Development and Status of the Evaluated Nuclear Data File ENDF/B.

Book Description

From IAEA conference on physics of fast reactors; Tokyo, Japan (16 Oct 1973). The Evaluated Nuclear Data File is part of a system developed by the USAEC to improve the quality and facilitate the use of nuclear data in applications. The widespread use of a single, welldefined format reduces the number of schemes necessary to process information or compare alternate data sets. A network of checking codes that examine the consistency of the data sets and perform physical checks against known nuclear properties helps to ensure the reliability of the file. The basic elements of the ENDF system are described, and the organization and purposes of the Cross Section Evaluation Working Group (CSEWG) are discussed. (7 figures) (RWR).

The Status of ENDF/B-VI.

Book Description

A new version of the United States evaluated nuclear data file, ENDF/B-VI, is presently under development. Major emphasis is being placed on correcting some long-standing nuclear data problems that adversely affect applied calculations for both fission and fusion reactors. The paper reviews modifications to the formats and utility codes, outlines the evaluation activities, discusses the data testing programs, and projects a date for the unrestricted release of the new library. 27 refs., 2 tabs.

Nuclear Data for Science and Technology

Book Description

This book describes the Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology held at Jillich in May 1991. The conference was in a series of application oriented nuclear data conferences organized in the past under the auspices of the Nuclear Energy Agency-Nuclear Data Committee (NEANDC) and with the support of the Nuclear Energy Agency-Committee on Reactor Physics (NEACRP). It was the fIrst international conference on nuclear data held in Germany, with the scientific responsibility entrusted to the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry of the Research Centre Jillich. The scientific programme was established by the International Programme Committee in consultation with the International Advisers, and the NEA and IAEA cooperated in the organization. A total of 328 persons from 37 countries and fIve international organizations participated. The scope of these Proceedings extends to a wide range of interdisciplinary topics dealing with measu rement, calculation, evaluation and application of nuclear data, with a major emphasis on numerical data. Both energy and non-energy related applications are considered and due attention is given to some fundamental aspects relevant to the understanding of nuclear data.

The Status of ENDF

Book Description

A new version of the United States evaluated nuclear data file, ENDF/B-VI, is presently under development. Major emphasis is being placed on correcting some long-standing nuclear data problems that adversely affect applied calculations for both fission and fusion reactors. The paper reviews modifications to the formats and utility codes, outlines the evaluation activities, discusses the data testing programs, and projects a date for the unrestricted release of the new library. 27 refs., 2 tabs.

Release of the ENDF/B-VII. 1 Evaluated Nuclear Data File

Book Description

The Cross Section Evaluation Working Group (CSEWG) released the ENDF/B-VII. 1 library on December 22, 2011. The ENDF/B-VII. 1 library is CSEWG's latest recommended evaluated nuclear data file for use in nuclear science and technology applications, and incorporates advances made in the five years since the release of ENDF/B-VII.0, including: many new evaluation in the neutron sublibrary (423 in all and over 190 of these contain covariances), new fission product yields and a greatly improved decay data sublibrary. This summary barely touches on the five years worth of advances present in the ENDF/B-VII. 1 library. We expect that these changes will lead to improved integral performance in reactors and other applications. Furthermore, the expansion of covariance data in this release will allow for better uncertainty quantification, reducing design margins and costs. The ENDF library is an ongoing and evolving effort. Currently, the ENDF data community embarking on several parallel efforts to improve library management: (1) The adoption of a continuous integration system to provide evaluators 'instant' feedback on the quality of their evaluations and to provide data users with working 'beta' quality libraries in between major releases. (2) The transition to new hierarchical data format - the Generalized Nuclear Data (GND) format. We expect GND to enable new kinds of evaluated data which cannot be accommodated in the legacy ENDF format. (3) The development of data assimilation and uncertainty propagation techniques to enable the consistent use of integral experimental data in the evaluation process.

Evaluated Nuclear Data File ENDF

Book Description

For the past 25 years, the United States Department of Energy has sponsored a cooperative program among its laboratories, contractors and university research programs to produce an evaluated nuclear data library which would be application independent and universally accepted. The product of this cooperative activity is the ENDF/B evaluated nuclear data file. After approximately eight years of development, a new version of the data file, ENDF/B-VI has been released. The essential features of this evaluated data library are described in this paper. 7 refs.

The Status of Nuclear Data Evaluations for Version VI of ENDF

Book Description

A new version of the United States national evaluated nuclear data file, ENDF/B-VI, is nearing completion. Major emphasis is being placed on correcting some long-standing nuclear data problems that adversely affect applied calculations for fission and fusion reactors. This paper reviews some of the evaluation activities of most revelance for fission reactor applications, namely, those involving control, cooling, and shielding materials, structural elements, and the major actinides. Additionally, because of its impact on all the data, work on the Standards Data File for Version VI is also summarized.