Diversifying Mathematics Teaching: Advanced Educational Content And Methods For Prospective Elementary Teachers

Book Description

'What one takes away from this book is the notion that there’s a lot of potential to do more with these students, and the book stands as a resource for anyone who shares that opinion … Books like Abramovich’s are a welcome addition to our options as we try to do our best by these students, and by extension, their future students.'MAA ReviewsThe book is written to enhance the preparation of elementary teacher candidates by offering teaching ideas conducive to the development of deep understanding of concepts fundamental to the mathematics curriculum they are to teach. It intends to show how the diversity of teaching methods stems from the knowledge of mathematics content and how the appreciation of this diversity opens a window to the teaching of extended content.The book includes material that the author would have shared with teacher candidates should there have been more instructional time than a 3 credit hour master's level course, 'Elementary Mathematics: Content and Methods', provides. Thus the book can supplement a basic textbook for such a course by extending content and diversifying methods.Also, the book can support graduate level mathematics education programs which have problem-solving seminars/courses in their curriculum. The book is well-informed with (available in English) the mathematical standards and recommendations for teachers from Australia, Canada, Chile, England, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and the United States.

Towards Deep Understanding Of Elementary School Mathematics: A Brief Companion For Teacher Educators And Others

Book Description

The book is intended to serve as a brief companion for mathematical educators of elementary teacher candidates who learn mathematics within a college of education both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Being informed by mathematics teaching and learning standards of the United States, Australia, Canada, Chile, England, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and South Africa, the book can be used internationally.The teaching methods emphasize the power of visualization, the use of physical materials, and support of computer technology including spreadsheet, Wolfram Alpha, and the Geometer's Sketchpad.The basic ideas include the development of the concepts of number, base-ten system, problem solving and posing, the emergence of fractions in the context of simple real-life activities requiring the extension of whole number arithmetic, decimals, percent, ratio, geoboard geometry, elements of combinatorics, probability and data analysis.The book includes historical aspects of elementary school mathematics. For example, readers would be interested to know that two-sided counters stem from the binary system with its genesis in the 1st millennium BC China of which Leibnitz (17th century) was one of the first notable proponents. The genesis of the base-ten arithmetic is in the Egyptian mathematics of the 4th millennium BC, enriched with the positional notation with the advent of Hindu-Arabic numerals in the 12th century Europe.

Topics in Mathematics For Elementary Teachers

Book Description

This is the second (revised) edition of the book published in 2010 under the same title. It reflects the author’s experience teaching a graduate level mathematics content course for elementary teacher candidates at SUNY Potsdam since 2003. The book addresses a number of recommendations of the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences for the preparation of teachers demonstrating how abstract mathematical concepts can be motivated by concrete activities and the use of technology. Such approach to school mathematics makes it easier for teachers to grasp the meaning of generalization, formal proof, and the creation of an increasing number of concepts on higher levels of abstraction. The book’s computer-enhanced pedagogy and its strong experiential component enabled by the use of manipulative materials have the potential to reduce mathematics anxiety among teachers and help them develop confidence in teaching the subject matter through modeling and problem solving. Classroom observations of teachers’ learning mathematics as a combination of theory and experiment confirm that this approach elevates one’s mathematical understanding to a higher ground. Most of the chapters are motivated by a problem typically found in the elementary mathematics curricula and/or standards (either National or New York State – the context in which the author prepare teachers). By exploring traditional problems in depth, teachers can uncover fundamental mathematical concepts and ideas hidden within a seemingly mundane task. The need to have experience in going beyond traditional expectations for learning is due to the constructivist orientation of contemporary mathematics pedagogy that encourages students to ask questions about mathematics they study. Each chapter (except the last one) includes an activity set that can be used for the development of the variety of assignments for teachers. Digital tools used in the book include spreadsheets, Wolfram Alpha, GeoGebra, Kid Pix Studio Deluxe, and Graphing Calculator (Pacific Tech).

The Mathematics Education of Elementary Teachers

Book Description

This book is an edited volume addressing specific issues of significance for individuals involved with the undergraduate mathematics content preparation of prospective elementary teachers (PSTs). Teaching mathematics content courses to this group of students presents unique challenges. While some PSTs enter their teacher preparation with weak mathematical skills and knowledge, many also hold negative attitudes, anxiety, and misguided beliefs about mathematics. This book is designed to support instructors who teach these students in mathematics content for elementary teachers courses. Elementary teachers need a richly developed understanding of the mathematics they are teaching in order to teach it effectively. Providing them with the needed preparation is difficult, but can be eased with a solid understanding of the mathematical concerns and limitations PSTs bring to the learning of mathematics and a familiarity with the standards and curricula topics PSTs will be expected to teach. Chapter One makes the argument that elementary mathematics is not trivial. This is followed by an analysis of four central issues related to the mathematical preparation of elementary teachers, specifically: (1) selecting/creating/modifying and implementing mathematical tasks (2) noticing/understanding children’s ways of thinking as a foundation for learning mathematics, (3) developing mathematical habits of mind in PSTs, and (4) understanding the role affect plays in the mathematical learning of PSTs. The final chapter presents three international examples of programs that currently consider these factors in the implementation of their courses.

Integrating Computers And Problem Posing In Mathematics Teacher Education

Book Description

The book is written to share ideas stemming from technology-rich K-12 mathematics education courses taught by the author to American and Canadian teacher candidates over the past two decades. It includes examples of problems posed by the teacher candidates using computers. These examples are analyzed through the lenses of the theory proposed in the book.Also, the book includes examples of computer-enabled formulation as well as reformulation of rather advanced problems associated with the pre-digital era problem-solving curriculum. The goal of the problem reformulation is at least two-fold: to make curriculum materials compatible with the modern-day emphasis on democratizing mathematics education and to find the right balance between positive and negative affordances of technology.The book focuses on the use of spreadsheets, Wolfram Alpha, Maple, and The Graphing Calculator (also known as NuCalc) in problem posing. It can be used by pre-service and in-service teachers interested in K-12 mathematics curriculum development in the digital era as well as by those studying mathematics education from a theoretical perspective.

Fostering Collateral Creativity in School Mathematics

Book Description

This book explores the topic of using technology, both physical and digital, to motivate creative mathematical thinking among students who are not considered ‘mathematically advanced.’ The book reflects the authors’ experience of teaching mathematics to Canadian and American teacher candidates and supervising several field-based activities by the candidates. It consists of eight chapters and an Appendix which includes details of constructing computational learning environments. Specifically, the book demonstrates how the appropriate use of technology in the teaching of mathematics can create conditions for the emergence of what may be called ‘collateral creativity,’ a notion similar to Dewey’s notion of collateral learning. Just as collateral learning does not result from the immediate goal of the traditional curriculum, collateral creativity does not result from the immediate goal of traditional problem solving. Rather, mathematical creativity emerges as a collateral outcome of thinking afforded by the use of technology. Furthermore, collateral creativity is an educative outcome of one’s learning experience with pedagogy that motivates students to ask questions about computer-generated or tactile-derived information and assists them in finding answers to their own or the teacher’s questions. This book intends to provide guidance to teachers for fostering collateral creativity in their classrooms.

Developing Deep Knowledge in Middle School Mathematics

Book Description

This textbook is for prospective teachers of middle school mathematics. It reflects on the authors’ experience in offering various mathematics education courses to prospective teachers in the US and Canada. In particular, the content can support one or more of 24-semester-hour courses recommended by the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (2012) for the mathematical preparation of middle school teachers. The textbook integrates grade-appropriate content on all major topics in the middle school mathematics curriculum with international recommendations for teaching the content, making it relevant for a global readership. The textbook emphasizes the inherent connections between mathematics and real life, since many mathematical concepts and procedures stem from common sense, something that schoolchildren intuitively possess. This focus on teaching formal mathematics with reference to real life and common sense is essential to its pedagogical approach. In addition, the textbook stresses the importance of being able to use technology as an exploratory tool, and being familiar with its strengths and weaknesses. In keeping with this emphasis on the use of technology, both physical (manipulatives) and digital (commonly available educational software), it also explores e.g. the use of computer graphing software for digital fabrication. In closing, the textbook addresses the issue of creativity as a crucial aspect of education in the digital age in general, and in mathematics education in particular.

Knowing and Learning Mathematics for Teaching

Book Description

There are many questions about the mathematical preparation teachers need. Recent recommendations from a variety of sources state that reforming teacher preparation in postsecondary institutions is central in providing quality mathematics education to all students. The Mathematics Teacher Preparation Content Workshop examined this problem by considering two central questions: What is the mathematical knowledge teachers need to know in order to teach well? How can teachers develop the mathematical knowledge they need to teach well? The Workshop activities focused on using actual acts of teaching such as examining student work, designing tasks, or posing questions, as a medium for teacher learning. The Workshop proceedings, Knowing and Learning Mathematics for Teaching, is a collection of the papers presented, the activities, and plenary sessions that took place.

Beyond Classical Pedagogy

Book Description

The emergence of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards in 1989 sparked a sea change in thinking about the nature and quality of mathematics instruction in U.S. schools. Much is known about transmission forms of mathematics teaching and the influence of this teaching on students' learning, but there is still little knowledge about the alternative forms of instruction that have evolved from the recent widespread efforts to reform mathematics education. Beyond Classical Pedagogy: Teaching Elementary School Mathematics reports on the current state of knowledge about these new instructional practices, which differ in significant ways from the traditional pedagogy that has permeated mathematics education in the past. This book provides a research-based view of the nature of facilitative teaching in its relatively mature form, along with opposing views and critique of this form of pedagogy. The focus is on elementary school mathematics classrooms, where the majority of the reform-based efforts have occurred, and on the micro level of teaching (classroom interaction) as a source for revealing the complexity involved in teaching, teachers' learning, and the impact of both on children's learning. The work in elementary mathematics teaching is situated in the larger context of research on teaching. Research and insights from three disciplinary perspectives are presented: the psychological perspective centers on facilitative teaching as a process of teachers' learning; the mathematical perspective focuses on the nature of the mathematical knowledge teachers need in order to engage in this form of teaching; the sociological perspective attends to the interactive process of meaning construction as teachers and students create intellectual communities in their classrooms. The multidisciplinary perspectives presented provide the editors with the necessary triangulation to provide confirming evidence and rich detail about the nature of facilitative teaching. Audiences for this book include scholars in mathematics education and teacher education, teacher educators, staff developers, and classroom teachers. It is also appropriate as a text for graduate courses in mathematics education, teacher education, elementary mathematics teaching methods, and methods of research in mathematics education.