Wild Turkeys in Texas

Book Description

The wild turkey is an iconic game bird with a long history of association with humans. Texas boasts the largest wild turkey population in the country. It is the only state where one can find native populations of three of the five subspecies of wild turkeys—the Eastern wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris), the Rio Grande wild turkey (M. g. intermedia), and the Merriam’s wild turkey (M. g. merriami). Bringing together experts on game birds and land management in the state, this is the first book in Texas to synthesize the most current information about ecology and management focused exclusively on these three subspecies. Wild Turkeys in Texas addresses important aspects of wild turkey ecology and management in Texas, but its principles are applicable anywhere Eastern, Rio Grande, or Merriam’s turkeys exist. This book marks the continuation of one of the biggest success stories in the research, restoration, and management of the wild turkey in North America.

GIS-based Multiple Scale Study of Rio Grande Wild Turkey Habitat in the Edwards Plateau of Texas

Book Description

Rio Grande wild turkey (RGWT) abundance in portions of the Edwards Plateau has declined steadily since the late 1970s as compared to other areas of the Edwards Plateau where populations have exhibited no trend. The reasons for this decline remain unclear. Possible factors include changes in habitat, and increased human population. The overall objective of this study was to identify landscape changes and habitat characteristics that affect RGWT populations using spatial analysis and modeling at multiple spatial scales. Specific objectives for this study included the quantification of flood-induced landscape changes between 1972 and 1995 along the Medina River bottomlands and their impact on RGWT habitat, the quantification of landscape characteristics of stable and declining study sites in the Edwards Plateau, and the development and evaluation of a GIS-based habitat-suitability model for female RGWTs during the breeding season that will allow the assessment of the spatial distribution of adequate habitat in the Edwards Plateau. The analysis of the landscape characteristics along the North Prong Medina River due to flooding in 1978 had a negative impact on RGWT habitat. Changes in the spatial distribution of woody cover in the bottomlands and the removal of woody cover along riparian zones most likely limited habitat use and dispersal of RGWT along the North Prong Medina River. The analysis of landscape characteristics in sites with stable and declining of RGWTs populations showed that disturbance and a high proportion of woody cover were important factors influencing RGWT populations in areas where turkey numbers had declined. Landscape attributes were used as habitat variables to develop a habitat-suitability model for female RGWTs during the breeding season. The model performed well in characterizing high-suitability habitat for adult female RGWT during the breeding season in the study areas. The use of two scales relevant to RGWT provided important information about the high-suitability areas for female RGWT in stable and declining sites in the Edwards Plateau.

Estimating Distribution and Abundance of Rio Grande Wild Turkeys in South Texas

Book Description

Sustainable management of wildlife populations relies on accurate estimates of population size as harvest recommendations are dependent on estimates of sustainable surplus. Techniques for surveying wild turkey populations in Texas are constrained by land access issues, requiring that new methods be developed for population monitoring. I evaluated a combined approach using patch-occupancy modeling at broad spatial scales and intensive double observer roost surveys at local scales to estimate Rio Grande wild turkey (Meleagris gallapavo intermedia) distribution and abundance. I flew replicated aerial surveys during 2007 and 2008 to evaluate distribution of Rio Grande wild turkeys in the south Texas Coastal Sand Plains. I used a double observer approach to estimate local scale abundance. I used a single observer approach to estimate temporal variation in roost use. Detection probabilities from aerial surveys ranged between 0.24 (SE = 0.031) and 0.30 (SE = 0.083). Spatial parameters that influenced distribution of wild turkeys included size of suitable roosting habitat patches and distance to the nearest suitable roosting habitat. I conducted 100 inter-patch double observer roost counts, with counts ranging between 0 to 183 individuals. Average detection probabilities for observers were ~0.90. Roost level occupancy was ~0.84 with detection probabilities between 0.69 (SE = 0.107) and 0.79 (SE = 0.091). Based on my results, aerial surveys combined with local abundance estimation may be one viable alternative to monitor turkey populations over large spatial scales, by reducing overall survey effort without loss of estimated precision.

Estimating Rio Grande Wild Turkey Densities in Texas

Book Description

Rio Grande wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) are a highly mobile, wide ranging, and secretive species located throughout the arid regions of Texas. As a result of declines in turkey abundance within the Edwards Plateau and other areas, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department initiated a study to evaluate methods for estimating Rio Grande wild turkey abundance. Unbiased methods for determining wild turkey abundance have long been desired, and although several different methods have been examined few have been successful. The study objectives were to: (1) review current and past methods for estimating turkey abundance, (2) evaluate the use of portable thermal imagers to estimate roosting wild turkeys in three ecoregions, and (3) determine the effectiveness of distance sampling from the air and ground to estimate wild turkey densities in the Edwards Plateau Ecoregion of Texas. Based on the literature review and the decision matrix, I determined two methods for field evaluation (i.e., infrared camera for detecting roosting turkeys and distance sample from the air and ground). I conducted eight ground and aerial forward-looking infrared (FLIR) surveys (4 Edwards Plateau, 3 Rolling Plains, and 1 Gulf Prairies and Marshes) of roost sites during the study. In the three regions evaluated, I was unable to aerially detect roosting turkeys using the portable infrared camera due to altitudinal restrictions required for safe helicopter flight and lack of thermal contrast. A total of 560 km of aerial transects and 10 (800 km) road based transects also were conducted in the Edwards Plateau but neither method yielded a sufficient sample size to generate an unbiased estimate of the turkey abundance. Aerial and ground distance sampling and aerial FLIR surveys were limited by terrain and dense vegetation and a lack of thermal contrast, respectively. Study results suggest aerial FLIR and ground applications to estimate Rio Grande wild turkeys are of limited value in Texas. In my opinion, a method for estimating Rio Grande wild turkey densities on a regional scale does not currently exist. Therefore, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department should reconsider estimating trends or using indices to monitor turkey numbers on a regional scale.