Divine Capabilities

Book Description

Knowing YOUR unique design and special purpose is THE game changer in most peoples lives. Knowing and embracing your God given identity and capitalizing on it can shift your entire perspective on people, relationships and even our Creator. Finally Knowing I WAS BORN FOR THIS will drown out and defeat the voices of doubt, fear and draw back that tries to stifle your forward movement. This book deals with these ideas and much much more.

Divine Transformation

Book Description

Clear your karma to transform your soul first; then transformation of every aspect of your life will follow. Millions of people are searching for lifetransformation. Thousands of books, articles,seminars, and workshops teach methods foraccomplishing this. The seventh book of Master Sha’s bestselling Soul Power Series, Divine Transformation: The Divine Way to Self-clear Karma to Transform Your Health, Relationships, Finances, and More, teaches the divine way to transform every aspect of your life, including your health, relationships, finances, and more. Karma is the root cause of success and failure in every aspect of life. Bad karma is the root blockage underlying any and every challenge that you, humanity, and Mother Earth face. Divine Transformation teaches sacred wisdom, knowledge, and practical treasures to self-clear karma in order to remove the blockages and transform the challenges in your life. Master Sha’s teaching is becoming deeper and simpler. Study it. Benefit from it. Transform your health, relationships, finances, and every aspect of your life.

Ezra's Burden

Book Description

Ezra Walker, a photographer for a local newspaper, attempts to get his life back on track following the loss of his mother during a horrible fire. Ezra struggles with the people around him, many of whom think he was involved in his mother's tragic death. Ezra becomes obsessed with proving his innocence. A series of events reveal that his mother's real killer is not only still in town, but is continuing to commit murders. Just when Ezra believes the worst is over, reality quickly sets in. Ezra's long nightmare is just beginning.

Living in a Body on a Planet

Book Description

In this book, William shares in his own uniqued way the clarity, simplicity and guidance that will set you free to allow your life to become more expressive, enjoyable and inclusive and for you to exclusively run forth with what is in your life and what is coming forth into your life from all around you on a planet within the Universe and so much more. This book will assist you to access your natural birthrights and use the divine abilities that have been awaiting you. By allowing yourself to walk through these simple steps, you will be reclaiming your life, your health and your world. Relationships, finances and parenting etc. will all begin to grow and evolve. As you find yourself reconnecting with your source, optimum health and well-being, happiness and success and much, much more will be yours. It will forever change the way you look at your life and live your life and as Will so powerfully reveals in these pages, we all have these divine abilities and this work will assist you and guide you to living them and having a blast as you flourish on every level of your being. Chapters and topics in this book include: Introduction Will's Journey Where Did We Come From? Details on the karmic grid system, why it was so strong, what its purpose was and when it was dissolved. Clarity on the mind, the ego, emotion and judgement and why they have had so much power over you. Where Are We Going? Who or what is God? Clarity and guidance on the God/Creator this book refers to, your God/Creator given innate abilities, living beyond the mind level, ego, conflict etc., playing with your innate abilities and experiencing your uniquedness. What Is a True Relationship, and How Can You Have One? Living in a world with out pretense nor repetitive behaviors that do not complement your life. Questioning the mind is a starting point to create on opening to reveal the truth and using the mind as your friend. Rebuilding Your DNA and Raising Your Vibratory Structures Details on letting the body become your friend and letting the body be the body. How emotions and beliefs impact the body and its cells and its vibratory levels and cause rapid aging. How you can regenerate, rebuild and change the body. Playing with Higher States of Consciousness and Your Guidance Realms This book with guide you into your ability to play with higher states of consciousness, communicate directly with your source, what it is to be your presence and the Higher You where you are completely resolved of carrying any emotional baggage and are free from being hijacked by judgment and conflict with yourself and others. We will call your Higher Levels your 'internal/eternal guidance'. Communicating with Angelic and Archangelic Presences and Ascended Host Realms This chapter is about consciously enjoying the assistance and love from Angelic, Archangelic and Ascended Host Realms, we will call these Realms are you 'external guidance'. You can think of these Realms as protectors, advisors and even cheerleaders that encourage, assist and support you. Communicating with All of the Kingdoms You will see that when you are playing with all of your abilities and communicating with All of the Kingdoms, your mind and its evaluations and judgements are out of the way and you will have a greater understanding and knowledge of all things. Living in a Clear State This is your "I Am" presence of neutrality, openness, fluidity, freedom and expression. This is your natural state, one of an "is-ness" and simplicity and clarity within every level of your being. This is the 'real You' living in total bliss and being in the world and not embodying the world and its outside activities and dilemmas. Additionally, with-in each chapter there is a Willcasso and a meditation, or you may call it an exercise, to assist you in embodying all of your gifts and abilities through your mental and physical embodiment.

The Americana

Book Description

The Americana

Book Description

Think Like God

Book Description

When you discover how to think like God, you will deal with issures like God does and you will have victory over the things you may have been struggling with your entire life, including: Rejection. Negativity. Sickness. Fear. Impure Thoughts. Many Christians seek God's wisdom, but have not been successful in receiving life-fullfilling answers. Author Warren Hunter teaches you how to operate with the mindset of Jesus when He was on the earth.Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men (Philippians 2:5-7 NKJV).Think Like God reveals God's plan for your thought life based on His Word. It is time to Think Like God, overcome your past, and set forth your fantastic future--today!