Directions to the Dumpster

Book Description

It's a coast to coast roller coaster ride of emotions, as Fast Eddie has love in NY burbs lost to cancer. He searches for the ultimate in Sonoma Co, SF's North Bay, success, failure and a 2nd chance at love are at stake in this search for the ultimate.

Directions To Mercy Street

Book Description

A socioeconomic viewpoint from a street survivor, in the San Francisco North Bay, where the greatest amount of disparity between economic classes exists in America. Struggling to survive without shelter, we chronicle the continuing journey through homelessness. The issue is taken to the political level and the experience becomes written works as Fast Eddie still searches for mercy and home.

My Pursuit of the Axis of Evil

Book Description

My Pursuit of the Axis of Evil is about meetings and adventures with interesting people in Asia and Alaska. I followed the advice of a long-ago traveler named Pythagoras, who admonished us to check your prejudices at every port of entry." As a result, I mostly traveled solo, merged with the locals, and got to see, experience, and understand things that would not have been otherwise possible. Plus, the locals can keep you out of trouble and get you out of trouble if you get into it! In Alaska, I sought out native elders and others in the far corners of this enormous state, street people, and the many interesting and famous people visiting or passing through. And high-level politicians—often at the opposite end of the political and social issues spectrum than me. I learned a lot, made new friends, and often got to see things from a different perspective. Encounters were overwhelmingly positive, and it is these people to whom I dedicate My Pursuit of the Axis of Evil. I commend you for your natural curiosity and desire to go out into the world and see for yourself. Pursuit of the Axis of Evil is a great primer on how to engage and interact with the incredible variety of people we meet on international travel - people that appear on the surface to be very different from you and me. Robert DeLaurentis, Polar and Equitorial Circumnavigator/Citizen of the World. "

Tapped Out

Book Description

Last time we saw Jenny T. Partridge, founder of Utah’s premier school for budding prima—and not-so-prima—ballerinas, she was on the wrong end of a murder investigation. Who could imagine that once again her dance card would be filled with dastardly doings? Blondes don’t have more fun. Just ask Jenny, who now has to find enough money to fix the bad dye job a pushy dance mom inflicted on her. Luckily, an old flame calls her and offers her a few thousand dollars to fill in as an instructor on the Hollywood StarMakers Tour, his traveling dance competition. But before Jenny can even get started, someone makes it clear that they want her to shuffle off to Buffalo. When other instructors start disappearing, Jenny, with the very attractive Detective Tate spotting her, vows that the show will go on.

Plenty of Time When We Get Home: Love and Recovery in the Aftermath of War

Book Description

When SPC Kayla Williams and SGT Brian McGough met at a mountain outpost in Iraq in 2003, only their verbal sparring could have betrayed a hint of attraction. Neither could have predicted the sequence of events that would shape their lives. Brian, on his way back to base after mid-tour leave, was wounded by a roadside bomb that sent shrapnel through his brain. Kayla waited anxiously for news and, on returning home, sought out Brian. The two began a tentative romance and later married, but neither anticipated the consequences of Brian’s injury on their lives. Lacking essential support for returning veterans from the military and the VA, Kayla and Brian suffered through posttraumatic stress amplified by his violent mood swings, her struggles to reintegrate into a country still oblivious to women veterans, and what seemed the callous, consumerist indifference of civilian society at large. Kayla persevered. So did Brian. They fought for their marriage, drawing on remarkable reservoirs of courage and commitment. They confronted their demons head-on, impatient with phoniness of any sort. Inspired by an unwavering ethos of service, they continued to stand on common ground. Finally, they found their own paths to healing and wholeness, both as individuals and as a family, in dedication to a larger community.

The Warrior

Book Description

Art and Science of Dumpster Diving

Book Description

This book will show you how to get just about anything you want or need: food, clothing, furniture, building materials, entertainment, luxury goods, tools, toys - you name it - ABSOLUTELY FREE! Take a guided tour of America's back alleys where amazing wealth is carelessly discarded. Hoffman will show you where to find the good stuff, how to rescue it & how to use it.


Book Description

Polluters are putting toxic waste in the school dumpster. Dunc and Amos set out to find these environmental criminals, and Amos even begins to glow in the dark.

The Amulet

Book Description

In the small town of Ewerton, Wisconsin, the murders just keep piling up, and Anna suspects that her warped grandmother is somehow to blame. Only she can find a solution--if the horror doesn't get her first! "In the tradition of Stephen King's Castle Rock, Ewerton has become another classic locus of evil, a place that you never want to visit. First-rate characterization drives the stake of horror right through the center of your quivering heart!"--Robert Reginald.

Getting Off On Frank Sinatra

Book Description

A scorching Las Vegas summer is about to get even hotter. Aspiring journalist Copper Black has just found out that her boyfriend is responsible for his not-quite-ex-wife’s pregnancy. An unexpected house-sitting job at a notorious Las Vegas “party house” should provide not only a private swimming pool but also much-needed distraction. While researching a story about an exclusive private school, Copper accidentally discovers the dead body of the school’s beloved founder. Now involved in a high-profile murder investigation, Copper turns to her brother, a civic-minded pastor who is overseeing the construction of a center for the homeless. A Paiute medicine man claims the site is a sacred burial ground, attracting hordes of protesters. As she tries to solve the murder, help her brother, advance her career, and sort out her love life, Copper stirs up a world of trouble. Her escapades as she evades a sociopath, a disturbed cowgirl, and a suspicious homicide detective make Megan Edwards’ rousing debut Getting Off on Frank Sinatra a nonstop roller coaster of a read.