Direct Energy Conversion Systems. Supplement 2. Transport Properties of Partially Ionized Monatomic Gases

Book Description

This report is concerned with special problems which arise in connection with calculations of the transport properties of partially ionized monatomic gases. The most serious problem concerns the lack of agreement of the usual thermal conductivity expression in the limit of fullionization with other results derived explicitly for this case. It is shown that satisfactory agreement can be obtained in this limit if one uses the third rather than the second approximation in the Chapman-Enskog theory. Expressions for the fourth and lower approximations to the thermal conductivity, the thermal diffusion coefficient, and the ordinary diffusion coefficient of multicomponent gases are derived. The viscosity of this mixture is considered to the second approximation. It is shown that the thermal diffusion plays a very important role in an ionized gas. Neglect of this effect can cause the thermal conductivity to be seriously overestimated. An expression is presented which approximates the effect of the thermal diffusion on the thermal conductivity. The charged particle cross-section is considered with the screened Coulomb potential.

Direct Energy Conversion Systems. Part I. Electrical Conductivity of Partially Ionized Gases

Book Description

A simplification of the Chapman-Enskog method for the calculation of the electrical conductivity of a multicomponent partially ionized gas in a magnetic field is presented. The calculation requires the inversion of a matrix which is of the order of the approximation, and is independent of the number of species. The third approximation to the electrical conductivity is examined for an electron-ion-neutral plasma and the results are compared with those obtained from the mixture rules of Lin, Resler, and Kantrowitz, and of Frost. It is shown that within the uncertainties in the experimental electron-neutral cross- section values, Frost's formula offers a satisfactory method of calculation for most engineering applications.

Volume 1 Elements and Inorganic Compounds

Book Description

The phenomenal growth of science and technology As a complementary effort to its Data Tables has brought about a universal appreciation of the fact Series, TPRC published in 1967 a work entitled that present limitations in many technical develop "Thermo physical Properties Research Literature Re ments are often a direct result of the paucity of knowl trieval Guide. " This three-book work reported 33,700 edge on material properties. Engineering develop references on seven thermophysical property groups ments in the years ahead will be closely linked to the and about 45,000 materials. This Basic Edition sys research that is done today to contribute to a better tematically covered the world's unclassified literature understanding of the properties of matter, of which published essentially between 1920 and mid-1964, in thermophysical properties constitute a major segment. many instances going much earlier. While research on the properties of materials con The present work, referred to as Supplement I to tinues, adequate steps are not being taken to ensure the Basic Edition, reports an additional 26,000 refer that this invaluable body of information be coordi ences on sixteen thermophysical properties of 20,000 nated, synthesized, organized, and disseminated to materials, covering the years from mid-1964 to 1971. the ultimate user, namely, the individual scientist and An additional 9,000 synonyms and trade names are engineer. cross-referenced to assist the user in identifying the material or substance of interest.

Direct Conversion of Energy

Book Description