Desmond Doss

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Infantry men who once ridiculed and scoffed at Desmond's simple faith and refusal to carry a weapon owed their lives to him. In the midst of a fierce firefight on Okinawa that felled approximately 75 men from the 1st Battalion, Private Doss refused to seek cover and carried his stricken comrades to safety one by one. This and other heroic acts earned him the highest honor America could bestow on one of her soldiers--the Medal of Honor.

Redemption at Hacksaw Ridge

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Unlikeliest Hero

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Hacksaw Ridge : the True Story of Desmond Doss

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According to Doss's account in a documentary film titled "The Contentious Objector", as he rescued soldiers one-by-one, he breathed into the air with each go-around, "Lord, please help me get one more."The modest man of faith claims to have saved 50 wounded soldiers from certain death. His comrades claim that he saved 100. President Harry S. Truman presented him with the Congressional Medal of Honor upon his return to the United States, for his heroics on Okinawa, and the citation credits him with saving 75 lives, splitting the difference."From a human standpoint, I shouldn't be here to tell the story," said Doss in an interview with the Richmond Times-Dispatch. "No telling how many times the Lord has spared my life." During World War II, 16,112,556 American soldiers served their country and the cause of the Allies, and only 43 received the Medal of Honor. Doss, who held a powerful allegiance to Christ, and was a devoted member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, became the first conscientious objector to receive the U.S. military's highest honor. Today, he is one of two conscientious objectors to have received it.

Hero of Hacksaw Ridge

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The Medic

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During WWII, a young man from Lynchburg, Virginia was drafted into the Army and sent to the 77th Infantry Division. When he arrived at camp for basic training, he promptly made it known that he was a pacifist and would be unwilling to take a life or even so much as touch a weapon. He did however say that he would be proud to serve his country as a medic, if they would let him. No matter how much pressure the Army applied, the medic was unwilling to compromise his convictions. The other soldiers in his unit came to hate the conscientious objector, going so far as to throw their boots at him while he knelt by his bunk at night to pray. When the men of Company B assaulted "Hacksaw Ridge" on the island of Okinawa, something happened that would change their opinion of the medic forever.

The Birth of Hacksaw Ridge: How It All Began

Book Description

The authorized and only book ever written on the childhood and teenage years of Desmond T Doss. Find out what inspired this young man to honor God, family, and country, and to go on to become one of America's greatest heroes. BOY, DO WE NEED MORE LIKE HIM TODAY! A great book for all ages.

Desmond Doss in God's Care

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The Making of a Hero

Book Description

Being a HERO means overcoming tremendous odds through sacrifice, service, and holding to important values. In The Making of a Hero, Linda Moss Mines introduces children to the important values of patriotism, citizenship, courage, integrity, sacrifice, and commitment. This book tells the story of six Americans-Arthur MacArthur (Civil War), George Jordan (Buffalo Soldier), Alvin C. York (World War I), Desmond Doss (World War II), Ray Duke (Korean War), and Dr. Mary Edwards Walker (Civil War)-who were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest award given to a member of the armed forces for valor. Each individual showed great courage and bravery in the face of fear, some even giving the ultimate sacrifice with their lives. Through these inspiring stories, children will learn that they, too, can model these values in their daily decisions and in the way they serve those around them. They will realize the potential to make a real difference in their community, country, and world!

The Faith of Desmond Doss

Book Description