Description

Volume 11 provides in an authoritative and timely manner in 16 stimulating chapters, written by 40 internationally recognized experts from 11 nations, and supported by more than 2600 references, 35 tables, and over 100 illustrations, many in color, a most up-to-date view on the role of cadmium for life, presently a vibrant research area. MILS-11 covers the bioinorganic chemistry of Cd(II), its biogeochemistry, anthropogenic release into the environment, and speciation in the atmosphere, waters, soils, and sediments. The analytical tools for Cd determination, its imaging in cells, and the use of 113Cd NMR to probe Zn(II) and Ca(II) proteins are summarized, as are Cd(II) interactions with nucleotides, nucleic acids, amino acids, and proteins including metallothioneins. The phytoremediation by Cd(II)-accumulating plants, etc., the toxicology of Cd(II), its damage to mammalian organs, and its role as a carcinogen for humans, are highlighted.

Redox-Active Ligands

Book Description

Redox-Active Ligands Authoritative resource showcasing a new family of ligands that can lead to better catalysts and promising applications in organic synthesis Redox-Active Ligands gives a comprehensive overview of the unique features of redox-active ligands, describing their structure and synthesis, the characterization of their coordination complexes, and important applications in homogeneous catalysis. The work reflects the diversity of the subject by including ongoing research spanning coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, bioinspired catalysis, proton and electron transfer, and the ability of such ligands to interact with early and late transition metals, lanthanides, and actinides. The book is divided into three parts, devoted to introduction and concepts, applications, and case studies. After the introduction on key concepts related to the field, and the different types of ligands and complexes in which ligand-centered redox activity is commonly observed, mechanistic and computational studies are described. The second part focuses on catalytic applications of redox-active complexes, including examples from radical transformations, coordination chemistry and organic synthesis. Finally, case studies of redox-active guanidine ligands, and of lanthanides and actinides are presented. Other specific sample topics covered include: An overview of the electronic features of redox-active ligands, covering their historical perspective and biological background The versatility and mode of action of redox-active ligands, which sets them apart from more classic and tunable ligands such as phosphines or N-heterocyclic carbenes Preparation and catalytic applications of complexes of stable N-aryl radicals Metal complexes with redox-active ligands in H+/e- transfer transformations By providing up-to-date information on important concepts and applications, Redox-Active Ligands is an essential reading for researchers working in organometallic and coordination chemistry, catalysis, organic synthesis, and (bio)inorganic chemistry, as well as newcomers to the field.