Continuous Evaluation of In-service Highway Safety Feature Performance

Book Description

This report documents the research effort, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of a study to develop a program for the continuous in-service evaluation of highway safety features. The study consisted of two phases and eight tasks. An in-service evaluation program was developed.

Roadside Design Guide

Book Description

MASH Evaluation of TxDOT Roadside Safety Features

Book Description

In 2009, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) published the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH), which supersedes the previous crash test and evaluation guidelines. A MASH implementation agreement was jointly developed and adopted by the Federal Highway Administration and AASHTO. It establishes implementation dates for different categories of roadside safety features. Texas Department of Transportation Bridge, Design, Maintenance, and Traffic Operations Divisions reviewed their standards for roadside safety devices and identified those devices that require testing and evaluation to assess MASH compliance. Under this project, roadside safety systems used in Texas will be crash-tested in accordance with MASH criteria in three phases over a 3-year period. A total of 10 devices were tested and evaluated during Phase I. In Phase II, an additional 14 devices were tested and evaluated. In Phase III, which is the subject of this report, an additional 14 devices were tested and evaluated. This report documents the crash testing and evaluation of these devices in accordance with MASH criteria. The critical configurations were identified and critical tests performed to assess MASH compliance.

Roadside Design Guide

Book Description

"The Roadside Design Guide presents a synthesis of current information and operating practices related to roadside safety and is written in dual units-metric and U.S. Customary. This book is a guide. It is not a standard, nor is it a design policy. It is intended to use as a resource document from which individual highway agencies can develop standards and policies. Although much of the material in the guide can be considered universal in its application, several recommendations are subjective in nature and may need modification to fit local conditions. However, it is important that significant deviations from the guide be based on operational experience and objective analysis. The 2011 edition of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide has been updated to include hardware that has met the evaluation criteria contained in the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 350: Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features and begins to detail the most current evaluation criteria contained under the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware, 2009 (MASH). For the most part, roadside hardware tested and accepted under older guidelines that are no longer applicable has not been excluded in this edition." -- AASHTO website.

Developing an In-service Performance Evaluation (ISPE) for Roadside Safety Features in Texas

Book Description

Current methodologies for the in-service performance evaluation (ISPE) of roadside safety features are not viable and practical for all state departments of transportation. The research team developed an ISPE process that is sensitive to the data and resource constraints of Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The following methodology was used to develop The TxDOT-ISPE process: identify the objectives of the ISPE, estimate expected extent of data collection, evaluate existing DOT procedures and organizational structure, identify features to be included in the ISPE, develop framework for an ideal ISPE, identify system constraints within the DOT, identify alternative methodologies and data sources for the ISPE, design DOT-specific ISPE process, design and conduct a pilot test of the ISPE, evaluate the data collection methodology and data quality during the pilot test, and recommend an ISPE process for TxDOT.

Severity Indices for Roadside Features

Book Description

This synthesis will be of interest to highway administrators, safety officials, design engineers, traffic engineers, and analysts who are concerned with improving highway safety. Severity indices, which serve as indicators of the expected injury consequences of a crash, are an integral part of the analysis of proposed roadside safety improvements. Severity indices that have been developed by many states and research agencies are described, as are the issues associated with developing the values, and applying and evaluating the indices. The history of severity indices, the issues associated with estimating accident severity and associated costs, and the range of indices that have been developed are described. This publication of the Transportation Research Board also discusses the relationship of accident severity indices with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Roadside Design Guide and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) ROADSIDE computer program. While research since the 1960s has sought to quantify severity indices for a range of object types and impact conditions, there remains a wide variation in the values from which analysts may choose when performing cost effectiveness evaluations.

Roadside Safety Features and Hydraulic, Hydrology, and Water Quality Issues

Book Description

Transportation Research Record contains the following papers: Evaluation of portable concrete barriers using finite element simulation (Marzougi, D, Bahouth, G, Eskandarian, A, Meczkowski and Taylor, H); Impact performance of the G4(1W) and G4(2W) guardrail systems : comparison under NCHRP report 350 test 3-11 conditions (Plaxico, CA, Ray, MH and Hiranmayee, K); Long-span guardrail system for culvert applications (Faller, RK, Sicking, DL, Polivka, KA, Rohde, JR and Bielenberg, BW); Transitions from guardrail to bridge rail that meet safety performance requirements (Buth, CE, Menges, WL, and Bligh, RP); Performance of breakaway cable and modified eccentric loader terminals in Iowa and North Carolina : in-service evaluation (Ray, MH and Hopp, JA); Safety effectiveness of upgrading guardrail terminals to NCHRP reports 350 standards (Ray, MH); Design and development of steel breakaway posts (Sicking, DL, Rohde, JR and Reid, JD); Evaluating human risk in side impact collisions with roadside objects (Ray, MH and Hiranmayee, K); In-service, performance-based roadside design policy : preliminary insights from Washington State's bridge rail study (Shankar, VN, Albin, RB, Milton, JC and Nebergall, M); Test level 4 bridge rails (Buth, CE, Menges, WL and Williams, WF); Estimation of time of concentration for Maryland streams (Thomas, WO, Monde, MC and Davis, SR); Temporal variations in heavy metal partitioning and loading in urban highway pavement sheet flow : implications for in situ treatment design (Sansalone, JJ and Glenn, DW); California Department of Transportation statewide storm water management program (Johnston, J, Yamaguchi, H and Frankel, A).