Dissecting the Molecular Mechanism of Epithelial-to-mesenchymal Transition in Development and in Twist-driven Tumor Metastasis

Book Description

Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a highly conserved cellular process through which polarized and stationary epithelial cells become highly motile mesenchymal cells. EMT is an essential cellular process during embryogenesis, such as mesoderm induction, and more recently has been shown to be an important step in cancer metastasis. In both cases, epithelial cells must break away from neighboring cells and migrate to a distant location. Even though EMT has an important role in development and pathogenesis, the molecular machinery that drives EMT in mesoderm development and cancer metastasis is far from being fully understood. Therefore, for my dissertation, I sought to characterize the mechanism of EMT in both processes to gain a better understanding of cell migration and morphogenesis. Twist is a known inducer of EMT and tumor invasion and metastasis. To understand how Twist regulates target gene expression, we applied chromatin immuno-precipitation coupled with high-throughput sequencing to characterize its genome-wide DNA binding patterns. Using this approach, we found that through cooperative binding, Twist recognizes an evolutionarily conserved double E-box motif to regulate transcription of target genes. Furthermore, we show that the highly conserved WR domain of Twist mediates the high affinity cooperative binding of Twist to the double E-box motif. Functionally, the WR domain is essential for the ability of Twist to promote EMT. To characterize EMT in mammalian mesoderm formation, we utilized the in vitro embryoid body model system that forms all three germ layers during differentiation. After establishing the embryoid body system as an effective ex vivo model to study mesoderm formation, I first characterized the expression profile of known EMT-inducing transcription factors during mesoderm development. By knocking down individual genes using shRNA, I identified several EMT transcription factors to be essential for mesoderm formation and began to elucidate how a group of EMT-inducing transcription factors function together to orchestrate mesoderm formation. By studying the molecular mechanism of EMT in development and cancer metastasis, we have gained a better understanding of EMT as an essential cellular process and as a possible therapeutic target to inhibit cancer progression.

The Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in Cancer

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This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "The Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in Cancer" that was published in Cancers

Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interactions in Cancer

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gar discusses recent studies of the SF gene promoter that may be relevant to understanding the detailed molecular mechanism(s) by which soluble factors regulate SF production. Polverini and Nickoloff discuss another mechanism by which SF may enhance tumor growth, ie., stimulation of angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing microvessels. Angiogenesis is required for continued growth of most solid tumors, and provides a mechanism by which the stroma may continue to grow along with the tumor cells. Although endothelial cells are stromal cells, they express a number of epithelial characteristics including (i) epithelial-like tight junctions and junctional proteins; (ii) the ability to organize into flat­ tened tubular structures; (iii) the c-met receptor protein; and (iv) biologic responsiveness to SF. It is, perhaps, not surprising that vascular endothe­ lial cells may both produce and respond to SF in different situations. 'Epithelialness' may be defined in two ways: (i) expression of generic epithelial structures and proteins (eg., specialized junctions, junctional proteins [eg., cadherins, ZOl], cytokeratins); and (ii) production of specific differentiated products (eg., milk proteins by mammary epithelia, renin by renal tubular epithelia of the juxtaglomerular apparatus). Recent studies suggest that SF Ic-met signalling may mediate epithelia­ mesenchyme interconversion, in part by modifying some of the generic epithelial characteristics. Nusrat discusses the effects of SF on the epithelial junctional apparatus. Relatively little is known about whether and how SF regulates cell-specific differentiation.

Epithelial-Mesenchymal Plasticity in Cancer Metastasis

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Recent studies have highlighted that epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is not only about cell migration and invasion, but it can also govern many other important elements such as immunosuppression, metabolic reprogramming, senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), stem cell properties, therapy resistance, and tumor microenvironment interactions. With the on-going debate about the requirement of EMT for cancer metastasis, an emerging focus on intermediate states of EMT and its reverse process mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET) offer new ideas for metastatic requirements and the dynamics of EMT/MET during the entire metastatic cascade. Therefore, we would like to initiate discussions on viewing EMT and its downstream signaling networks as a fulcrum of cellular plasticity, and a facilitator of the adaptive responses of cancer cells to distant organ microenvironments and various therapeutic assaults. We hereby invite scientists who have prominently contributed to this field, and whose valuable insights have led to the appreciation of epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity as a more comprehensive mediator of the adaptive response of cancer cells, with huge implications in metastasis, drug resistance, tumor relapse, and patient survival.


Book Description

Carcinogenesis covers molecular, biochemical and cellular processes that underpin this field. The complex nature of cancer means that a broad understanding of these processes is advantageous when designing novel preventative, therapeutic or diagnostic strategies. This book commences with chapters discussing cancer predisposition and pre-cancerous lesions. Factors that initiate or progress cancer development, including viral, hormonal, oncogenic and biochemical stimuli are then described, as are interactions with the cancer extracellular environment. Animal models are particularly useful for evaluating therapeutic or chemopreventive agents and examples are presented. Finally, natural products that ether prevent or treat cancer are described. Together these topics will provide the reader with examples of the latest cutting edge research and discoveries, with the goal of stimulating further advances.

Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Its Regulation in Tumor Metastasis

Book Description

Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) plays a key role in cancer metastasis. This process is a complex, multi-functional, and tightly regulated developmental program. EMT has been extensively investigated, but the molecular regulation of its signaling pathway is highly complex. In this study, the different elements of EMT cascades that could be targeted were determined. Difficulties in translating the preclinical findings in routine clinic were also distinguished. Future research will provide insights into the activation and regulation of various EMT programs in different tumor types and at distinct stages of tumor development. These results will likely facilitate the development of early detection strategies and improve the therapeutic targeting of malignant solid tumors.

Coming Full Circle: Epithelial Plasticity and the Natural History of Metastasis

Book Description

The primary cause of cancer-related deaths is metastasis— the spread of cancer cells to distant organs— and yet the mechanisms underlying this process remain elusive due to the difficulty in detecting early metastatic events, which are rare, stochastic and microscopic. To investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of metastasis, I utilized an autochthonous mouse model of pancreatic cancer (KPCY) in which all tumor cells are genetically labeled with yellow fluorescent protein (YFP). The YFP lineage label allows for the detection and isolation of disseminated tumor cells as they delaminate from epithelial structures within the primary tumor, invade into the stroma and circulation, and colonize distal organs. Using this system, I characterized the development of metastatic lesions from single disseminated cells to grossly macroscopic lesions in the murine liver. I found that gross metastases closely resembled primary tumors in terms of differentiation and microenvironment— these large lesions are well differentiated, containing primarily epithelial tumor cells, and accumulate stroma consisting of myofibroblasts, leukocytes and extracellular matrix (ECM). In contrast, single disseminated cells tend to be poorly differentiated and lack any association with stromal cells, and must build up a microenvironment around them as they grow. Despite the presumably protective stroma surrounding large lesions, gross metastasis was significantly reduced with chemotherapy, while single cells were unaffected. Interestingly, residual lesions were enriched for epithelial features, suggesting that EMT confers chemosensitivity in this context. I also used the KPCY model to investigate the molecular mechanisms of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), which is widely considered to be the first step in the metastatic cascade. The YFP lineage label made it possible to identify and isolate tumor cells that have undergone EMT for transcriptional profiling. Surprisingly, I found that in a majority of pancreatic tumors, conventional transcriptional repressors were not involved in EMT. Although a mesenchymal transcriptional program was significantly enriched in cells that had undergone this “non-canonical” mechanism of EMT, the epithelial program was downregulated at the protein level by a mechanism involving protein internalization. Because cells retain both epithelial and mesenchymal properties during non-canonical EMT, this phenomenon represents an attractive explanation for the ability of tumor cells to cycle between epithelial and mesenchymal states and adapt to the changing microenvironment on their way to metastatic sites. The journey from primary tumor to metastatic site requires cancer cells to overcome many obstacles and a better understanding of how they navigate the numerous steps of the metastatic cascade could open the door to desperately needed anti-metastatic therapies.