Investigations into Magic, an Edition and Translation of Martín Del Río’s Disquisitionum magicarum libri sex

Book Description

The first full modern English version of Del Río’s treatise, unrivalled in its breadth, detail, and scholarship, on the occult sciences as they were understood, experienced, and combatted at the end of the sixteenth century.

Investigations into Magic, an Edition and Translation of Martín Del Río’s Disquisitionum magicarum libri sex

Book Description

The first full modern English version of Del Río’s treatise, unrivalled in its breadth, detail, and scholarship, on the occult sciences as they were understood, experienced, and combatted at the end of the sixteenth century.

Investigations into Magic, an Edition and Translation of Martín Del Río’s Disquisitionum magicarum libri sex

Book Description

The first full modern English version of Del Río’s treatise, unrivalled in its breadth, detail, and scholarship, on the occult sciences as they were understood, experienced, and combatted at the end of the sixteenth century.

Investigations into Magic, an Edition and Translation of Martín Del Río’s Disquisitionum magicarum libri sex

Book Description

The first full modern English version of Del Río’s treatise, unrivalled in its breadth, detail, and scholarship, on the occult sciences as they were understood, experienced, and combatted at the end of the sixteenth century.