Development of Ultraviolet Photodissociation Mass Spectrometry Strategies for the Characterization of Biomolecular Structure

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Ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD) is an alternative high-energy ion activation technique implemented to produce information rich tandem mass spectra. Dissociation of biomolecules by UVPD results in structure dependent fragmentation to reveal molecular details that are otherwise undiscernible by traditional tandem mass spectrometry techniques, providing an avenue to rapidly interrogate the structure-function relationship of biologically relevant species. Applied to glycerophospholipids, UVPD is capable of resolving locations of unsaturation and stereospecific numbering of acyl chains, subtle structural features that are traditionally challenging to resolve. In the analysis of intact proteins, UVPD produces excellent sequence coverage that can pinpoint sites of post translational modifications, while providing conformation sensitive fragmentation that also informs changes in higher-order structure that occur upon ligand binding or mutations. Studies covered in this work extend the unique capabilities of UVPD to characterize increasingly complex molecules, explore associations between UVPD resolved structure and disease, and develop an understanding of dissociation mechanisms that govern fragmentation induced by 193 nm photons. Here, the high versatility of this technique was applied to the detailed structural characterization of cardiolipins at the double bond and stereochemistry level by utilizing hybrid techniques that combine collisional activation with UVPD; similarly, UVPD was integrated to both imaging and chromatographic workflows to evaluate fatty acid structure and phosphatidylcholine structure, respectively, as a function of disease state; furthermore, fragmentation of intact proteins was evaluated to discern mechanisms that influence photon-induced dissociation and leveraged to assign paratopes and interpret complex top-down spectra of proteins with disulfide bonds

Development of Ultraviolet Photodissociation Based Tandem Mass Spectrometry Methods for the Characterization of Protein Macromolecular Structures and Glycolipids

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Photon-based tandem mass spectrometry provides a versatile ion activation strategy for the analysis of polypeptides, proteins, and lipids. 351-nm ultraviolet photodissociation mass spectrometry (UVPD-MS) is a facile and selective tandem dissociation technique used to elucidate chromophore-modified peptides within large mixtures. A bis-aryl chromogenic chemical probe was utilized to target solvent exposed primary amine residues within native protein states. Collision-induced dissociation (CID) was employed to indiscriminatly characterize the complete proteolytic digest while chromophore containing peptides were selectively dissociated with 351-nm UVPD; thus streamlining the identification of targeted peptides with structurally informative residues. Protein amine residue reactivities were then compared with predicted solvent exposures to elucidate protein tertiary structures, their mechanistic properties, and ligand-binding interactions. High-energy 193-nm UVPD is a fast, high-energy tandem mass spectrometry method and frequently generates fragment ions typically inaccessible to CID-based methods. Native mass spectrometry was coupled to top-down 193-nm UVPD for the gas phase characterization of non-covalent protein-ligand and protein-protein complexes. This method yielded a unique array of fragment ions for a comprehensive analysis of protein structures. UVPD of non-covalent complexes generated many polypeptide backbone fragments to characterize the primary sequence of proteins. Furthermore, top-down UVPD engendered cleavages with intact electrostatic interactions; this provided insight into the binding interfaces within protein-ligand complexes and the higher order structural architectures of oligomeric complexes. High-resolution 193-nm UVPD was paired with high performance liquid chromatography (LC) for the streamlined structural analysis of amphiphilic glycolipids within complex mixtures. For all glycolipids, UVPD provided the most comprehensive structural analysis tool by affording a diverse array of fragment ions to characterize both hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties. UVPD based LC-MS separations of gangliosides shed light on the ceramide lipid bases, glycan moieties, and their isobaric structural variants. UVPD activation of lipid A and lipooligosaccharides (LOS) compounds generated a mixture of C-C, C-O, and C-N fragment ions to illustrate the hydrophobic acyl structures, while cleavages within the glycosidic, and cross-ring cleavages allowed the determination of acylation patterns. Novel LC-MS separation strategies were developed to elucidate and structurally characterize complex mixtures of lipopolysaccharide containing compounds.

Development and Application of Methods Towards the Structural Characterization of Gas-phase Biomolecular Assemblies

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The utility of ultraviolet photodissociation mass spectrometry (UVPD-MS) in native MS approaches, including ion mobility spectrometry (IMS), for protein complexes is described in this dissertation. A modular drift tube demonstrated suitability for measuring collision cross sections (CCSs) of native-like ions on an Orbitrap mass spectrometer with high resolution using acquisition times as short as one minute. This IMS method is used throughout this dissertation for measurement of native-like and disordered structures. A fundamental study for determining the charge-dependent behavior of UVPD for protein complexes was evaluated using the homomeric Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase dimer, streptavidin tetramer, transthyretin tetramer, and C reactive protein pentamer as well as the heteromeric hemoglobin tetramer. A wide range of charge states were irradiated with 193 nm photons resulting in asymmetric charge partitioning of subcomplexes at lower energies (0.5 to 1.5 mJ/pulse) and symmetric dissociation at higher energies (1.5 to 3.0 mJ/pulse). The ability to access both of these competing dissociation pathways is unique to UVPD and contributes to the vast array of sequence ions and enhanced sequence coverage for protein complexes not obtained by any other activation method. With its ability to generate useful sequence information, UVPD was employed to study an intrinsically disordered protein, a set of asymmetric and symmetric trimers, and three membrane protein complexes. The vast population of structures adopted by the intrinsically disordered protein, high mobility group protein AT-hook 2 (HMGA2), was characterized using UVPD and the probable binding location of two DNA hairpins was determined. Trimers in the tautomerase superfamily that have nearly identical secondary structures differ in their quaternary arrangements to form asymmetric and symmetric homooligomers. In combination with collision-induced unfolding, UVPD proved capable of differentiating the two structures owing to the preservation of noncovalent interactions in the gas phase. Aquaporin z (AqpZ), mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL), and the E. coli ammonia channel (AmtB) comprise the membrane protein complexes studied herein. UVPD of these complexes resulted in unprecedented levels of characterization with backbone cleavages demonstrating no significant influence from the hydrophobicity of the residues or the mobile proton-directed cleavages, which contrasts reports using electron- and collision-based dissociation methods, respectively. UVPD has also proven effective for localizing phosphorylated residues along the C-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II, shedding light on the CTD code that mediates transcription regulation.

Development of Top-down Mass Spectrometry Methods for Structural Characterization of Protein Macromolecules Utilizing 193nm Ultraviolet Photodissociation

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The dissertation will discuss the advancement of informative structural biology techniques utilizing a top-down centric workflow with 193nm ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD) mass spectrometry. Native electrospray ionization is used to transport proteins to the gas phase in a native-like state, then UVPD is used for structural characterization to reveal ligand binding sites within a protein-ligand complex as well as detect conformational changes based upon the suppression or enhancement of backbone cleavages. Conformational changes induced by ligand exchange or removal and single amino acid mutations as well as combinations of the two (ligands and mutations) are investigated. The rich fragmentation patterns of UVPD are also used for structural characterization of crosslinked proteins. Typically these crosslinking experiments are performed by bottom-up mass spectrometry with has significant shortcomings. The main drawback is the need for proteolysis which cuts proteins into small peptides, thus increasing the complexity of the samples and its subsequent analysis. Additionally this proteolysis step loses the post-translation modification information or amino acid mutations that may be driving a specific protein-protein interaction. Top-down methods avoid protein digestion and thus are used to directly evaluate the protein interactions or protein complexes. These two methodologies will bring the mass spectrometry and structural biology community a step closer to the realization of high-throughput structural biology for proteins and their interactions with other proteins and small molecules.

Leveraging Native Mass Spectrometry and 193 Nm Ultraviolet Photodissociation as Structural Biology Tools

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Structural biology studies aimed at the elucidation of protein-dependent disease mechanisms have traditionally relied on high-resolution techniques, including X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance, and cryogenic electron microscopy. While such methodologies remain standard for gaining information on the core structure of proteins, specific drawbacks including time or large sample quantities associated with these approaches have spawned the development of other pipelines. Mass spectrometry (MS) is one such tool that has gained traction as a rapid and sensitive low-resolution structural biology technique. Routinely protein complexes of interest are reacted in solution with covalent chemical probes to preserve structural information prior to enzymatic digestion and mass spectrometric read-out. However, with the advent of native MS, protein complexes can now be efficiently transferred intact into the gas phase using high ionic strength solutions while retaining structures reminiscent of their solution conformations, and directly interrogated using MS/MS methods. Ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD) is one such ion activation method that has been extensively developed to break apart protein complexes in a manner that allows conclusions about structure to be drawn based on the fragmentation behavior. The work presented here leverages native mass spectrometry in conjunction with 193 nm UVPD to probe a variety of biologically important protein-ligand and protein-protein complexes. The utility in a native UVPD-MS approach for structural examination of protein-ligand complexes is demonstrated through characterization of conformational changes associated with the catalytic cycle of a phosphotransferase enzyme as well as elucidation of structural changes resulting from mutation or inhibition of an enzyme responsible for conferring antibiotic resistance to bacteria. An oncogenic protein and several clinical variants bound to a downstream effector protein provides an example of the capabilities of native MS and UVPD to characterize the structure of a protein-protein complex. Native UVPD-MS is also used for epitope mapping of the main antigenic determinant of the influenza virus. Aimed at improving analysis of larger complexes, multistage native UVPD-MS is developed to probe the structure of a protein implicated in chemotherapeutic resistance in glioblastoma tumors. Lastly, uniting on-line capillary electrophoresis (CE) with multistage native UVPD-MS offers a high-throughput workflow for structural characterization of ribosomal protein complexes

Structural Characterization of Complex Biological Systems Via Ultraviolet Photodissociation Mass Spectrometry

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The work detailed in this dissertation describes the advantages that 193 nm ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD) affords for characterization of structurally complex biological molecules as compared to traditional ion activation techniques, such as collisional or electron-based dissociation, for mass spectrometry. UVPD, either alone or in tandem with collisional activation such as collision induced dissociation (CID), consistently provides more extensive structural information about biomolecules. One such system where the utility of both UVPD and CID was employed was in the structural characterization of lipid A species. Lipid A, the innermost structural component of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) which decorate the surface of Gram-negative bacteria, may undergo covalent modifications in order to provide resistance to antibiotics. By utilizing a combinatorial approach, CID is able to characterize the covalent modifications that are present while UVPD is able to elucidate which side of the molecule (reducing or nonreducing end) undergoes the modification through selective fragmentation of the diglucosamine backbone. This approach confirmed the presence of aminoarabinose modification present on the LPS of A. baumannii after exposure to the antibiotic polymyxin B. Another instance of utilizing the power of both photodissociation and collisional activation was in the characterization of oligosaccharide molecules from LPS of E. coli. These biomolecules are typically heavily phosphorylated near the reducing end of the saccharide backbone, and as such, collisional activation produces fragment ions originated from cleavages localized near the phosphate sites. UVPD of the oligosaccharides produces a plethora of diagnostic fragment ions throughout the molecule, but this often leads to spectral congestion and ambiguous fragment assignment. UVPD generates charge-reduced precursor ions that can be subjected to subsequent collisional activation in a MS3 event, allowing complete characterization significantly fewer confounding product ions as compared to UVPD alone. Another hallmark of UVPD is its fast, high energy deposition that causes cleavage of covalent bonds while allowing survival of non-covalent interactions. This characteristic allows electrostatic interactions to be mapped in non-covalent complexes, unlike the collisional activation which preferentially cleaves weak non-covalent interactions owing to the stepwise nature of collisional activation. In this work, it is demonstrated that UVPD of the electrostatic complex between a cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMP) and Kdo2-lipid A illuminates, through the production of diagnostic holo peptide fragment ions retaining the intact mass of the lipid A species, which amino acids in the peptide sequence are responsible for mediating the interaction between the two molecules in the gas phase. In contrast, collisional activation of the electrostatic complex between the two species simply results in the disruption of the network of non-covalent interactions, only yielding apo peptide product ions. In the same vein, this notion of retention of electrostatic interactions post-photodissociation was employed to interrogate where metal ions were sequestered in proteins. UVPD has previously been touted as a means to determine the binding location of ligands (such as drug molecules) to proteins after transporting the protein-ligand complexes to the gas-phase by native ESI. This methodology was extended to determine the binding location of metal ions (such as calcium, copper, silver, and praseodymium, to name a few) to proteins. The binding sites of calcium (II) and a series of lanthanide (III) ions were successfully determined for staphylococcal nuclease, the binding sites of silver (I) and copper (II) were determined for azurin, and multiple binding sites for calcium (II) and select lanthanides (III) were determined for calmodulin, all agreeing with reported crystal structure data. These are but only a few examples of the utility of UVPD as an alternative to ion activation in the gas phase. The unprecedented characterization of ions by UVPD, regardless of polarity, number of charges, size of the molecule, or molecular interactions present, suggests that there are many other potential applications of UVPD in the future

Advanced Fragmentation Methods in Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry

Book Description

Breaking down large biomolecules into fragments in a controlled manner is key to modern biomolecular mass spectrometry. This book is a high-level introduction, as well as a reference work for experienced users, to ECD, ETD, EDD, NETD, UVPD, SID, and other advanced fragmentation methods. It provides a comprehensive overview of their history, mechanisms, instrumentation, and key applications. With contributions from leading experts, this book will act as an authoritative guide to these methods. Aimed at postgraduate and professional researchers, mainly in academia, but also in industry, it can be used as supplementary reading for advanced students on mass spectrometry or analytical (bio)chemistry courses.

Mass Spectrometry-based Strategies for Biomolecular Structure Analysis

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Mass spectrometry is an important method for studying the structure of both small molecules and large biomolecules (e.g., proteins). The majority of the applications prior to 1970 were focused on small molecules, owing to the limited ionization methods which posed difficulties in producing gas-phase ions for large biomolecules then. Beginning in the 1980's, with the introduction of new ionization methods (ESI and MALDI), the applications have gradually switched to biological science measuring large bioorganic molecules. Today, with the developing interest in metabolomics and proteomics, and ongoing improvement in MS-based techniques, mass spectrometry is extensively applied in the study of both small and large molecules. The research presented in this thesis falls into two main parts, which focus on the application of MS in (1) structural analysis of steroid metabolites and (2) characterization of protein-protein interactions. In the first part, combinations of different MS methods are adopted and used to solve the structures of unknown steroid metabolites, which are the pheromones responsible for mouse communication in mouse urine. This part includes three chapters, the first two of which discuss the method development of using MS to study the structure of steroid metabolites; and the third chapter presents the application of the MS methods in solving a newly discovered steroid pheromone, which is determined as a sex-specific hormone. In the second part, two MS-based strategies, namely, hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDX) and fast photochemical oxidation of proteins (FPOP), are applied in two studies of protein-protein interactions, including: (1) dimerization of SecA, which is a motor protein in bacteria translocation pathway; and (2) interface mapping of EGFR binding to Adnectin1. In the first chapter in Part 2, we used HDX MS to characterize the dimer interface of SecA, and, meanwhile, detected a conformational change from open to closed forms at the pre-protein binding domain upon dimerization. This conformational change provided leads for the active form of SecA. In the second chapter in Part 2, we applied FPOP, which is modified to suit therapeutic protein formulation conditions, to map the epitope of Adnectin1-EGFR interaction at amino acid residue level. The epitope identified agrees with that from both HDX study and crystallography results, presenting more evidence of the capability of FPOP in epitope mapping. These five studies on characterization of steroid metabolites and protein-protein interactions show the successful application of mass spectrometry in the structural study of both small molecules and large proteins. Furthermore, there's a great potential for study of more complex systems.

Development of Photodissociation Methods for Biomolecule Analysis in a Quadupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer

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Photodissociation methods have been implemented and compared to collision-induced dissociation (CID) in a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer for the structural analysis of peptides, proteins, oligosaccharides, DNA and DNA/drug complexes. Infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) was applied to N-terminally sulfonated peptides which offers efficient photo-fragmentation and detection of important low m/z fragments in comparison to CID. Upon IRMPD of these modified peptides a simplified MS/MS spectrum comprised of only characteristic y ions allows for better identification through de novo software analysis. Oligonucleotides can undergo highly efficient IRMPD due to the phosphate moiety located on along their backbone structure which yields excellent photon absorption at [lambda] = 10.6 [mu]m. IRMPD fragmentation pathways of DNA and DNA/drug complexes were shown to be comparable to CID, yielding cleavage at the [w / (a - B)] bond, except IRMPD allows for significantly improved MS/MS sensitivity through the secondary dissociation of uninformative duplex base losses which can further dissociate into useful fragment ions for sequencing. Ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD) has been applied to chromophorederivatized peptides and oligosaccharides which retains the advantages associated with IRMPD, but also has additional benefits due to the greater energy per photon at 355 nm (3.5 eV / photon) in comparison to 10.6 [mu]m (0.12 eV / photon). Primarily, UVPD provides highly efficient secondary dissociation of chromophore-containing fragments allowing for simplified MS/MS spectra of chromophore-derivatized peptides. This concept was also implemented for the characterization of branched fluorescently-labeled oligosaccharides which produces different fragment ions complementary to CID experiments. Secondly, UVPD provides an ion activation method which is independent of the bath gas helium pressure in the ion trap in contrast to CID or IRMPD permits for optimal trap performance without compromise. Coordination of a chromogenic 18-crown-6 molecule to the lysine side chain of a peptide facilitates UVPD at both 266 nm and 355 nm. Energy absorbed by the crown ether is transferred intermolecularly to the peptide via the strong hydrogen bonds which hold the complex together, resulting in activation and fragmentation of the peptide. CID or IRMPD of these crown ether/peptide complexes results only in their disassembly without peptide fragmentation.

Mass Spectrometry in Biophysics

Book Description

The first systematic summary of biophysical mass spectrometrytechniques Recent advances in mass spectrometry (MS) have pushed the frontiersof analytical chemistry into the biophysical laboratory. As aresult, the biophysical community's acceptance of MS-based methods,used to study protein higher-order structure and dynamics, hasaccelerated the expansion of biophysical MS. Despite this growing trend, until now no single text has presentedthe full array of MS-based experimental techniques and strategiesfor biophysics. Mass Spectrometry in Biophysics expertly closesthis gap in the literature. Covering the theoretical background and technical aspects of eachmethod, this much-needed reference offers an unparalleled overviewof the current state of biophysical MS. Mass Spectrometry inBiophysics begins with a helpful discussion of general biophysicalconcepts and MS-related techniques. Subsequent chaptersaddress: * Modern spectrometric hardware * High-order structure and dynamics as probed by various MS-basedmethods * Techniques used to study structure and behavior of non-nativeprotein states that become populated under denaturingconditions * Kinetic aspects of protein folding and enzyme catalysis * MS-based methods used to extract quantitative information onprotein-ligand interactions * Relation of MS-based techniques to other experimental tools * Biomolecular properties in the gas phase Fully referenced and containing a helpful appendix on the physicsof electrospray mass spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry in Biophysicsalso offers a compelling look at the current challenges facingbiomolecular MS and the potential applications that will likelyshape its future.