Deterministic and Stochastic Optimal Control

Book Description

This book may be regarded as consisting of two parts. In Chapters I-IV we pre sent what we regard as essential topics in an introduction to deterministic optimal control theory. This material has been used by the authors for one semester graduate-level courses at Brown University and the University of Kentucky. The simplest problem in calculus of variations is taken as the point of departure, in Chapter I. Chapters II, III, and IV deal with necessary conditions for an opti mum, existence and regularity theorems for optimal controls, and the method of dynamic programming. The beginning reader may find it useful first to learn the main results, corollaries, and examples. These tend to be found in the earlier parts of each chapter. We have deliberately postponed some difficult technical proofs to later parts of these chapters. In the second part of the book we give an introduction to stochastic optimal control for Markov diffusion processes. Our treatment follows the dynamic pro gramming method, and depends on the intimate relationship between second order partial differential equations of parabolic type and stochastic differential equations. This relationship is reviewed in Chapter V, which may be read inde pendently of Chapters I-IV. Chapter VI is based to a considerable extent on the authors' work in stochastic control since 1961. It also includes two other topics important for applications, namely, the solution to the stochastic linear regulator and the separation principle.

Deterministic and Stochastic Optimal Control and Inverse Problems

Book Description

Inverse problems of identifying parameters and initial/boundary conditions in deterministic and stochastic partial differential equations constitute a vibrant and emerging research area that has found numerous applications. A related problem of paramount importance is the optimal control problem for stochastic differential equations. This edited volume comprises invited contributions from world-renowned researchers in the subject of control and inverse problems. There are several contributions on optimal control and inverse problems covering different aspects of the theory, numerical methods, and applications. Besides a unified presentation of the most recent and relevant developments, this volume also presents some survey articles to make the material self-contained. To maintain the highest level of scientific quality, all manuscripts have been thoroughly reviewed.

Infinite Horizon Optimal Control

Book Description

This monograph deals with various classes of deterministic continuous time optimal control problems wh ich are defined over unbounded time intervala. For these problems, the performance criterion is described by an improper integral and it is possible that, when evaluated at a given admissible element, this criterion is unbounded. To cope with this divergence new optimality concepts; referred to here as "overtaking", "weakly overtaking", "agreeable plans", etc. ; have been proposed. The motivation for studying these problems arisee primarily from the economic and biological aciences where models of this nature arise quite naturally since no natural bound can be placed on the time horizon when one considers the evolution of the state of a given economy or species. The reeponsibility for the introduction of this interesting class of problems rests with the economiste who first studied them in the modeling of capital accumulation processes. Perhaps the earliest of these was F. Ramsey who, in his seminal work on a theory of saving in 1928, considered a dynamic optimization model defined on an infinite time horizon. Briefly, this problem can be described as a "Lagrange problem with unbounded time interval". The advent of modern control theory, particularly the formulation of the famoue Maximum Principle of Pontryagin, has had a considerable impact on the treatment of these models as well as optimization theory in general.

Stochastic Optimal Control in Infinite Dimension

Book Description

Providing an introduction to stochastic optimal control in infinite dimension, this book gives a complete account of the theory of second-order HJB equations in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, focusing on its applicability to associated stochastic optimal control problems. It features a general introduction to optimal stochastic control, including basic results (e.g. the dynamic programming principle) with proofs, and provides examples of applications. A complete and up-to-date exposition of the existing theory of viscosity solutions and regular solutions of second-order HJB equations in Hilbert spaces is given, together with an extensive survey of other methods, with a full bibliography. In particular, Chapter 6, written by M. Fuhrman and G. Tessitore, surveys the theory of regular solutions of HJB equations arising in infinite-dimensional stochastic control, via BSDEs. The book is of interest to both pure and applied researchers working in the control theory of stochastic PDEs, and in PDEs in infinite dimension. Readers from other fields who want to learn the basic theory will also find it useful. The prerequisites are: standard functional analysis, the theory of semigroups of operators and its use in the study of PDEs, some knowledge of the dynamic programming approach to stochastic optimal control problems in finite dimension, and the basics of stochastic analysis and stochastic equations in infinite-dimensional spaces.

Stochastic Controls

Book Description

As is well known, Pontryagin's maximum principle and Bellman's dynamic programming are the two principal and most commonly used approaches in solving stochastic optimal control problems. * An interesting phenomenon one can observe from the literature is that these two approaches have been developed separately and independently. Since both methods are used to investigate the same problems, a natural question one will ask is the fol lowing: (Q) What is the relationship betwccn the maximum principlc and dy namic programming in stochastic optimal controls? There did exist some researches (prior to the 1980s) on the relationship between these two. Nevertheless, the results usually werestated in heuristic terms and proved under rather restrictive assumptions, which were not satisfied in most cases. In the statement of a Pontryagin-type maximum principle there is an adjoint equation, which is an ordinary differential equation (ODE) in the (finite-dimensional) deterministic case and a stochastic differential equation (SDE) in the stochastic case. The system consisting of the adjoint equa tion, the original state equation, and the maximum condition is referred to as an (extended) Hamiltonian system. On the other hand, in Bellman's dynamic programming, there is a partial differential equation (PDE), of first order in the (finite-dimensional) deterministic case and of second or der in the stochastic case. This is known as a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation.

Optimal Design of Control Systems

Book Description

"Covers design methods for optimal (or quasioptimal) control algorithms in the form of synthesis for deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems-with applications in aerospace, robotic, and servomechanical technologies. Providing new results on exact and approximate solutions of optimal control problems."

Optimal Design of Control Systems

Book Description

"Covers design methods for optimal (or quasioptimal) control algorithms in the form of synthesis for deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems-with applications in aerospace, robotic, and servomechanical technologies. Providing new results on exact and approximate solutions of optimal control problems."

Linear Stochastic Control Systems

Book Description

Linear Stochastic Control Systems presents a thorough description of the mathematical theory and fundamental principles of linear stochastic control systems. Both continuous-time and discrete-time systems are thoroughly covered. Reviews of the modern probability and random processes theories and the Itô stochastic differential equations are provided. Discrete-time stochastic systems theory, optimal estimation and Kalman filtering, and optimal stochastic control theory are studied in detail. A modern treatment of these same topics for continuous-time stochastic control systems is included. The text is written in an easy-to-understand style, and the reader needs only to have a background of elementary real analysis and linear deterministic systems theory to comprehend the subject matter. This graduate textbook is also suitable for self-study, professional training, and as a handy research reference. Linear Stochastic Control Systems is self-contained and provides a step-by-step development of the theory, with many illustrative examples, exercises, and engineering applications.

Stochastic Optimal Control

Book Description

Presents techniques for optimizing problems in dynamic systems with terminal and path constraints. Includes optimal feedback control, feedback control for linear systems, and regulator synthesis. Offers iterative methods for solving nonlinear control problems. Demonstrates how to apply optimal control in a practical fashion. Serves as a text for graduate controls courses as offered in aerospace, mechanical and chemical engineering departments.

Stochastic Optimal Control

Book Description