OECD Digital Government Studies Digital Government in Chile – Digital Identity

Book Description

This study discusses Chile's experience of digital identity alongside a comparison of 13 OECD countries, and aims to support the Government of Chile in developing and enhancing their approach to the development of DI as a piece of core digital government infrastructure and an enabler of seamless service delivery.

Digital Government in Chile - Digital Identity

Book Description

In our interactions with the people we know we don't give any thought to the proof of their identity. When we meet someone for the first time we trust they are who they say they are. Sometimes an introduction is brokered by a mutual, trusted, acquaintance who knows both parties. However, in our transactional dealings with government there is a greater expectation - and need - to be able to prove who we are, where we live and what we can access. The provision of digital identity (DI) is critical to government ambitions for transforming the quality of public services. This study discusses Chile's experience of DI alongside a comparison of 13 OECD countries, and aims to support the Government of Chile in developing and enhancing their approach to the development of DI as a piece of core digital government infrastructure and an enabler of seamless service delivery. The study uses a framework that covers the foundations for identity in terms of existing national identity infrastructure, policies and governance, the technical solutions that have been explored, the factors which impact adoption, and the ways in which DI can empower citizens through greater control of their data, transparency and measurement of impact.

Digital Government in Chile

Book Description

This study discusses Chile's experience of digital identity alongside a comparison of 13 OECD countries, and aims to support the Government of Chile in developing and enhancing their approach to the development of DI as a piece of core digital government infrastructure and an enabler of seamless service delivery.

OECD Digital Government Studies Digital Government in Chile – Improving Public Service Design and Delivery

Book Description

This report presents a conceptual model for service design and delivery that challenges governments to develop a design-led culture and ensure access to the enabling tools and resources necessary to deliver services that improve outcomes, efficiency, satisfaction and well-being. This model is used to analyse the situation in Chile and provide recommendations about how the ChileAtiende service delivery network can bring the state closer to citizens through a simpler, more efficient and transparent approach.

OECD Digital Government Studies Digital Government in Chile – A Strategy to Enable Digital Transformation

Book Description

This study assesses the evolution, achievements and challenges in the design and implementation of digital government strategies in Chile since 2004. It aims to support the Government of Chile in framing and implementing future strategic decisions and developing digital capacity throughout the public sector. In particular, it looks at how Chile can build a whole-of-government approach to embed digital approaches into everyday government operations.

Development Co-operation Report 2021 Shaping a Just Digital Transformation

Book Description

Digital transformation is revolutionising economies and societies with rapid technological advances in AI, robotics and the Internet of Things. Low and middle-income countries are struggling to gain a foothold in the global digital economy in the face of limited digital capacity, skills, and fragmented global and regional rules.

OECD Digital Government Studies The E-Leaders Handbook on the Governance of Digital Government

Book Description

The digital transformation of public sectors, economies and societies is generating challenges as well as opportunities for governments. Robust public governance is needed to respond to these challenges, reap the full benefits of digital and data-driven government, and encourage a holistic, systemic transformation.

OECD Digital Government Studies The Path to Becoming a Data-Driven Public Sector

Book Description

This report highlights the important role data can play in creating conditions that improve public services, increase the effectiveness of public spending and inform ethical and privacy considerations. It presents a data-driven public sector framework that can help countries or organisations assess the elements needed for using data to make better-informed decisions across public sectors.

OECD Economic Surveys: Chile 2021

Book Description

In the last decades, Chile has made tremendous progress towards greater economic prosperity and lower poverty. Per capita income more than doubled over the past 20 years and is now the highest in Latin America. These progresses have now come to a halt. Since October 2019 Chile has faced two unprecedented shocks, the social protests and the COVID 19 outbreak.