Developing the Grip and Forearm

Book Description

"Let the strong man remember that 'a chain is as strong as its weakest link.' ... Often I have been very surprised to find that weight lifters with world-famed names have been possessed of very ordinary grip power. I imagine it was the realization of this which led me, even in my very early days, to deliberately develop my gripping power, feeling I would more or less have the field to myself if I could gain a huge forearm with gripping power in proportion. And it may be encouraging to the beginner who happens to have a light skeleton, i.e. small wrists and hands, etc., to know that whatever success I achieved was in the face of never exceeding a seven-inch wrist. For years I stayed around the 140 lb. mark, having light legs and bones on the small side. But eventually I worked up to being a real heavyweight (210 lbs.) with a 50-inch chest, 17 neck, 19 biceps, 15 inch forearm (measured with a STRAIGHT ARM, not a bent arm - this is important), 27 thigh and 17 inch calf. So don't allow yourself to become downhearted if you haven't heavy bones. I perfected a set of movements which definitely assisted forearm development and I will describe them for the readers' benefit because no matter what sport or game you may be interested in - golf, tennis, cricket, boxing, rowing, fencing and particularly WEIGHT LIFTING, you will be much handicapped if deficient in grip and helped considerably if you have a 'grip of steel.'" - Thomas Inch This is a restored and re-formatted edition of Inch's 1930 classic. Visit our website and see our many books at

Developing Grip Strength

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Gorilla Grip

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Do you secretly wish you got comments like the below most of the time - "You've got unnatural pulling power! It has to be something to do with the exercises you do!" (from folks that outweigh me by about a 1000 pounds - well - not really - but you get the drift - and folks from various disciplines of life, including, but not limited to those from the elite forces, boxers, weightlifters and the like). "You need to take it easy, man!" (when shaking hands with folks) "Man - you're a skinny dude - and yet you've got this amazing grip strength, not to mention the fact you're in shape". Farmers, wrestlers, strongmen (note – I mean STRONG men, not the bloated “muscle boys” you see preening “their stuff” in the gyms), tennis players, elite forces all over the world, and martial artists. What do the following groups of people have in common, other than the fact they perform different types of physical activity on a regular and daily basis? Some may have “bulging muscles”, and some may not. Some may be “ripped to shreds” (UGH, I think I’m going to rip the next book apart that spouts that sort of nonsense), and others might be solidly built. Some might even need to lose a bit of weight, while others might be so skinny you could hang a pair of freshly pressed trousers on them. So, and again, what do these people all have in common? Strength and stamina, I hear some of you say. Well, good answer - - but what else? A STRONG GRIP. A farmer, for instance, might not have archetypical “show” muscles, but grip his hand at the end of a long, hard day (his, spent working on the farm), and you’ll quickly experience the closest thing you can to an actual gorilla’s grip. A wrestler’s forearm might not look “pretty”, and neither might his calloused and bandaged hands, but those very mitts can take the typical bodybuilder’s arm in a vice like grip that the bodybuilder would be hard pressed to even TRY and escape from, and do things with it that would have the average “pretezel”blushing with shame (that old line, “twist you into a pretezel”!). A tennis player, martial artist, a boxer, a gymnast – you name it, and the list goes on and on – all people that perform physical activity on a daily basis, different sorts, but they have all that ONE thing in common i.e. a strong, bone crushing, vice like grip. And this, my friend, is one of the most important parts of a human being’s overall physical development. The forearms, fingers and wrist are what make up the “gripping muscles”, and you use these in virtually ALL situations in daily life, from carrying groceries up the stairs to lugging heavy furniture around. To put it another way, showy biceps might help you get the lady, for instance, but couple those with weak forearms, and you’ll never be able to carry her up that flight of stairs to your apartment. You might be able to curl impressive poundages in the gym using straps and other aids, but when it comes to doing pull-ups on a thick bar, a weak grip is what will let you down the most. On the other hand, a strong grip is an advantage in just about every situation. The PLETHORA of exercises that I give you in 0 Excuses Fitness do a great job of building a vice like, bone crushing grip, and truth be told that's all you need if you do 'em right - and yet - there are those that want MORE. Well, I wrote "Gorilla Grip" for those of you that "want more". And here it is. 16 exercises that should be done IN ADDITION to or in CONJUNCTION with (NOT "in place of!") the exercises I mention in 0 Excuses Fitness. Enjoy!

Hand and Forearm Exercises

Book Description

Forearm exercises and hand strength training for building a strong grip are important components of a complete workout which are often overlooked. However, there are great benefits for people who take the time to train their hands and make them stronger. Think about it?whether you're playing a sport, working out in the gym, or just fulfilling your day-to-day responsbilities, your hands are what you use to interact with almost everything around you. You can have all the upper body strength in the world, but if your hands and forearms aren't strong enough to deliver that strength to the baseball bat, tennis racket, hockey stick, barbell, or whatever else you're trying to move, it's not worth very much. Strong and healthy hands are also just a wonderful asset to have in your daily life. You'll never stop needing your hands, and taking the time to keep them in great shape is a very smart long-term investment in your body. Hand And Forearm Exercises teaches you a full set of hand strengthening exercises, complete with pictures and detailed descriptions to ensure proper form. These are interesting and effective exercise which are also quite convenient?most require either common household objects or no equipment at all. If your interested in getting to the next level of hand strength for any reason?whether your trying to create an advantage in athletic competition, or just trying to keep your hands healthy and strong?this book will get you there. Pick up a physical or digital copy today, and get started.

Training for Climbing

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Drawing on new research in sports medicine, nutrition, and fitness, this book offers a training program to help any climber achieve superior performance and better mental concentration on the rock, with less risk of injury.


Book Description

NATIONAL BESTSELLER • Transform your body and mind with the definitive guide to building peak strength, endurance, and speed, from the five-time CrossFit Games champion and Fittest Man on Earth No matter your level of fitness, no matter if you’ve never attempted CrossFit before, this book is your total training manual. Mat Fraser is undisputedly the fittest man in CrossFit history for winning the CrossFit Games an unprecedented five times. A student of engineering, Fraser optimized his body like a machine, and his absolute dedication to the training program he designed for himself is now legendary. For years, every single decision he made was weighed against the question: "Will this help me win?" If the answer was no, he didn't do it. If it would give him even the slightest edge or advantage, he would—no matter the cost. Fraser became a master of identifying his weaknesses and then seeking out training methods to improve them, and he's idolized in the fitness community for his relentless pursuit of peak performance. It's not hard to see why he achieved so much success—but how is a different question. Throughout his career, Fraser has been highly guarded about his specific training techniques (after all, sharing them would not help him win the CrossFit Games). But with his recent retirement from competition, Fraser is finally ready to open up about his path to the podium. HWPO reveals the workouts, training hacks, eating plans, and mental strategies that have helped make him a champion. It's an incredible resource of elite training strategies, illustrated workouts, and motivational stories, and it's a glimpse into the mind of one of the world's greatest athletes.

How to Develop a Powerful Grip

Book Description

"To exert your gripping powers you have to bring your mental powers into play. You may perform free exercises until the cows come home with little benefit to your health, strength or muscularity if your mind is wandering from the thoughts of breakfast to your best girl, for it is only when you focus your full attention to the muscles being used that the work becomes strenuous and result-getting. Attempt to pick up a weight from the floor, one just within your compass, and you will find that unless you bring your full powers to bear on the job in hand, you will not succeed in raising it an inch. You have to give your full and undivided attention to the task of raising the weight; otherwise you will fail. We therefore see that the practice of exercises calculated to augment one's gripping powers must of necessity improve and strengthen one's Power of Will with untold benefits to one's whole career". - Edward Aston Visit our website and see our many books at

Convict Conditioning 2

Book Description

Foreword The Many Roads to Strength by Brooks Kubik III Opening Salvo: Chewing Bubblegum and Kicking Ass V 1. Introduction: Put Yourself Behind Bars VII PART I: SHOTGUN MUSCLE Hands and Forearms 2: Iron Hands and Forearms: Ultimate Strength 1-with Just Two Techniques 3: The Hang Progressions: A Vice-Like Bodyweight Grip Course 15 4: Advanced Grip Torture: Explosive Power + Titanium Fingers 39 5: Fingertip Pushups: Keeping Hand Strength Balanced 47 6: Forearms into Firearms: Hand Strength 57 A Summary and a Challenge Lateral Chain 7: Lateral Chain Training: Capturing the Flag 63 8: The Clutch Flag: In Eight Easy Steps 71 9: The Press Flag: In Eight Not-So-Easy Steps 89 Neck and Calves 10. Bulldog Neck: Bulletproof Your Weakest Link 113 11. Calf Training: Ultimate Lower Legs-No Machines Necessary 131 PART II: BULLETPROOF JOINTS 12. Tension-Flexibility: The Lost Art of Joint Training 149 13: Stretching-the Prison Take: Flexibility, Mobility, Control 163 14. The Trifecta: Your Secret Weapon for Mobilizing Stiff, Battle-Scarred Physiques-for Life 173 15: The Bridge Hold Progressions: The Ultimate Prehab/Rehab Technique189 16: The L-Hold Progressions: Cure Bad Hips and Low Back-Inside-Out 211 17: Twist Progressions: Unleash Your Functional Triad 225 PART III: WISDOM FROM CELLBLOCK G 18. Doing Time Right: Living the Straight Edge 225 19. The Prison Diet: Nutrition and Fat Loss Behind Bars 237 20. Mendin' Up: The 8 Laws of Healing 253 21. The Mind: Escaping the True Prison 271 !BONUS CHAPTER! Pumpin' Iron in Prison: Myths, Muscle and Misconceptions 285