A Detailed Study of Giants and Horizontal Branch Stars in M68

Book Description

In this thesis, I present a detailed high-resolution spectroscopic study of post main sequence stars in the Globular Cluster M68. My sample, which covers a range of 4000 K in Teff, and 3.5 dex in log(g), is comprised of members from the red giant, red horizontal, and blue horizontal branch, making this the first high-resolution globular cluster study covering such a large evolutionary and parameter space. Initially, atmospheric parameters were determined using photometric as well as spectroscopic methods, both of which resulted in unphysical and unexpected Teff, log(g), vt, and [Fe/H] combinations. I therefore developed a hybrid approach that addresses most of these problems, and yields atmospheric parameters that agree well with other measurements in the literature. Furthermore, my derived stellar metallicities are consistent across all evolutionary stages, with [Fe/H] = 2.42 ( sigma = 0.14) from 25 stars. Chemical abundances obtained using my methodology also agree with previous studies and bear all the hallmarks of globular clusters, such as a Na-O anti-correlation, constant Ca abundances, and mild r-process enrichment.

Ages and Abundances of Local Galactic Stellar Populations

Book Description

The chemical compositions of stellar atmospheres reflect the interstellar gas from which they formed, each one containing a snapshot of the Milky Way Galaxy’s chemical evolution. By comparing abundances of stars across the disk of our Galaxy, we can explore how different parts of the Galaxy were enriched, where star formation proceeded most rapidly, and whether there has been significant mixing of stars and gas through the disk. In general, older stars formed from material that had fewer metals and younger stars formed after more metals had been deposited into the interstellar medium. However, the relative dating of stars based on metallicity cannot easily be mapped to an absolute age, and the local age-metallicity relation cannot be used in different Galactic locations. The rate of metal enrichment depends strongly on the star formation rate. To use the full power of studying stellar atmosphere compositions across the Galaxy, we also need to determine absolute stellar ages. In this dissertation, I examine the ages and chemical abundances of stars in the solar neighborhood with the goal of extending this analysis to the larger APOGEE sample, which spans the full Milky Way disk. Through an independent analysis of optical spectra of APOGEE stars, I validate the individual chemical abundances measured by the near-infrared spectroscopic survey. The main stellar targets of APOGEE are red giant stars, for which the atmospheric parameters are degenerate with age. I develop a method of constraining the age distribution of a sample of giants, and determining individual ages to 0.1 dex, using a sample of local red giant stars with well measured distance. For the solar neighborhood, I find that the mean age of the sample is closely correlated with the abundance of [alpha]-elements in the stars, even at young ages. Using a sample of local subgiant stars, for which ages can be more precisely measured, I confirm this result for the solar neighborhood. I conclude that the method presented here for finding ages of red giant stars with known distances can robustly be applied to the full APOGEE sample for which distances will soon be available from the Gaia mission.

Fundamentals of Rocket Propulsion

Book Description

The book follows a unified approach to present the basic principles of rocket propulsion in concise and lucid form. This textbook comprises of ten chapters ranging from brief introduction and elements of rocket propulsion, aerothermodynamics to solid, liquid and hybrid propellant rocket engines with chapter on electrical propulsion. Worked out examples are also provided at the end of chapter for understanding uncertainty analysis. This book is designed and developed as an introductory text on the fundamental aspects of rocket propulsion for both undergraduate and graduate students. It is also aimed towards practicing engineers in the field of space engineering. This comprehensive guide also provides adequate problems for audience to understand intricate aspects of rocket propulsion enabling them to design and develop rocket engines for peaceful purposes.

Spectral Classification and Multicolour Photometry

Book Description

Dr J. Landi Dessy, Director of the Astronomical Observatory, Cordoba, Argentina, invited the International Astronomical Union to hold a Symposium in Cordoba in connection with the celebration of the Centennial of the Cordoba Observatory; the date of foundation is October 24, 1871. He proposed that the Symposium should deal with Spectral Classification and Multicolour Photometry as seven years had elapsed since the Symposium No. 24 in Saltsj6baden, and much development had occurred in the field. The invitation and the proposal were accepted by the IAU, and the Symposium was held in Villa Carlos Paz, near Cordoba, between October 18 and October 24, 1971. It was attended by about 50 scientists representing Argentina, Canada, Chile, Den mark, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K., U.S.A., Vatican City State and Venezuela. The Symposium was divided into four sessions: 1. Classification of slit spectra, 2. Classification of objective-prism spectra, 3. Photometric classification, 4. Catalogues and documentation. It was decided not to include problems of calibration of absolute magnitudes and temperatures of stars but to refer this to a separate symposium. The contents of the present volume follow closely the programmes of the individual sessions of the Symposium. All the participants at the Symposium appreciated the excellent hospitality of their Argentinian hosts and the efficient help given by the staff ofthe Cordoba Observatory.

CRC Handbook of Metal Etchants

Book Description

This publication presents cleaning and etching solutions, their applications, and results on inorganic materials. It is a comprehensive collection of etching and cleaning solutions in a single source. Chemical formulas are presented in one of three standard formats - general, electrolytic or ionized gas formats - to insure inclusion of all necessary operational data as shown in references that accompany each numbered formula. The book describes other applications of specific solutions, including their use on other metals or metallic compounds. Physical properties, association of natural and man-made minerals, and materials are shown in relationship to crystal structure, special processing techniques and solid state devices and assemblies fabricated. This publication also presents a number of organic materials which are widely used in handling and general processing...waxes, plastics, and lacquers for example. It is useful to individuals involved in study, development, and processing of metals and metallic compounds. It is invaluable for readers from the college level to industrial R & D and full-scale device fabrication, testing and sales. Scientific disciplines, work areas and individuals with great interest include: chemistry, physics, metallurgy, geology, solid state, ceramic and glass, research libraries, individuals dealing with chemical processing of inorganic materials, societies and schools.