Marxismo norteamericano (American Marxism Spanish Edition)

Book Description

BESTSELLER #1 DEL NEW YORK TIMES Mark R. Levin, autor seis veces bestseller #1 del New York Times, estrella de Fox News y presentador de radio, regresa para explicar cómo aquellos peligros sobre los que nos advirtió hace una década finalmente han ocurrido…y lo que se debe hacer ahora para hacerlos retroceder. Mark R. Levin movilizó a los conservadores en 2009 con Libertad y tiranía, el cual brindó un marco filosófico, histórico y práctico para detener el ataque liberal contra los valores basados en la Constitución, que hizo su aparición durante los años de Obama. Ese libro hablaba de que estábamos parados frente al precipicio del ataque del progresismo a nuestras libertades, desde la economía hasta la atención médica, y desde el calentamiento global hasta la inmigración. Ahora, más de una década después, hemos ido más allá de ese precipicio…y estamos pagando el precio. En Marxismo norteamericano, Levin explica cómo hoy en día los elementos centrales de la ideología marxista se han generalizado en la sociedad y la cultura estadounidenses—desde nuestras instituciones educativas, la prensa y las corporaciones hasta Hollywood, el partido Demócrata y la presidencia de Biden—y cómo a menudo se la disfraza con rótulos engañosos como “progresismo,” “socialismo democrático,” “activismo social,” y “activismo comunitario”. Con su característico análisis incisivo, Levin se sumerge en la psicología y las tácticas de estos movimientos de masas, el extendido lavado de cerebro de estudiantes, los propósitos antiestadounidenses de la Teoría Crítica de la Raza y del Green New Deal y la escalada de represión y censura para silenciar a voces opositoras e imponer la conformidad. Levin expone a un gran número de instituciones, intelectuales, académicos y activistas que lideran esta revolución, y nos brinda algunas respuestas e ideas sobre cómo confrontarlos. Como escribe Levin: “La contrarrevolución a la Revolución norteamericana está en pleno vigor. Y ya no puede ser desestimada ni ignorada, porque está devorando a nuestra sociedad y a nuestra cultura, rondando en nuestras vidas cotidianas y omnipresente en nuestra política, en nuestras escuelas, en los medios y en la industria del entretenimiento”. Y, tal como hizo antes, Levin busca unir al pueblo estadounidense para que defienda su libertad.


Book Description

Halfway between history and philosophy, this book deals with the historical forms that have permitted the understanding of human suffering from the Renaissance to the present. Representation, sympathy, imitation, coherence and narrativity are but a few of the rhetorical recourses that men and women have employed in order to feel our pain.

Civil Disobedience

Book Description

This volume seeks to disentangle the limits and possibilities of the tradition of civil disobedience: in what circumstances is it right, or perhaps necessary, to say "no"? The jurisprudential and philosophical literature discussed here is truly enormous and provides a complex and reliable overview of the main problems.

Hispanic Review

Book Description

Includes bibliographical material and "Review."

Engaging with Rousseau

Book Description

Jean-Jacques Rousseau has been cast as a champion of Enlightenment and a beacon of Romanticism, a father figure of radical revolutionaries and totalitarian dictators alike, an inventor of the modern notion of the self, and an advocate of stern ancient republicanism. Engaging with Rousseau treats his writings as an enduring topic of debate, examining the diverse responses they have attracted from the Enlightenment to the present. Such notions as the general will were, for example, refracted through very different prisms during the struggle for independence in Latin America and in social conflicts in Eastern Europe, or modified by thinkers from Kant to contemporary political theorists. Beyond Rousseau's ideas, his public image too travelled around the world. This book examines engagement with Rousseau's works as well as with his self-fashioning; especially in turbulent times, his defiant public identity and his call for regeneration were admired or despised by intellectuals and political agents.

Game of Mirrors: Centre-Periphery National Conflicts

Book Description

This title was first published in 2000. Nationalism and the national question have represented a problem since the early years of the 19th century. Understanding these phenomena represents a challenge for political science, because "the nation" is not a natural phenomenon, rather it is the consequence of nationalism. Attempts to reduce nationalism to one or several factors have been unsuccessful; it has multiple factors that are variable in space and time. Nationalism is a problem of beliefs and conscience linked to the historical action of nationalist groups. A second difficulty derives from the distinction between nationalism of the dominant and nationalism of the oppressed. The majority of political theorists now believe that these centre and periphery nationalisms are different and therefore adversaries. Using first-hand experience of Basque separatism as a starting point, the author adds to it with the main manifestations of this phenomenon around the world.


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Utopia and Neoliberalism in Latin American Cinema

Book Description

The topic of the crisis and recovery of utopia, at both a global and regional level, stands out in these melancholic times in which the capitalist era can no longer legitimize itself as an irreplaceable form of social existence. This book reflects upon the place of utopia, moving from classic Greece to the neoliberal era, specifically as manifested in Latin America. It studies utopia as a political and literary device for paradigmatic changes. As such, it links with the literary mode of the travelogue and its supporting role in the consolidation and perpetuation of the modern/colonial discourse. The book reviews critical approaches to modernity and postmodernity as a philosophical enquiry on the role of symbolic languages, particularly the one played by the image and the theories of representation and performance. With that, and by using decolonialist theory to inform an audio-visual text analysis, it contributes to film philosophy with a model of analysis for Latin American cinema: namely, “the allegory of the motionless traveler”. This model states that Latin America millennial cinema possesses a significant aesthetic-political power achieved by enacting a process of utopic re-narration. This book will appeal to students and academics in the humanities and social sciences and readers interested in film culture, as well as those searching specifically for new perspectives on socio-symbolic decolonialist dynamics operating at the crossroads of cultural politics and political culture in Latin America.