Digestive System Speedy Study Guides

Book Description

Humans require a series of organs to effectively turn the food we eat into the energy our body needs. An informational pamphlet would greatly benefit a biology student in that it would be an overview of the necessary basics that the student can then build off of in future studies.

Digestive System (Humans) (Speedy Study Guides)

Book Description

The human digestive system works by introducing water and enzymes into food in order to extract nutrients and minerals from it. This process is assisted by smooth, involuntary muscles along the tract that help push food along. All waste products are excreted at the end of the digestive cycle. Charts that show the inner workings of the digestive system make it easier for students to visualize precisely how the process works. This may be easier for some people to understand by visualization, rather than relying on written descriptions.

Digestive System (Speedy Study Guides)

Book Description

The digestive system is where food gets converted into the energy that your body needs. But the digestive system is seen as not as important as the other systems in the body thereby leading to its abuse. This quick study guide can be used as reference to the important functions of the digestive system. Complete with infographics, this is the book you need to have.

Digestive System (Humans) (Speedy Study Guide)

Book Description

The human digestive system works by introducing water and enzymes into food in order to extract nutrients and minerals from it. This process is assisted by smooth, involuntary muscles along the tract that help push food along. All waste products are excreted at the end of the digestive cycle. Charts that show the inner workings of the digestive system make it easier for students to visualize precisely how the process works. This may be easier for some people to understand by visualization, rather than relying on written descriptions.

Anatomy II (Human) (Speedy Study Guides)

Book Description

A human's internal anatomy includes the reproductive, digestive and skeletal systems. Each part inside the human body has its own name to assist medical personnel diagnose health conditions or perform surgical procedures. Reference guides concerning anatomy help students learn about the body to have a greater understanding of its functions in order to become physicians, surgeons or nurses. Anyone interested in the human body can benefit from studying a reference guide about anatomy that has detailed photographs and information.

Lymphatic System (Speedy Study Guides)

Book Description

The lymphatic system is one of the more complex systems of the body. It is responsible for keeping a person's fluids balanced and putting fluids into the blood. It is also responsible for making leukocytes and antibodies to help fight infection and disease. A chart of how the lymphatic system works would show you all the capillaries, vessels and nodes that make up the system. Some charts will even show you in detail how things flow in and out of each node and filter out through the body.

Urogenital System (Speedy Study Guides)

Book Description

A Urogenital System Reference Guide provides lateral & anterior views and explanations of the female and male anatomy, with attention to the genitourinary and reproductive systems. It includes details and illustrations of nephrons, renal corpuscles, the bladder and kidneys, and also has a description of the development of the system in a developing embryo. The guide explains the workings of supporting structures and processes of the urinary tract, and outlines common urogenital diseases and conditions. It would be helpful to Nurses, Physicians, Pathologists, Alternative Health Providers, and students.

Anatomy (Human) (Speedy Study Guides)

Book Description

The human anatomy consists of everything your body is made of. The skeletal, muscular, digestive, circulatory, lymphatic, endocrine, immune, urinary, reproductive and nervous systems all make up the human body. If you look at a chart of the different systems, you will see just how in depth our anatomy is and how it all works. You will understand where the heart beats the blood to, and why you can feel a pin prick, because of your nervous system. The human anatomy is a complex and interesting thing made easier to learn with charts and pictures.

Lymphatic System (Advanced) Speedy Study Guides

Book Description

The Human Lymphatic System is essentially the body's drainage system. A network of small structures and vessels, called lymph nodes, collects fluid from around the human body and gets it back into the blood circulation. Any biology student would benefit greatly from a pamphlet that explains the basic functions of the human lymphatic system.

Human Anatomy General Speedy Study Guides

Book Description

A pamphlet on Human Anatomy will provide a biology student a quick synopsis on the complexities of the subject with detailed illustrations that will aid in memorizing all the various components. This is a good choice for busy students with no time to spare!