Developing Health Literacy Skills in Children and Youth

Book Description

Young people develop health literacy skills in a variety of environments, facing critical thinking challenges about their health from school, home and family life, peers and social life, and online. To explore the development of health literacy skills in youth, the Roundtable on Health Literacy convened a workshop on November 19, 2019, in Washington, DC. Presenters at the workshop discussed factors relating to health literacy skills and ways to further develop those skills among youth from early childhood to young adulthood. This publication summarizes the presentation and discussion of the workshop.

Environmental Health Literacy

Book Description

This book explores various and distinct aspects of environmental health literacy (EHL) from the perspective of investigators working in this emerging field and their community partners in research. Chapters aim to distinguish EHL from health literacy and environmental health education in order to classify it as a unique field with its own purposes and outcomes. Contributions in this book represent the key aspects of communication, dissemination and implementation, and social scientific research related to environmental health sciences and the range of expertise and interest in EHL. Readers will learn about the conceptual framework and underlying philosophical tenets of EHL, and its relation to health literacy and communications research. Special attention is given to topics like dissemination and implementation of culturally relevant environmental risk messaging, and promotion of EHL through visual technologies. Authoritative entries by experts also focus on important approaches to advancing EHL through community-engaged research and by engaging teachers and students at an early age through developing innovative STEM curriculum. The significance of theater is highlighted by describing the use of an interactive theater experience as an approach that enables community residents to express themselves in non-verbal ways.

International Handbook of Health Literacy

Book Description

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. Health literacy addresses a range of social dimensions of health, including knowledge, navigation and communication, as well as individual and organizational skills for accessing, understanding, evaluating and using information. Particularly over the past decade, health literacy has globally become a major public health concern as an asset for promoting health, wellbeing and sustainable development. This comprehensive handbook provides an invaluable overview of current international thinking about health literacy, highlighting cutting edge research, policy and practice in the field. With a diverse team of contributors, the book addresses health literacy across the life-span and offers insights from different populations and settings. Providing a wide range of major findings, the book outlines current discourse in the field and examines necessary future dialogues and new perspectives.

Health Literacy

Book Description

As societies grow more complex and people are increasingly bombarded with health information and misinformation, health literacy becomes essential. People with strong health literacy skills enjoy better health and well-being, while those with weaker skills tend to engage in riskier behavior and have poorer health. With evidence from the recent European Health Literacy Survey, this report identifies practical and effective ways public health and other sector authorities and advocates can strengthen health literacy in a variety of settings, including educational settings, workplaces, marketplaces, health systems, new and traditional media and political arenas. The report can be used as a tool for spreading awareness, stimulating debate and research and, above all, for informing policy development and action.

Global Perspectives on Children's Health Literacy

Book Description

This book examines global perspectives of health literacy development to explore the intersections between health, education, and community settings. International health literacy experts provide a collection of important insights and recommendations that are urgently required to inform practice and policy. The impetus for this book is a growing recognition that a siloed approach to supporting health and health literacy exists in many countries. This book addresses a gap in the international literature by presenting solutions that promote ongoing collaboration across settings to redress inequity and optimize global health. Identifying intersections between the settings is critically important to supporting these collaborations. Health literacy is the ability to find, use, evaluate and apply information to look after our health. Developing the personal asset of health literacy earlier in life influences adult health behaviours. A Health in All Policies approach has been globally endorsed; however, a health literacy in all settings approach is yet to be realised. As a social determinant of health, health literacy can determine health outcomes, educational attainment, social equity, and productivity. The authors investigate the health literacy development of children and their communities within particular regions, exploring whether health literacy is addressed as a health, education or community issue. They describe where silos exist between and within settings, aiming to highlight areas where health literacy is present. This helps identify challenges and opportunities for optimizing health literacy development. Global Perspectives on Children's Health Literacy is essential reading for public health and health promotion researchers and practitioners, primordial prevention researchers, policy makers, health and education ministers, community service ministers, youth organisations, librarians, school teachers, health and physical education teachers, school nurses, child and parenting services nurses, paediatricians, and allied health professionals who work with children and families (e.g., social workers, speech pathologists, dietitians).

Health Literacy

Book Description

While health literacy is a relatively new multidisciplinary field, it is vital to the successful engagement with and communication of health with patients, caregivers, and the public. This book ‘New Directions in Health Literacy Research, Theory, and Practice’ provides an introduction to health literacy research and practice and highlights similar scholarship in related disciplines. The book is organized as follows: the first chapter explains the still-evolving definition of health literacy; the next three chapters discuss developments and new directions in health literacy research, then a further two chapters are devoted to developments and new directions in health literacy theory. Two chapters explore health literacy interventions for vulnerable populations; four chapters cover health literacy leadership efforts; six chapters describe developments and new directions in disciplines that are similar to health literacy; and six chapters portray diverse health literacy practices. A preface from Richard Carmona M.D., the former U.S. Surgeon General, is included in the book. Although the book is intended primarily for health literacy researchers, practitioners and students, the diverse topics and approaches covered will be of interest to all healthcare and public health researchers, practitioners, and students, as well as scholars in related fields, such as health communication, science communication, consumer health informatics, library science, health disparities, and mass communication. As Dr. Carmona concludes in his preface: ‘This is essential reading for all health practitioners.’

International Handbook of Health Literacy

Book Description

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC license. Health literacy addresses a range of social dimensions of health including knowledge, navigation, communication as well as individual and organizational skills for accessing, understanding, evaluating and using of information. Especially over the past decade, health literacy has become a major public health concern globally as an asset for promoting health, wellbeing and sustainable development. This comprehensive handbook provides an invaluable overview of current international thinking about health literacy, highlighting cutting edge research, policy and practice in the field. With a diverse team of contributors, the book addresses health literacy across the life-span and offers insights from different populations and settings. Providing a wide range of major findings, the book outlines current discourse in the field and examines necessary future dialogues and new perspectives.

Health Literacy and School-Based Health Education

Book Description

Examines the relationship between health literacy and health outcomes, and the role of schools in promoting health literacy through the curriculum. This volume utilizes research, literature reviews and case studies that examine how education can support health literacy development as a vital 21st century citizenship competency.

Pediatric Health Literacy

Book Description

Unless you are a healthcare provider or licensed healthcare professional, understanding the United States healthcare system and its accompanying medical jargon can be confusing and overwhelming to try to navigate. Even more difficult is comprehending what resources are available to specific populations and how to gain the most benefit from these offered resources. Limited health literacy skills have been identified as the largest barrier in identifying an individual's health outcomes. Health affects every stage of life. The purpose of this paper is to analyze what health literacy implementations look like as well as the age and developmental stage that is most effective for individuals to begin learning about health literacy, and how continued education for nurses can be centered around improving health literacy. By identifying these important components, the question of the importance of health literacy, where disparities exist, and what assessment tools are the most valuable in collecting data to create interventions can be further understood.Methods: The method for answering this question includes a literature synthesis of academic resources. The sample size for this project is forty total sources, found through James Madison University's library database including PubMed, CINAHL, and EBSCO host. These sources define health literacy literature and related topics; the studies analyzed are interventions for pediatric health literacy. The collection of research was in an effort to answer our primary research question of what pediatric health literacy is and how interventions can be effective. There was a total of 8 sources involved in the literature review of Pediatric Interventions. Sources were chosen based on peer-reviewed status, relevancy and date.PEDIATRIC HEALTH LITERACY 4Results: Our findings indicate the importance of health literacy, the individual's understanding of their healthcare needs and being able to communicate this with healthcare professionals in order to set them up for lifelong well-being. Findings also indicate that it is important to begin education about health, wellbeing, and autonomy in childhood, defined as ages school-aged (age 5-12) interventions, and adolescent interventions (age 13-17).Discussion: The research findings support the thesis of early intervention. Health literacy education as early as school-aged and into adolescence allows children to continue to grow in understanding their health as they age; thus, becoming individuals who can make sound judgments and take control of their own health later in adulthood. Health literacy is of great importance for physical well-being and the foundations for this need to be laid in childhood.Key words: health literacy, pediatrics, childhood intervention, health, comprehension