Diversidad Sexual e Identidad de Género

Book Description

Diversidad sexual e Identidad de género es un libro didáctico, escrito en lenguaje no académico. Hace parte de un estudio socio jurídico sobre estos temas: diversidad sexual, identidad de género, orientación sexual, homosexualidad, lesbianismo, transgenerismo, historia de la diversidad sexual, derechos universales de la diversidad sexual, unión civil y matrimonio homosexual, adopción homosexual y personajes que salieron del closet. El primer ensayo se dirige indistintamente a entidades, lectores LGBT y heterosexuales interesados en los derechos de la diversidad. Los niños, niñas y adolescentes podrán acce-der a él (con la venia de sus padres) pues no contiene nada crudo o morboso que pudiera afectar su sensibilidad. Con esta propuesta editorial el autor busca contribuir a un conocimiento más amplio y objetivo de la diversidad sexual y de género como realidad social. Se enfatiza sobre la igualdad de derechos de todas las personas en el mundo, independien-temente de su orientación de género y de su modo de pensar y de obrar en materia sexual.Próximas publicaciones de esta serie: Homosexualidad, Mitos, creencias y prejuicios sobre la homosexualidad, Lesbianismo, Transgenerismo, Causas de la homosexualidad, Homofobia y discriminación por orientación sexual.OTRAS OBRAS DE ESTA SERIE:Homosexualidad, Mitos, creencias y prejuicios sobre la homosexualidad, Homofobia y discriminación por orientación sexual, Causas de la homosexualidad, Lesbianismo, Transgenerismo.

LGBTQ Politics in Nicaragua

Book Description

"LGBTQ Politics in Nicaragua provides the previously untold history of the LGBTQ community's emergence as political actors-from revolutionary guerillas to civil rights activists"--

Cuerpos y diversidad sexual

Book Description

Diversidad sexual, religión y salud.

Book Description

Abuso sexual en el Hospital de los hipólitos durante el siglo XVI, el activismo cibernético y los problemas generados por la misoginia y la homofobia, se analiza la incomprensión de la bisexualidad y la consecuente bifobia, la diferencia entre género y sexo, la violencia y la discriminación, la percepción de los problemas de personas con discapacidad o que padecen alguna enfermedad, el embarazo adolescente y, desde luego, las políticas de inclusión y apoyo tan necesarias para estos sectores.

El sujeto sexuado: entre estereotipos y derechos

Book Description

Pareja heterosexual monogámica, familia, sentido patriarcal, sociedad, censura, persecución, discriminación sexista, prejuicios, actúan sin cesar y con distintos grados de violencia física, moral psicológica para imponer el estereotipo heterosexual-patriarcal.

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Schooling

Book Description

There has been dramatic social change with respect to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights around the world in the last decade. Yet legal protection and inclusion remain limited for LGBT youth. The context of schooling is especially important-schools remain the primary societal institution to which most youth have access and in which nearly all youth spend some significant portion of their lives. LGBT youth are at risk for some of the greatest difficulties experienced by adolescents, and many of those problems have been traced directly to negative school experiences. Research shows that anti-LGBT school victimization results in poor academic performance and negative school attitudes, mental health, and risk behaviors. New studies have identified characteristics of schools that are associated with inclusion and safety for LGBT students, including practices and policies that are associated with positive school climate and student wellbeing. Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Schooling brings together contributions from a diverse group of researchers, policy analysts, and education advocates from around the world to synthesize the practice and policy implications of research on sexual orientation, gender identity, and schooling. The book is interdisciplinary, as studies of LGBT students and schooling have emerged across disciplines including education, clinical, school, and developmental psychology; sociology; and public health. Included are syntheses of key areas of research; examples of new international models for educational practice; case studies of transformational policy and practice; and specific examples of the nexus of research, practice, and policy. The fundamental goal of this book is to advance social justice related to sexual orientation and gender identity through strengthening the relationship between research, practice, and policy to support LGBT students and schools. It will be of interest to school, developmental, and clinical psychologists, educators and school administrators, and LGBT scholars.

The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism

Book Description

In this three-volume set, an international team of experts involved in the research, management, and mitigation of hate-motivated violence examines and explains hate crimes in the United States and around the globe, drawing comparisons between countries as well as between hate crimes overall and domestic terrorism. The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. and Global Issues takes a hard look at hate crimes both domestically and internationally, enabling readers to see similarities and disparities as well as to make the connections between hate crimes and domestic terrorism. The entries in this three-volume set discuss subjects such as the psychology and motivation in hate crimes, the cultural norms that shape tolerance of outgroups or tolerance of hate, and the fact that hate crimes are a pervasive form of domestic terrorism, as well as myriad issues of proliferation, public policy, policing, law and punishment, and prevention. The set opens with an introduction that discusses hate crime research and examines issues of identification of the bias element of hate crimes via empirical and case vignettes. The subsequent chapters discuss subjects such as the socio-demographic profiles of hate crime offenders; hate crime legislation and policy in the United States; the effects of hate crime on their victims as well as society; the incidence of hate crime in specific regions, such as Europe, the Middle East, and South America; and programs and therapeutic interventions to heal victims. Readers will also learn how specific educational approaches in communities, schools, and universities can be implemented to help prevent future escalation of hate-motivated violence.

De amores y luchas

Book Description

El libro es el resultado de múltiples esfuerzos que se inscriben con rigor y originalidad en la novedosa perspectiva de análisis y compromiso ético.