Book Description

The book presents the results of the joint annual conference of the four Operations Research Societies DGOR, GM\OR, \GOR and SVOR, held in Vienna in 1990. The main goal was to present practical experiences as well as theoretical results. Both aspects are covered in a balanced way. Papers cover topics from the fields Optimization, Stochastic Modells, Decision Theory and Multicriteria Decision Making, Control Theory, Mathematical Economics, Game Theory, Macroeconomics, Econometrics and Statistics, Supercomputing and Simulation, Non-linear Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Production, Logistics, Inventory and Marketing among others.


Book Description

Die schon seit einigen Jahren beobachtbare erfreuliche Tendenz, daB die Jahrestagungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fOr Operations Research zunehmend von allen Interessentengruppen . der Unternehmensforschung innerhalb sowie auBerhalb der Gesellschaft als willkommenes Forum fOr einen breiten, dabei aber zugleich auch intensiven wissenschaftlichen Meinungs- und Erfahrungsaustausch genutzt werden, hat sich auf der 9. Jahrestagung, die vom 24. bis 26. September 1980 in den Raumen der Universitat Essen durchgefOhrt wurde, fortgesetzt und weiter verstarkt. Dies zeigt sich allein schon dadurch, daB auf dieser von Ober 400 Teilnehmern besuchten 9. Jahrestagung 135 Vortrage gehalten wurden. Hinzu kamen der Eroffnungs-und der Plenarvortrag, die Hohepunkte der Tagung darstellten und fOr die ein auf nationaler Ebene renommierter Praktiker sowie ein international angesehener Wissenschaftler des Opera tions Research gewonnen werden konnten. Der hiermit vorgelegte Pro ceedings-Band, der erstmals!1" Springer-Verlag erscheint, gibt einen Oberblick Ober das wissenschaftliche Programm dieser 9. Jahrestagung. Bei der Vielzahl der eingegangenen Vortragsanmeldungen konnte - wie auch schon in den beiden Jahren zuvor - durch die Einordnung der Beitrage in 26 Sektionen eine fruchtbare Fachdiskussion zwischen Vertre tern der Hochschule und der Praxis auf den unterschiedlichen Teildiszipli nen des Operations Research ermoglicht werden. Zugleich wurde damit auch den interessierten Zuhorern ein nach bewahrten Themengebieten strukturiertes reichhaltigesAuswahlangebot gemacht, das in dieserVielfalt gerne aufgenommen worden ist. Dabei lieBen sich gemaB der inhaltlichen Bezeichnung und vortragsmaBigen Gestaltung der Sektionen zwei durch aus begrOBenswerte Entwicklungsrichtungen des Operations Research erkennen.

Molecular Biology and Evolution of Blood Group and MHC Antigens in Primates

Book Description

Zoologists have categorized primates into a single order, and no one doubts today that they share a common ancestry. Humans and Old and New World non human primate species, from the lemurs of Madagascar to the African anthro poid apes, represent diverging branches of an evolutionary common trunk. Along with species-specific characters, all primates have retained a number of ancestral traits, relics of their common origin. The comparative study of these species-specific and ancestral traits makes it possible to reconstruct the evolu tionary pathways of humans and nonhuman primates. The discovery of the human blood groups and, later, of the Major Histocom patibility Complex (MHC) had a seminal effect on the field of human genetics, providing the first sound examples of mendel ian polymorphisms. The use of blood group and MHC alleles as genetic markers in biological anthropology gen erated a conceptual revolution and persuaded researchers to begin to think in terms of populations and not only intems of typology. The counterparts of these human red and white cell antigens were found and studied in nunhuman primates, and progress in this field is summarized in this book.

Cybernetics Abstracts

Book Description

World Christian Encyclopedia: The world by segments : religions, peoples, languages, cities, topics

Book Description

The comprehensive overview of the world's largest religion in all its many versions and in both its religious and secular contexts. The Encyclopedia presents and analyzes an unmatched wealth of information about the extent, status, and characteristics of twentieth-century Christianity worldwide. It takes full account of Christianity's ecclesiastical branches, subdivisions, and denominations, and treats Christianity in relation to other faiths and the secular realm. It offers an unparalleled comparative study of churches and religions throughout the modern world. This new edition features a vast range of new and previously unpublished data on the current global situation of Christianity, on religion in general, and on the political, demographic, economic, and social characteristics of the world's cultures and peoples in 238 countries. Each volume is filled with essential information, from historical surveys of denominations to country-by-country profiles of churches and believers. The text sets the cxurrent status of Christianity into a rich historical context, and assesses current trends and future directions. Many tables, charts, diagrams, photographs, a directory of names and organizations, a glossary, index, and other features ensure accessbility for specialists and non-specialists alike. The Encyclopedia will be of great value to academics of many disciplines, clergy, administrators, and those who work in Christian and other religious organizations around the world, as well as to anyone interested in current affairs.

Clinicians' Guide to Oesophageal Diseases

Book Description

Gastro-oesophageal reflux is one of the commonest chronic medical disorders affecting the western world with nearly 10% of the population seeking medical advice at some point in their lifetime. Certainly it is by far the commonest organic dyspeptic disorder, being at least four times as common as peptic ulcer. Interest in the disorder has mushroomed in the last decade both because of easy availability of specific investigations and the development of dramatically effective medical treatment - the proton pump inhibitors - while the advent of laparoscopic fundoplication has resulted in a resurgence of interest in surgery. There is now almost universal recognition that adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus is increasing in incidence in the western world more rapidly than any other tumor. Usually it is secondary to Barrett's oesophagus, itself a result of long-standing gastro-oesophageal reflux. Thus gastro-oesophageal reflux is not always a benign disease. This book focuses particularly on clinical aspects of gastro-oesophageal reflux, but also includes sections on other common clinical oesophageal problems including motility disorders, non-cardiac chest pain, neoplasms and the place of the oesophageal laboratory in the district general hospital.