Book Description

DICCIONARIO PAIDOTRIBO DE LA ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA Y EL DEPORTE • MÁS DE 13.000 ENTRADAS DESCRIPTIVAS, CONCEPTUALES Y TEMÁTICAS SOBRE LOS SIGUIENTES TEMAS: BIOLOGÍA Y MEDICINA. Anatomía. Biomecánica. Fisiología. Fisioterapia. Higiene y primeros auxilios. Medicina deportiva. Readaptación. Rehabilitación. CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN. Aprendizaje y desarrollo motor. Didáctica de la Educación Física. Didáctica de la Educación Física Especial. Educación Física. Educación Física de Base. Pedagogía. Recreación. CIENCIAS SOCIALES. Antropología cultural. Antropología del deporte. Antropología olímpica. Sociología del deporte. Sociología del cuerpo. Psicología del deporte. Juegos y actividades lúdicas. Juegos populares. Juegos tradicionales y juegos de sociedad. CONOCIMIENTO Y EXPRESIÓN CORPORAL. Danzas. Dramatización. Expresión corporal. Lenguaje gestual. Técnicas corporales: Antigimnasia. Bioenergética. Eutonía. Gimnasia holística. Microgimnasia. Relajación. Respiración. Técnicas orientales. Taichi. Tao. Yoga. Zen. DEPORTES. DEPORTES AÉREOS: Aeroestación (globos aeroestáticos). Aeromodelismo. Ala – delta. Paracaidismo. Parapente. Vuelo sin motor. DEPORTES CON ANIMALES: Carreras de caballos. Carreras de galgos. Carreras de trotones. Cetrería. Colombicultura. Hípica. Polo. DEPORTES CON MANEJO DE INSTRUMENTOS: Badmington. Billar. Bolos. Golf. Pelota valenciana. Pelota vasca. Pesca con caña (agua dulce). Petanca. Roquetbol. Squash. Tenis. Tenis de mesa (ping – pong). DEPORTES DE COMBATE: Artes marciales. Boxeo. Esgrima. Lucha canaria. Lucha greco – romana. Lucha leonesa. Lucha libre. Lucha olimpica. Lucha sambo. Sumo. DEPORTES DE CONTROL Y PRECISIÓN: Caza deportiva. Tiro al plato. Tiro con arco. Tiro de carabina. Tiro de pichón. Tiro olímpico. DEPORTES DE EQUIPO: Baloncesto. Balonmano. Beisbol. Fútbol. Fútbol australiano. Fútbol gaélico. Hockey hielo. Hockey hierba. Hockey patines. Natación sincronizada. Rugby. Softbol. Voleybol. Waterpolo. DEPORTES DE O CON MOTOR: Automovilismo. Aviación deportiva. Carreras de camiones. Motociclismo. Motonáutica. Raids. Rallies. Trial. DEPORTES DESLIZANTES: Bosleihg . Luges. Curling. Esquí alpino. Esquí náutico. Esquí nórdico. Monopatín (skateboard). Patinaje artístico sobre patines. Patinaje artístico sobre ruedas. Saltos. Surf sobre nieve. Tabla surf. DEPORTES EN LA NATURALEZA: Alpinismo. Carreras de orientación. Ciclismo de orientación. Espeleología. Excursionismo. Hidrospeed. Montañismo. Rafting. Supervivencia. DEPORTES INDIVIDUALES: Ajedrez. Atletismo. BMX. Carreras sobre hielo. Carreras sobre patines. Ciclismo. Gimnasia deportiva femenina. Gimnasia deportiva masculina. Gimnasia rítmica deportiva. Halterofilia. Natación. Pentatlón moderno. Saltos. Triatlón. DEPORTES NAÚTICOS: Actividades subacuáticas. Canotaje (kayac). Pesca submarina, pesca en alta mar. Priragüismo. Remo. Salvamento y socorrismo. Vela. DEPORTES TRADICIONALES: Birlas – Bolos – Billas. Carreras con toros, vacas y vaquillas. Lanzamiento de azada. Lanzamiento de barra. Lanzamiento de herradura. Levantamiento de piedras. Lidia de toros bravos. Pelea de gallos. Tala de troncos. Tiro con carro. Tiro y arrastre. Transporte de sacos, pesas, piedras. ENTRENAMIENTO: Aspectos generales. Desarrollo de cualidades físicas. Material y argot. Planificación: ciclos. Terminología. EPISTEMOLOGÍA: Epistemología de la educación física. Epistemología general. Filosofía del deporte. Gnoseología y Metafísica del cuerpo. Praxiología. Sistemática. Teoría general de las Actividades Físicas. GEOGRAFÍA, HISTORIA Y MITOLOGÍA: Arte. Escuelas y Sistemas en Educación Física. Geografía humana. Historia antigua. Historia medieval. Historia moderna y contemporánea. Olimpismo. Prehistoria. LEGISLACIÓN: Asociaciones y federaciones deportivas. Competiciones. Derecho deportivo. Economía del deporte. Economía general. Equipamientos e instalaciones. Gestión del deporte. Macroeconomía. Marketing. Microeconomía. Organización de actividades deportivas. Planificación del deporte. • CARACTERÍSTICAS • 2 volúmenes • 2.255 páginas • Más de 13.000 entradas, 1.650 fotos y 200 esquemas y dibujos • Formato 170x235mm. • Encuadernación en cartoné flexible y estuchado

Perspectives on Personality

Book Description

"Perspectives on Personality describes a range of viewpoints that are used by personality psychologists today, and helps students understand how these viewpoints can be applied to their own lives. Authors Charles Carver and Michael Scheier dedicate a chapter to each major perspective, presenting an overview on the perspective's orienting assumptions and core themes and concluding with a discussion of problems within that theoretical viewpoint and predictions about its future prospects. The Eighth edition incorporates several important recent developments in the field, including genetics and genomics and the biological underpinnings of impulsiveness"--Back cover

Physical Activity and the Aging Brain

Book Description

Physical Activity and the Aging Brain: Effects of Exercise on Neurological Function is a complete guide to the manifold effects of exercise and physical activity on the aging brain. Cognitive decline and motor impairment, onset of diseases and disorders, and even changes in family structure and social settings that occur as we age can all impact activity levels, yet continued physical activity is crucial for successful neurological functioning. This book examines the role that exercise and physical activity play in halting or modulating the deleterious effects of these numerous aging concerns by first examining the current state of research into how exercise manifests physical changes in the brain. It then discuss how physical activity combines with other lifestyle factors to benefit the aging brain, including nutrition, computerized brain training, and social engagement. Most significantly, it also covers how physical activity can serve as therapy to help alleviate the symptoms of various neurological diseases impacting aging populations, with particular emphasis on Alzheimer's disease and age-related cognitive decline. The book provides broad coverage of the effects of exercise and physical activity on the aging brain, its therapeutic effects, and the many factors that influence the aging process. - Presents research scientists with a complete understanding of the role of exercise in healthy brain aging - Considers the roles of nutrition, the mind-body connection, and other lifestyle factors - Presents a major resource for exercise and physical activity in the neurological health of older adults - Provides a synopsis of key ideas associated with the many aspects of physical activity, along with lifestyle factors that can modify neurological diseases and age-related neurological decline

Clinical Sports Nutrition, 4th Edition

Book Description

Clinical Sports Nutrition is a complete practical and clinical reference that provides state-of-the-art sports nutrition information. Each chapter contains specific reviews followed by practice tips. Contributions come from leading academics, physicians, and sports dieticians in Australia, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Finland.

Foods, Nutrition, and Sports Performance

Book Description

This book includes all the papers presented at the meeting, revised to take account of all the points made during discussions, and the Consensus Statement itself. The topics covered include recommendations for optimum carbohydrate, protein, fat, total energy, fluid and electrolyte, and vitamin mineral intakes to maximise sports performance.

Emotions in Sport

Book Description

Emotions in Sport is the first comprehensive treatment of how individual and team emotions affect athletic performance. Edited by renowned Olympic advisor, researcher, and teacher Yuri Hanin, the book provides you with -a comprehensive understanding of emotional patterns such as anxiety, anger, and joy, as well as their impact on individual and team performance; -solid methods for determining the optimal emotional state of individual athletes; -innovative strategies for avoiding overtraining, burnout, and fatigue, while helping enhance performance; -an overview of injury management and the positive emotional states that can actually accelerate the healing process; and -a long-overdue look at exercise, emotions, and mental health. Created and developed by Dr. Hanin during 30 years as a sport psychologist, the Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning (IZOF) model is the key conceptual framework in Emotions in Sport. The model can help you describe, predict, and explain the dynamics of emotion/performance for individual athletes and provides you with strategies for creating optimal emotional states and enhancing athletic performance. Appendixes to the volume include a reproducible IZOF model form and step-by-step data collection instructions for your use. Emotions in Sport incorporates the insights, wisdom, and experience of authorities worldwide to give you a new perspective on this important subject and its impact on athletes.