Disentangling Redshift-Space Distortions and Nonlinear Bias Using the 2D Power Spectrum

Book Description

We present the nonlinear 2D galaxy power spectrum, P(k, æ), in redshift space, measured from the Dark Sky simulations, using galaxy catalogs constructed with both halo occupation distribution and subhalo abundance matching methods, chosen to represent an intermediate redshift sample of luminous red galaxies. We find that the information content in individual æ (cosine of the angle to the line of sight) bins is substantially richer then multipole moments, and show that this can be used to isolate the impact of nonlinear growth and redshift space distortion (RSD) effects. Using the æ 0.2 simulation data, which we show is not impacted by RSD effects, we can successfully measure the nonlinear bias to an accuracy of ̃5% at k

Weigh Them All!

Book Description

The three neutrinos are ghostly elementary particles that exist all across the Universe. Though every second billions of them fly through us, they are extremely hard to detect. We used to think they had no mass, but recently discovered that in fact they have a tiny mass. The quest for the neutrino mass scale and mass ordering (specifying how the three masses are distributed) is an extremely exciting one, and will open the door towards new physics operating at energy scales we can only ever dream of reaching on Earth. This thesis explores the use of measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background (the oldest light reaching us, a snapshot of the infant Universe) and maps of millions of galaxies to go after the neutrino mass scale and mass ordering. Neutrinos might teach us something about the mysterious dark energy powering the accelerated expansion of the Universe, or about cosmic inflation, which seeded the initial conditions for the Universe. Though extremely baffling, neutrinos are also an exceptionally exciting area of research, and cosmological observations promise to reveal a great deal about these elusive particles in the coming years.

The Cosmic Microwave Background

Book Description

Graduate textbook examining the theory of the cosmic microwave background and its recent progress.

Neutrino Cosmology

Book Description

A self-contained guide to the role played by neutrinos in the Universe and how their properties influence cosmological and astrophysical observations.

Structure Formation in the Universe

Book Description

This text provides an up-to-date and pedagogical introduction to this exciting area of research.

Modern Cosmology

Book Description

The exploration of the Universe, as conducted by physicists, astronomers, and cosmologists was one of the greatest intellectual adventures of the mid-twentieth century. This book, first published in 1971, tells the story of their achievements and the insight gained into the structure, history, working and scale of our Universe. Dr Sciama describes the major components of the Universe as understood at the beginning of the 1970s: the stars, galaxies, radio-galaxies and quasi-stellar objects. He discusses in detail the red shift of the lines in their optical spectra, which leads to the idea that the Universe is expanding. Theoretical discussion of the expanding Universe suggests the possibility that intergalactic space may contain a significant quantity of matter and be the seat of important physical activity. The issues involved are thoroughly debated. Also discussed is the discover and significance of the 3'K' cosmic microwave radiation, its relation to the hot big bang and the helium problem, to cosmic high energy processes and to questions of isotropy.

Dark Energy

Book Description

Introducing the theoretical ideas, observational methods and results in dark energy, this textbook is a thorough introduction to dark energy for graduate courses.

Neutrino Mass

Book Description

Reviews the current state of knowledge of neutrino masses and the related question of neutrino oscillations. After an overview of the theory of neutrino masses and mixings, detailed accounts are given of the laboratory limits on neutrino masses, astrophysical and cosmological constraints on those masses, experimental results on neutrino oscillations, the theoretical interpretation of those results, and theoretical models of neutrino masses and mixings. The book concludes with an examination of the potential of long-baseline experiments. This is an essential reference text for workers in elementary-particle physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics.