Development And Crisis In Brazil, 1930-1983

Book Description

In this first English-language edition of a book that has seen thirteen printings in Brazil, Dr. Bresser Pereira analyzes Brazil's economy and politics from 1930, when the Brazilian industrial revolution began, up to July 1983. First addressing the period of strong development in Brazil between 1930 and 1961, he discusses at length the import-substitution model of industrialization; the emergence of new classes—industrialists, industrial workers, and especially the new technobureaucratic middle classes; the conflict between the traditional agrarian ideologies of coffee planters and the nationalistic and industrializing ideologies of the new classes; and the new realities of the 1950s that led to the crisis of the populist alliance between the industrial bourgeoisie and the workers. Next he explores the economic and political crisis of the sixties, centering on the Revolution of 1964, when an industrialized and fully capitalist— but still underdeveloped—Brazil experienced the cyclical movements of capitalism. The final chapters of the book examine the Brazilian "miracle" of 1967-1973, the economic slowdown of the 1970s that culminated in the severe recession of 1981, the dialectics between the process of abertura led by the military regime established in 1964 and the redemocratization process demanded by civil society, and the "total crisis of 1983."

Crisis and Social Regression in Brazil

Book Description

This is the first book published in English to present a concise but panoramic overview of the social, economic and political roots of the current Brazilian crisis. By situating former president Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment in the wider context of the historical struggle for social rights, citizenship and democracy in the country, the book provides a conceptual framework that will allow foreign readers to better understand the apparent contradiction of a rising regional power that all of a sudden entered in one of the worst economic, social and political crisis of its history. This book will be of interest to a wide range of social scientists (such as sociologists, economists, historians and political scientists) interested in labor and citizenship issues in developing countries like Brazil, as well as for social agents (from the public and private spheres) with practical involvement with such issues, such as trade unionists, leaders and advisors of business organizations, policy-makers, politicians, NGO activists and technicians.

Politics in Brazil, 1930-1964

Book Description

This book follows three decades of democratic experimentation--and the rise and fall of constitutional government--in Brazil. Beginning with Getulio Vargas' fifteen-year rule and ending with the coup d'etat that ousted President Joao Goulart from office in 1964, Skidmore sets political events in the context of social and economic factors to show how the problems posed by economic expansion, an unfavorable trade balance, inequitable land distribution, and shifting political power have profoundly affected Brazil's growth and stability.

Industrialisation in the Non-Western World

Book Description

This new edition is fully updated and revised, incorporating the massive changes in the USSR and China in the 1980's. It offers a series of case-studies charting the progress and assessing the achievement of six industrializing countries outside the Western World. It covers the whole range of economic approaches, from those depending wholly on market forces to those that are completely planned.

Rethinking The Third World

Book Description

First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Economic Reforms in New Democracies

Book Description

A 1993 assessment of differing experiences of the transition to democracy in the countries of Southern Europe, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

Ideas and Armaments

Book Description

In the short space of 20 years, Brazil emerged from relative technological backwardness to become a major exporter of tanks, rockets and aircraft. This book examines the various ideologies, strategies and conflicts of Brazil's military leaders of the period that lay behind this phenomemon. Building upon two schools of thought, this book explains the phenomenal emergence of the Brazilian arms industry. The first school of thought attributes its success to the implementation of the National Security Doctrine by many of Brazil's leading officers. The other attributes the success to the pursuit of the corporate interests of the military. A discussion both of the articulated ideology found in the National Security Doctrine, and the corporate ideology of the Brazilian military, set against the development of governmental policy and factional in-fighting among groups of officers, will reveal that neither of these theories alone provide an adequate explanation. A third element, the corporate ideology of the civilian technicos, must also be taken into account.

From Developmentalism to Neoliberalism

Book Description

This book studies the experiences of Brazil and India, the major economic powerhouses of the 21st century, during the neoliberal era. Both the nations have become important players in global markets and their economic performance has captured the attention of policymakers and academicians across the world. The book explores the patterns of growth and the changing status of human development in the two regions, since the 1980s. In an attempt to better grasp the subtleties of their developmental experiences, it also highlights the political and institutional dynamics that have under girded the liberalization of the two countries.