Paradigms, Poetics, and Politics of Conversion

Book Description

In the terms of Durheimian sociology, conversion is a fait social. Although they are rarely treated as a cultural phenomenon, conversions can obviously be examined for the norms, values and presuppositions of the cultures in which they take place. Thus conversion can help us to shed light on a particular culture. At the same time, the term evokes a dramatic appeal that suggests a kind of suddenness, although in most cases conversion implies a more gradual process of establishing and defining a new - religious - identity. From 21-24 May 2003, the University of Groningen hosted an international conference on 'Cultures of Conversion'. The contributions have been edited in two volumes, which pay special attention to the modes of language and idiom in conversion literature, the meaning and sense of religious-ideological discourse, the variety of rhetorical tropes, and the effects of the conversion narrative with allusions to religious or political conventions and idealizations. The present volume contains theoretical contributions on the theory of conversion, with special attention to the rational choice theory, and on the history of research into conversion. It also offers stimulating case studies, ranging from the late Middle Ages to present times and taken from Germany, Great Britain and The Netherlands. The other volume, Cultures of Conversion, offers in-depth studies of conversion that are mainly taken from the history of India, Islam and Judaism, ranging from the Byzantine period to the new Muslimas of the West.

A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

Book Description

A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish has been fully revised and updated, including over 500 new entries, making it an invaluable resource for students of Spanish. Based on a new web-based corpus containing more than 2 billion words collected from 21 Spanish-speaking countries, the second edition of A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish provides the most expansive and up-to-date guidelines on Spanish vocabulary. Each entry is accompanied with an illustrative example and full English translation. The Dictionary provides a rich resource for language teaching and curriculum design, while a separate CD version provides the full text in a tab-delimited format ideally suited for use by corpus and computational linguistics. With entries arranged both by frequency and alphabetically, A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish enables students of all levels to get the most out of their study of vocabulary in an engaging and efficient way.

Perspectives on Personality

Book Description

"Perspectives on Personality describes a range of viewpoints that are used by personality psychologists today, and helps students understand how these viewpoints can be applied to their own lives. Authors Charles Carver and Michael Scheier dedicate a chapter to each major perspective, presenting an overview on the perspective's orienting assumptions and core themes and concluding with a discussion of problems within that theoretical viewpoint and predictions about its future prospects. The Eighth edition incorporates several important recent developments in the field, including genetics and genomics and the biological underpinnings of impulsiveness"--Back cover

The Forbidden Religion

Book Description

Gnosis means knowledge. But we are not referring to just any knowledge. Gnosis is knowledge which produces a great transformation in those who receive it. Knowledge capable of nothing less than waking up man and helping him to escape from the prison in which he finds himself. That is why Gnosis has been so persecuted throughout the course of history, because it is knowledge considered dangerous for the religious and political authorities who govern mankind from the shadows. Every time this religion, absolutely different from the rest, appears before man, the other religions unite to try to destroy or hide it again. Primordial Gnosis is the original Gnosis, true Gnosis, eternal Gnosis, Gnostic knowledge in its pure form. Due to multiple persecutions, Primordial Gnosis has been fragmented, distorted and hidden.

History of Special Education

Book Description

Examines the history of special education by categorical areas (for example, Learning Disabilities, Mental Retardation, and Autistic Spectrum Disorders). This title includes chapters on the changing philosophy related to educating students with exceptionalities as well as a history of legal and legislation content concerned with special education.

The Ethics of Special Education, Second Edition

Book Description

Updated to include changes in the field, this new edition addresses ethical issues that are most pressing to special education teachers and administrators. Using a case-based approach, students are encouraged to reason and collaborate about due process, the distribution of educational resources, institutional unresponsiveness, professional relationships, conflicts among parents and teachers, and confidentiality.

Manifestación La Ley de la Atracción

Book Description

¡DESCUBRE LOS SECRETOS PARA HACER REALIDAD TUS SUEÑOS Y ATRAER LA ABUNDANCIA A TODOS LOS ÁMBITOS DE TU VIDA CON ESTE PODEROSO LIBRO! ¿Estás cansado de sentirte estancado e insatisfecho? ¿Deseas más éxito, amor, dinero y felicidad en tu vida? ¿Has intentado recurrir al pensamiento positivo y a la Ley de Atracción sin ver resultados significativos? Imagina una vida en la que atraes sin esfuerzo tus deseos más profundos y manifiestas una realidad más allá de tus sueños más salvajes. "Manifestación La Ley de la Atracción. Libera el poder de la Ley de Atracción, aprende a manifestar la vida de tus sueños para atraer dinero, amor, éxito y tus deseos más profundos con el pensamiento positivo" te guiará para que comprendas los orígenes de la manifestación, los fundamentos de la Ley de Atracción y allanes tu camino hacia el éxito. Descubre poderosos métodos de manifestación que realmente funcionan, como la confianza y las afirmaciones positivas, el poder de la gratitud, el registro intencional en un diario, la creación de un tablero de visión y mucho más. ¡Descubre los secretos para manifestar dinero, riqueza, éxito, amor, felicidad e incluso salud y bienestar físico! Además, también podrás: - Comprender los principios y el funcionamiento de la Ley de Atracción para aprovechar su poder de manera efectiva. - Identificar y superar tus creencias limitantes que han obstaculizado tus esfuerzos de manifestación en el pasado. - Aprender técnicas y métodos prácticos para alinear tus pensamientos, creencias y acciones con los resultados deseados. - Manifestar éxito financiero, atrayendo dinero y abundancia a tu vida. - Experimentar un profundo éxito en varias áreas, incluyendo carrera, relaciones y crecimiento personal. - Atraer el amor y crear relaciones satisfactorias y armoniosas. - Cultivar la felicidad y la positividad, fomentando una mentalidad que atraiga la alegría y la plenitud. - Mejorar tu bienestar manifestando una mejor salud y forma física. ¡Y mucho más! ¿Qué puede hacer por ti manifestar tus sueños, atraer la abundancia y vivir una vida con propósito y plenitud? ¡Desde alcanzar el éxito hasta experimentar el amor, la abundancia y una salud vibrante, "Manifestación: La Ley de la Atracción" te proporcionará la guía y las estrategias necesarias para aprovechar el poder de la Ley de Atracción y manifestar la vida de tus sueños! ¡Da el primer paso hacia la creación de una realidad que se alinee con tus sueños y deseos adquiriendo este libro hoy mismo!

The Night of the Iguana

Book Description

Now published for the first time as a trade paperback with a new introduction and the short story on which it was based. Williams wrote: “This is a play about love in its purest terms.” It is also Williams’s robust and persuasive plea for endurance and resistance in the face of human suffering. The earthy widow Maxine Faulk is proprietress of a rundown hotel at the edge of a Mexican cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean where the defrocked Rev. Shannon, his tour group of ladies from a West Texas women’s college, the self-described New England spinster Hannah Jelkes and her ninety-seven-year-old grandfather, Jonathan Coffin (“the world’s oldest living and practicing poet”), a family of grotesque Nazi vacationers, and an iguana tied by its throat to the veranda, all find themselves assembled for a rainy and turbulent night. This is the first trade paperback edition of The Night of the Iguana and comes with an Introduction by award-winning playwright Doug Wright, the author’s original Foreword, the short story “The Night of the Iguana” which was the germ for the play, plus an essay by noted Tennessee Williams scholar, Kenneth Holditch. “I’m tired of conducting services in praise and worship of a senile delinquent—yeah, that’s what I said, I shouted! All your Western theologies, the whole mythology of them, are based on the concept of God as a senile delinquent and, by God, I will not and cannot continue to conduct services in praise and worship of this…this…this angry, petulant old man.” —The Rev. T. Lawrence Shannon, from The Night of the Iguana

Essential Teaching Skills Fifth Edition Ebook

Book Description

Chris Kyriacou's classic introduction to teaching skills has been a staple for teachers for over two decades. Covering a wealth of professional and pedagogic skills, it provides authoritative guidance on the nitty-gritty of teaching - making it a trusted resource that readers return to. This new edition has been fully updated to take account of important developments in education policy, teaching skills and classroom practice, evidence-based teaching, and assessment practices, as well as different routes into the profession. The concise format covers a wide range of skills and issues. You will be expertly guided through developments in classroom dialogue, assessment practices, pastoral care, using social media and e-learning, behaviour management, special educational needs and disabilities, inclusive teaching, and school data systems. The 5th edition also expands its coverage of effective mentoring and the need to continue developing professionally. Practical and compact, Essential Teaching Skills is ideal for both students and experienced teachers wishing to explore their own practice, as well as teacher mentors helping others to develop their teaching skills. It underpins real-world guidance with up-to-date research findings, creating an authoritative, usable guide which is relevant to today's busy professional teachers and trainees.

El dinero y la ley de la atracción

Book Description

El dinero es atraído, no forzado. ¿Tiene sentido? El dinero es atraído por su energía y el dinero está buscando un buen lugar para quedarse. Siga leyendo... La sociedad lucha por el dinero todos los días. Luchamos por él como si no quedara mucho. Se necesitan 9 toneladas de tinta para imprimir dinero todos los días. ¿Todavía piensas que no hay suficiente dinero para ti? Entonces, ¿cuál es el secreto? ¿Por qué algunas personas luchan por dinero y otras se hacen ricas aparentemente sin esfuerzo? ¿Cómo puedes atraer el dinero hacia ti? Todas las respuestas se pueden encontrar en este libro ”El dinero y la ley de atracción”. Se trata de tu mentalidad. La ley de atracción se basa en tus pensamientos. El pensamiento positivo trae cosas positivas. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es afinar tu mente. Bueno, es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo, ¿verdad? Has oído que el 80% del éxito es la psicología y el 20% es la mecánica. Sin embargo, seamos sinceros... ¿Cuánto has invertido este año en tu herramienta más valiosa, tu Mente? ”Los pensamientos se convierten en cosas”. Si lo ves en tu mente, lo tendrás en tu mano” -—Bob Proctor— Solo en los Estados Unidos hay 5.8 millones de millonarios. Ser rico requiere compromiso, esfuerzo y una fuerte disciplina. Este libro combina un conjunto de habilidades para enseñarle cómo implementar la ley de la atracción. Aprenderás cómo controlar tus pensamientos; cómo eliminar los pensamientos negativos y transformarlos en positivos; y a creer en ti mismo, en tu energía y en el universo. ¿Qué diferencia a los ricos de los pobres? De hecho, es una fuerte e inquebrantable mezcla de autodisciplina, trabajo duro y pensamiento positivo. Una vez que lo domines, el universo comenzará a responder a tus peticiones. No envidies a los ricos, ¡tú mismo puedes y debes convertirte en uno! Cambia tu mentalidad a la de un hombre rico y tira toda la negatividad de tu vida. Tienes el poder de creer en ti mismo, de no renunciar nunca y de soñar en lo alto. No tengas miedo de los deseos, abrázalos. Actúa ahora haciendo clic en el botón ”Comprar ahora” o ”Leer ahora” después de desplazarte a la parte superior de esta página. P.S. ¿Qué te detiene? En la vida, la mayoría de las personas se detienen ya sea por su miedo o su pereza. Recuerde, la mejor inversión que puede hacer es en usted mismo. Invierta el tiempo y el precio de menos de un café para dar un salto cuántico en su vida ☄, la riqueza, el amor y la felicidad. ¡Actúe ahora! Translator: Arturo Juan Rodríguez Sevilla PUBLISHER: TEKTIME