Die biblisch-hebräische Partikel נָא im Lichte der antiken Bibelübersetzungen

Book Description

English: In Die biblisch-hebräische Partikel נָא im Lichte der antiken Bibelübersetzungen Peter Juhás addresses the function of the much-debated particle -nā in Biblical Hebrew from the point of view of the most important ancient Bible translations (Greek, Syriac, Latin). His research combines textual criticism, translation technique, discourse pragmatics, and the study of politeness in language. A systematic and comprehensive investigation of the evidence shows that the pragmatic function of this particle is strongly conditioned by the context and cannot be explained by a simple unified denominator. Hence an approach applying a differentiation of various discourse levels proves oneself to be very helpful for the interpretation of this complex particle. Deutsch: In der vorliegenden Monographie untersucht Peter Juhás die Funktion der viel diskutierten biblisch-hebräischen Partikel -nā im Lichte der wichtigsten antiken Bibelübersetzungen (LXX, Pšīṭtā und Vulgata). Dabei werden Textkritik, Übersetzungswissenschaft, Diskurspragmatik und Höflichkeitsforschung kombiniert. Eine systematische und umfassende Untersuchung der textuellen Evidenz zeigt, dass die pragmatische Funktion dieser Partikel von jeweiligem Kontext stark konditioniert ist und mit einem einfachen gemeinsamen Nenner nicht erklärt werden kann. Ein Zugang, der verschiedene Diskursebenen unterscheidet, erweist sich daher für die Interpretation dieser komplexen Partikel als sehr hilfreich.

Editorial Techniques in the Hebrew Bible

Book Description

Editorial Techniques in the Hebrew Bible: Toward a Refined Literary Criticism presents and applies a model for understanding and reconstructing the diachronic development of the Hebrew Bible through historical criticism (or the historical-critical method). Reinhard Müller and Juha Pakkala refine the methodologies of literary and redaction criticism through a systematic investigation of the evidence of additions, omissions, replacements, and transpositions that are documented by divergent ancient textual traditions. At stake is not only historical criticism but also the Hebrew Bible as a historical source, for historical criticism has been and continues to be the only method to unwind those scribal changes that left no traces in textual variants.

Advances in the Study of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic

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Advances in the Study of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic by Benjamin J. Noonan examines issues of interest in the current world of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic scholarship and their impact on understanding the Old Testament; it provides an accessible introduction for students, pastors, professors, and commentators to understand these important issues.

Going Deeper with Biblical Hebrew

Book Description

Learning any language is no small task, not least one that sounds as unusual as Hebrew does to most English speakers’ ears. Going Deeper with Biblical Hebrew primarily aims to equip second-year grammar students of biblical Hebrew to read the Hebrew Scriptures. Using a variety of linguistic approaches, H. H. Hardy II and Matthew McAffee offer a comprehensive and up-to-date textbook for professors and students.

Syntax and Meaning

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The Book of Ruth

Book Description

“Do not urge me to abandon you, to turn back from following after you. For wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you lodge, I will lodge. Your people are my people, and your God is my God.” In this pivotal verse, Ruth’s self-sacrificial declaration of loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi forms the relationship at the heart of the book of Ruth. Peter H. W. Lau’s new commentary explores the human and divine love at the center of the narrative as well as the book’s relevance to Christian theology. In the latest entry in the New International Commentary on the Old Testament, Lau upholds the series’ standard of quality. The Book of Ruth includes detailed notes on the translation and pays careful attention to the original Hebrew and the book’s historical context, all the while remaining focused on Ruth’s relevance to Christian readers today. An indispensable resource for pastors, scholars, students, and all readers of Scripture, Lau’s commentary is the perfect companion to one of the most beloved books of the Old Testament.

Verbs and Numbers

Book Description

Unlike earlier investigations on the changes Biblical Hebrew underwent over the ages, this study does not attempt to draw a broad picture encompassing various kinds of linguistic phenomena. The work stresses the need for a well-founded statistical and form-oriented methodology for the description of historical linguistic change in the Hebrew Bible. With the aid of computer techniques the book concentrates on one major aspect of Biblical Hebrew, viz. the verbal tense forms. It examines the absolute and relative frequencies of these data in the books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles in a comprehensive manner. In this way some of the established opinions concerning increase or decrease in the use of certain tense forms are confirmed, others contradicted, and new evidence is adduced. In addition to the statistical analyses, Verbs & Numbers contains a complete inventory of the parallel passages where Chronicles has another tense form than the Vorlage. This makes it a valuable source of information for the interpretation of the book of Chronicles.

The Recent Study of Hebrew

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An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax

Book Description

Meeting the need for a textbook for classroom use after first year Hebrew grammar, Waltke and O'Connor integrate the results of modern linguistic study of Hebrew and years of experience teaching the subject in this book. In addition to functioning as a teaching grammar, this work will also be widely used for reference and self-guided instruction in Hebrew beyond the first formal year. Extensive discussion and explanation of grammatical points help to sort out points blurred in introductory books. More than 3,500 Biblical Hebrew examples illustrate the points of grammar under discussion. Four indexes (Scripture, Authorities cited, Hebrew words, and Topics) provide ready access to the vast array of information found in the 40 chapters. Destined to become a classic work, this long-awaited book fills a major gap among modern publications on Biblical Hebrew.

A History of the Hebrew Language

Book Description

This book is a comprehensive description of Hebrew from its Semitic origins and the earliest settlement of the Israelite tribes in Canaan to the present day.