Diseño y ejecución de acciones comerciales en alojamientos

Book Description

Para valorar la situación, evolución y tendencias en el sector de alojamientos es necesario hacer un completo análisis de toda la información que tengamos acerca del mercado turístico. En este libro se enumeran, describen e interrelacionan los distintos elementos que conformanla demanda y la oferta turística, y se analizan los componentes que conforman un plan de marketing adecuado a las empresas del sector turístico. Además, aprenderemos a distinguir diferentes estrategias de comunicación comercial y diversas técnicas de venta, adaptándolas tanto a los distintos tipos de usuarios de estos servicios, como a las distintas vías de comunicación. Cada capítulo se complementa con actividades prácticas y de autoevaluación cuyas soluciones están disponibles en www.paraninfo.es. Los contenidos se corresponden con los de la UF 0051 Diseño y ejecución de acciones comerciales en alojamientos, incardinada en el MF 0263_3 Acciones comerciales y reservas, perteneciente al certificado de profesionalidad HOTA0308 Recepción en alojamientos, regulado por el RD 1376/2008, de 1 de agosto, y modificado por el RD 619/2013, de 2 de agosto.

UF0051 - Diseño y ejecución de acciones comerciales en alojamientos

Book Description

La finalidad de esta Unidad Formativa es enseñar a recoger y analizar la información que sea útil para la planificación comercial de la entidad y a participar en el diseño de determinadas acciones comerciales, ejecutándolas de acuerdo con la planificación realizada. Para ello, se estudiará en primer lugar el mercado turístico nacional e internacional, la segmentación y tipología de la demanda turística y la aplicación del Marketing en hostelería y turismo. Por último, se enseñará al alumno a aplicar el plan de acción comercial, las técnicas de venta a las acciones comerciales y reservas en alojamientos y la negociación a las acciones comerciales y reservas en alojamientos.

Diseño y ejecución de acciones comerciales en alojamientos. HOTA0308

Book Description

Libro especializado que se ajusta al desarrollo de la cualificación profesional y adquisición del certificado de profesionalidad "HOTA0308. RECEPCIÓN EN ALOJAMIENTOS". Manual imprescindible para la formación y la capacitación, que se basa en los principios de la cualificación y dinamización del conocimiento, como premisas para la mejora de la empleabilidad y eficacia para el desempeño del trabajo.

eBook. Manual. Diseño y ejecución de acciones comerciales en alojamientos (UF0051). Certificados de profesionalidad. Recepción en alojamientos (HOTA0308).

Book Description

Técnicas de venta (UF0031) es una de las Unidades Formativas del módulo formativo transversal "Operaciones de venta (MF0239_2)", el cual está presente en distintos Certificados de Profesionalidad. Este manual sigue fielmente el índice de contenidos publicado en el Real Decreto que lo regula. Se trata de un material dirigido a favorecer el aprendizaje teórico-práctico que resultará de gran utilidad para la impartición de los cursos organizados por el centro acreditado. Los contenidos se han desarrollado siguiendo esta estructura: • Ficha técnica • Objetivos generales y específicos • Desarrollo teórico • Ejercicios prácticos con soluciones • Resumen por tema • Glosario de términos • Bibliografía / Referencias legislativas

Protected Area Governance and Management

Book Description

Protected Area Governance and Management presents a compendium of original text, case studies and examples from across the world, by drawing on the literature, and on the knowledge and experience of those involved in protected areas. The book synthesises current knowledge and cutting-edge thinking from the diverse branches of practice and learning relevant to protected area governance and management. It is intended as an investment in the skills and competencies of people and consequently, the effective governance and management of protected areas for which they are responsible, now and into the future. The global success of the protected area concept lies in its shared vision to protect natural and cultural heritage for the long term, and organisations such as International Union for the Conservation of Nature are a unifying force in this regard. Nonetheless, protected areas are a socio-political phenomenon and the ways that nations understand, govern and manage them is always open to contest and debate. The book aims to enlighten, educate and above all to challenge readers to think deeply about protected areas—their future and their past, as well as their present. The book has been compiled by 169 authors and deals with all aspects of protected area governance and management. It provides information to support capacity development training of protected area field officers, managers in charge and executive level managers.

Biodiversity and Tourism

Book Description

It is in the best interest of all concerned that tourism become sustainable and environmentally compatible. This need for "sustainable development" is and more by the responsible parties. Moreover, in the being recognised more search for solution strategies the realisation is gaining ground that tourism must be viewed as a worldwide phenomenon whose development must be co-ordinated in a co-operative effort spanning regions and continents. That the preservation of biological diversity also requires global co operation has been confirmed by over 170 countries which have already acceded to the "Convention on Biological Diversity". It is thus an important task to provide the foundations for joint action. Germany, one of the largest source countries of international tourism, must feel particularly obligated in this regard. The report published here is the result of a research project com missioned by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. The study pursued and examined the thesis that the Convention on Biological Diversity be used as a central instrument for arriving at international principles and regulations for combining nature conservation and tourism which could lead to a sustainable development of tourism. To further the discussion, the authors brought the study to a logical conclusion by working out a proposal for a "tourism protocol" additional to the existing Convention on Biodiversity. Such a protocol additional to the Convention would entail the stipulation of internationally binding implementation and regulations for achieving sustainable tourism.

Child Friendly Schools Manual

Book Description

This Child-Friendly Schools (CFS) Manual was developed during three-and-a-half years of continuous work, involving the United Nations Children's Fund education staff and specialists from partner agencies working on quality education. It benefits from fieldwork in 155 countries and territories, evaluations carried out by the Regional Offices and desk reviews conducted by headquarters in New York. The manual is a part of a total resource package that includes an e-learning package for capacity-building in the use of CFS models and a collection of field case studies to illustrate the state of the art in child-friendly schools in a variety of settings.

Tourism and Water

Book Description

This book provides a systematic and comprehensive guide to the current state of knowledge on tourism and water. It is the first book to thoroughly examine the interrelationships of tourism and water use based on global, regional and business perspectives. Its assessment of tourism's global impact along with its overviews of sectoral and management approaches will provide a benchmark by which the water sustainability of tourism will be measured for years to come. In making a clear case for greater awareness and enhanced water management in the tourism sector, it is hoped that the book will contribute to the wise and sustainable use of this critical resource. The book is interdisciplinary in coverage and international in scope. It is designed as essential reading for not only students of tourism but also practitioners.