Discipleship in the New Age Vol I

Book Description

Two volumes contain the record of a series of personal and group instructions given to a small group of aspirants over a period of fifteen years by a Master of the Wisdom. They contain detailed teachings on Meditation, Initiation and the Six Stages of Discipleship. They emphasise the new age pioneering necessity for group work, the development of group consciousness, and the change in training for initiation from individuals to discipleship groups.

Discipleship in the New Age Vol II

Book Description

Two volumes contain the record of a series of personal and group instructions given to a small group of aspirants over a period of fifteen years by a Master of the Wisdom. They contain detailed teachings on Meditation, Initiation and the Six Stages of Discipleship. They emphasise the new age pioneering necessity for group work, the development of group consciousness, and the change in training for initiation from individuals to discipleship groups.

Patterns of Discipleship in the New Testament

Book Description

These essays examine what the New Testament says about the subject of discipleship, highlight the features of both unity and diversity that appear throughout the New Testament, and suggest how Christian discipleship can be expressed today.

Education in the New Age

Book Description

Of the few specialised subjects included in these books by Alice Bailey and the Tibetan, education is of primary importance. Today we are losing the tendency to associate education only with the instruction of the young and with academic matters. Education is, or should be, a continuous process from birth to death concerned not so much with the acquisition of knowledge as with the expansion of consciousness. Knowledge of itself is a dead end, unless it is brought into functioning relationship with environment, social responsibilities, historical trends, human and world conditions and, above all, with the evolution of consciousness which brings the infinite vastness of an unknown universe within the range of the finite human mind. To oversimplify, can we say that education is a continuous process of learning how to reconcile the human and the divine elements in the constitution of man, creating right relationship between God and man, spirit and matter, the whole and the part? If this is education in the broader sense, it is more specific and more concentrated when considered in the light of child training. This book is so concentrated and specific. spirit, soul and body as an integ ated unity, and acceptance of the planetary whole as the area of personal experience and responsibility - the educational needs of the child today are set out in specific terms. Faults and inadequacies in the present educational systems existing in many parts of the world are enumerated, and methods for the future suggested. Emphasis is placed on the need for education in world citizenship. Even before this book was first published this need had become startlingly apparent. It is also clear, however, that since children naturally tend to accept without question those of other nations, other races, colour, belief and social background, a world consciousness and inclusiveness must first be generated in those adults responsible for the education and the training of the young. Therefore, this book includes a brief final chapter on the science of the Antahkarana' that is, with the creative effort to bridge in consciousness between the lower analytical, knowledge-gathering mind, the soul, and the higher mind which is an aspect of the divine Self, the spiritual man. meditation technique, combined with the effort to apply spiritual principles to the daily life under any and all circumstances. The building of the Antahkarana, literally a bridge between the subjective and objective worlds, creates a channel for the transmission of spiritual energies - light and love and power. These energies transform the daily life, irradiate the personality and infuse the mind with creative thought consistent with the needs of the emerging Plan at the dawning of a new age. So the enlightened adult can stimulate the soul of the child, enrich and enliven the mind, and provide right opportunities for full development of the spiritual potential. The books of Alice A. Bailey, written in cooperation with a Tibetan teacher between 1919-1949, constitute a continuation of the Ageless Wisdom--a body of esoteric teaching handed down from ancient times in a form which is always suitable to each period. Intended to precede and condition the coming era, the Alice A. the teaching on Shamballa and the Path of spiritual evolution; the spiritual Hierarchy; the new discipleship and training in meditation as a form of service; the teaching on the seven rays and the new psychology of the soul; the teaching on esoteric astrology; and the new world religion, which emphasizes the common thread of truth linking all the major world faiths.

Glamour: A World Problem

Book Description

World Glamour, the sum total of human ignorance, fear and greed, can dissipate through the clear, inclusive thinking of those in whom the soul (Christ) principle is awakening. Glamour results from a negative emotional focus. The dissipation of glamour depends on 'illumined thinking'.

Digital Disciple

Book Description

This time in our society is unlike any other. People communicate daily without ever having to speak face to face, news breaks around the world in a matter of seconds, and favorite TV shows can be viewed at our convenience. We are, simultaneously, a people of connection and isolation. As Christians, how do we view our faith and personal ministry in this culture?Adam Thomas invites you to explore this question using his unique, personal, and often humorous insight. Thomas notes, "" The Internet] has added a new dimension to our lives; we are physical, emotional, spiritual, and now virtual people. But I believe that God continues to move through every facet of our existence, and that makes us new kinds of followers. We are digital disciples.""""I gain renewed hope for the future by looking at a new generation of emerging Christian leaders like Adam Thomas.""Brian McLaren, author of A New Kind of Christianity""Digital Disciple is a new kind of pastor's sermon to a new kind of flock. Go ahead and tweet your friends: GOT 2 READ THIS."" Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, author, speaker and new monastic""Bright, innovative, perceptive, eloquent, and imaginative -- Adam Thomas is all that and more, as you will see in the pages of his dynamic book."" James W. Moore, author of How God Takes Our Little & Makes it Much

The Beginning: First Steps for New Disciples Workbook

Book Description

Understand the basic concepts behind following Jesus in the modern world.