Deterministic Artificial Intelligence

Book Description

Kirchhoff’s laws give a mathematical description of electromechanics. Similarly, translational motion mechanics obey Newton’s laws, while rotational motion mechanics comply with Euler’s moment equations, a set of three nonlinear, coupled differential equations. Nonlinearities complicate the mathematical treatment of the seemingly simple action of rotating, and these complications lead to a robust lineage of research culminating here with a text on the ability to make rigid bodies in rotation become self-aware, and even learn. This book is meant for basic scientifically inclined readers commencing with a first chapter on the basics of stochastic artificial intelligence to bridge readers to very advanced topics of deterministic artificial intelligence, espoused in the book with applications to both electromechanics (e.g. the forced van der Pol equation) and also motion mechanics (i.e. Euler’s moment equations). The reader will learn how to bestow self-awareness and express optimal learning methods for the self-aware object (e.g. robot) that require no tuning and no interaction with humans for autonomous operation. The topics learned from reading this text will prepare students and faculty to investigate interesting problems of mechanics. It is the fondest hope of the editor and authors that readers enjoy the book.

Diagnosis of Active Systems

Book Description

This book is about model-based diagnosis of a class of discrete-event systems called active systems. Roughly, model-based diagnosis is the task of finding out the faulty components of a physical system based on the observed behavior and the system model. An active system is the abstraction of a physical artefact that is modeled as a network of com municating automata. For example, the protection apparatus of a power transmission network can be conveniently modeled as an active system, where breakers, protection devices, and lines are naturally described by finite state machines. The asynchronous occurrence of a short circuit on a line or a bus-bar causes the reaction of the protection devices, which aims to isolate the shorted line. This reaction can be faulty and several lines might be eventually isolated, rather than the shorted line only. The diagnostic problem to be solved is uncovering the faulty devices based the visible part of the reaction. Once the diagnosis task has been on accomplished, the produced results are exploited to fix the apparatus (and also to localize the short circuit, in this sample case). Interestingly, the research presented in this book was triggered a decade ago by a project 011 short circuit localization, conducted by ENEL, the Italian electricity board, along with other industrial and academic European partners.

A Concise Introduction to Models and Methods for Automated Planning

Book Description

Planning is the model-based approach to autonomous behavior where the agent behavior is derived automatically from a model of the actions, sensors, and goals. The main challenges in planning are computational as all models, whether featuring uncertainty and feedback or not, are intractable in the worst case when represented in compact form. In this book, we look at a variety of models used in AI planning, and at the methods that have been developed for solving them. The goal is to provide a modern and coherent view of planning that is precise, concise, and mostly self-contained, without being shallow. For this, we make no attempt at covering the whole variety of planning approaches, ideas, and applications, and focus on the essentials. The target audience of the book are students and researchers interested in autonomous behavior and planning from an AI, engineering, or cognitive science perspective. Table of Contents: Preface / Planning and Autonomous Behavior / Classical Planning: Full Information and Deterministic Actions / Classical Planning: Variations and Extensions / Beyond Classical Planning: Transformations / Planning with Sensing: Logical Models / MDP Planning: Stochastic Actions and Full Feedback / POMDP Planning: Stochastic Actions and Partial Feedback / Discussion / Bibliography / Author's Biography

Markov Decision Processes in Artificial Intelligence

Book Description

Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) are a mathematical framework for modeling sequential decision problems under uncertainty as well as reinforcement learning problems. Written by experts in the field, this book provides a global view of current research using MDPs in artificial intelligence. It starts with an introductory presentation of the fundamental aspects of MDPs (planning in MDPs, reinforcement learning, partially observable MDPs, Markov games and the use of non-classical criteria). It then presents more advanced research trends in the field and gives some concrete examples using illustrative real life applications.

Universal Artificial Intelligence

Book Description

Personal motivation. The dream of creating artificial devices that reach or outperform human inteUigence is an old one. It is also one of the dreams of my youth, which have never left me. What makes this challenge so interesting? A solution would have enormous implications on our society, and there are reasons to believe that the AI problem can be solved in my expected lifetime. So, it's worth sticking to it for a lifetime, even if it takes 30 years or so to reap the benefits. The AI problem. The science of artificial intelligence (AI) may be defined as the construction of intelligent systems and their analysis. A natural definition of a system is anything that has an input and an output stream. Intelligence is more complicated. It can have many faces like creativity, solving prob lems, pattern recognition, classification, learning, induction, deduction, build ing analogies, optimization, surviving in an environment, language processing, and knowledge. A formal definition incorporating every aspect of intelligence, however, seems difficult. Most, if not all known facets of intelligence can be formulated as goal driven or, more precisely, as maximizing some utility func tion. It is, therefore, sufficient to study goal-driven AI; e. g. the (biological) goal of animals and humans is to survive and spread. The goal of AI systems should be to be useful to humans.

A Concise Introduction to Models and Methods for Automated Planning

Book Description

Planning is the model-based approach to autonomous behavior where the agent behavior is derived automatically from a model of the actions, sensors, and goals. The main challenges in planning are computational as all models, whether featuring uncertainty and feedback or not, are intractable in the worst case when represented in compact form. In this book, we look at a variety of models used in AI planning, and at the methods that have been developed for solving them. The goal is to provide a modern and coherent view of planning that is precise, concise, and mostly self-contained, without being shallow. For this, we make no attempt at covering the whole variety of planning approaches, ideas, and applications, and focus on the essentials. The target audience of the book are students and researchers interested in autonomous behavior and planning from an AI, engineering, or cognitive science perspective. Table of Contents: Preface / Planning and Autonomous Behavior / Classical Planning: Full Information and Deterministic Actions / Classical Planning: Variations and Extensions / Beyond Classical Planning: Transformations / Planning with Sensing: Logical Models / MDP Planning: Stochastic Actions and Full Feedback / POMDP Planning: Stochastic Actions and Partial Feedback / Discussion / Bibliography / Author's Biography

Planning with Markov Decision Processes

Book Description

Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) are widely popular in Artificial Intelligence for modeling sequential decision-making scenarios with probabilistic dynamics. They are the framework of choice when designing an intelligent agent that needs to act for long periods of time in an environment where its actions could have uncertain outcomes. MDPs are actively researched in two related subareas of AI, probabilistic planning and reinforcement learning. Probabilistic planning assumes known models for the agent's goals and domain dynamics, and focuses on determining how the agent should behave to achieve its objectives. On the other hand, reinforcement learning additionally learns these models based on the feedback the agent gets from the environment. This book provides a concise introduction to the use of MDPs for solving probabilistic planning problems, with an emphasis on the algorithmic perspective. It covers the whole spectrum of the field, from the basics to state-of-the-art optimal and approximation algorithms. We first describe the theoretical foundations of MDPs and the fundamental solution techniques for them. We then discuss modern optimal algorithms based on heuristic search and the use of structured representations. A major focus of the book is on the numerous approximation schemes for MDPs that have been developed in the AI literature. These include determinization-based approaches, sampling techniques, heuristic functions, dimensionality reduction, and hierarchical representations. Finally, we briefly introduce several extensions of the standard MDP classes that model and solve even more complex planning problems. Table of Contents: Introduction / MDPs / Fundamental Algorithms / Heuristic Search Algorithms / Symbolic Algorithms / Approximation Algorithms / Advanced Notes

Determann's Field Guide to Artificial Intelligence Law

Book Description

With Determann’s Field Guide to Artificial Intelligence Law, readers can navigate a complex field traversing new technologies, business models, risks, rights, and legal issues. The author presents practical recommendations in a user-friendly and accessible format, designed to help organizations build and maintain their AI compliance and risk mitigation programs. A leading voice on data and technology law, Lothar Determann discusses existing and new laws pertaining to AI around the world and examines distinct advantages of different governance models.

A Concise Introduction to Multiagent Systems and Distributed Artificial Intelligence

Book Description

Multiagent systems is an expanding field that blends classical fields like game theory and decentralized control with modern fields like computer science and machine learning. This monograph provides a concise introduction to the subject, covering the theoretical foundations as well as more recent developments in a coherent and readable manner. The text is centered on the concept of an agent as decision maker. Chapter 1 is a short introduction to the field of multiagent systems. Chapter 2 covers the basic theory of singleagent decision making under uncertainty. Chapter 3 is a brief introduction to game theory, explaining classical concepts like Nash equilibrium. Chapter 4 deals with the fundamental problem of coordinating a team of collaborative agents. Chapter 5 studies the problem of multiagent reasoning and decision making under partial observability. Chapter 6 focuses on the design of protocols that are stable against manipulations by self-interested agents. Chapter 7 provides a short introduction to the rapidly expanding field of multiagent reinforcement learning. The material can be used for teaching a half-semester course on multiagent systems covering, roughly, one chapter per lecture.