DNS of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows

Book Description

This book highlights by careful documentation of developments what led to tracking the growth of deterministic disturbances inside the shear layer from receptivity to fully developed turbulent flow stages. Associated theoretical and numerical developments are addressed from basic level so that an uninitiated reader can also follow the materials which lead to the solution of a long-standing problem. Solving Navier-Stokes equation by direct numerical simulation (DNS) from the first principle has been considered as one of the most challenging problems of understanding what causes transition to turbulence. Therefore, this book is a very useful addition to advanced CFD and advanced fluid mechanics courses.

Particles in Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows: Deposition, Re-Suspension and Agglomeration

Book Description

The book presents an up-to-date review of turbulent two-phase flows with the dispersed phase, with an emphasis on the dynamics in the near-wall region. New insights to the flow physics are provided by direct numerical simuation and by fine experimental techniques. Also included are models of particle dynamics in wall-bounded turbulent flows, and a description of particle surface interactions including muti-layer deposition and re-suspension.

IUTAM Symposium on The Physics of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows on Rough Walls

Book Description

The study of wall-bounded turbulent ows is of considerable interest from both scienti c and practical view points. As such it has attracted a great deal of research over the last 100 years. Much research has concentratedon ows over smooth walls since these are simpler from experimental, numerical and theoretical standpoints. The ow over rough walls has still received considerable attention but progress has necessarilybeenslower.Perhapsthemostessentialproblem(certainlyfromaprac- cal point of view) is to be able to predict the skin-frictiondrag acting on a plate (or a body) given a certain known roughness characteristic of the surface. Unfortunately this has proved to be very dif cult since even the simplest rough surfaces can be characterised by a number of different parameters and we still cannot directly c- nectthese tothe uiddynamicdragin a givensituation.Varioustheoriesandmodels have been proposed in order to make progress but there is still some disagreement in the community as to the correct understanding of these important ows.

Fluid Flow Phenomena

Book Description

This book deals with the simulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for laminar and turbulent flows. The book is limited to explaining and employing the finite difference method. It furnishes a large number of source codes which permit to play with the Navier-Stokes equations and to understand the complex physics related to fluid mechanics. Numerical simulations are useful tools to understand the complexity of the flows, which often is difficult to derive from laboratory experiments. This book, then, can be very useful to scholars doing laboratory experiments, since they often do not have extra time to study the large variety of numerical methods; furthermore they cannot spend more time in transferring one of the methods into a computer language. By means of numerical simulations, for example, insights into the vorticity field can be obtained which are difficult to obtain by measurements. This book can be used by graduate as well as undergraduate students while reading books on theoretical fluid mechanics; it teaches how to simulate the dynamics of flow fields on personal computers. This will provide a better way of understanding the theory. Two chapters on Large Eddy Simulations have been included, since this is a methodology that in the near future will allow more universal turbulence models for practical applications. The direct simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations (DNS) is simple by finite-differences, that are satisfactory to reproduce the dynamics of turbulent flows. A large part of the book is devoted to the study of homogeneous and wall turbulent flows. In the second chapter the elementary concept of finite difference is given to solve parabolic and elliptical partial differential equations. In successive chapters the 1D, 2D, and 3D Navier-Stokes equations are solved in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates. Finally, Large Eddy Simulations are performed to check the importance of the subgrid scale models. Results for turbulent and laminar flows are discussed, with particular emphasis on vortex dynamics. This volume will be of interest to graduate students and researchers wanting to compare experiments and numerical simulations, and to workers in the mechanical and aeronautic industries.

Navier-Stokes Turbulence

Book Description

The book serves as a core text for graduate courses in advanced fluid mechanics and applied science. It consists of two parts. The first provides an introduction and general theory of fully developed turbulence, where treatment of turbulence is based on the linear functional equation derived by E. Hopf governing the characteristic functional that determines the statistical properties of a turbulent flow. In this section, Professor Kollmann explains how the theory is built on divergence free Schauder bases for the phase space of the turbulent flow and the space of argument vector fields for the characteristic functional. Subsequent chapters are devoted to mapping methods, homogeneous turbulence based upon the hypotheses of Kolmogorov and Onsager, intermittency, structural features of turbulent shear flows and their recognition.

Direct Numerical Simulation of Compressible and Incompressible Wall Bounded Turbulent Flows with Pressure Gradients

Book Description

This thesis is focused on direct numerical simulation (DNS) of compressible and incompressible fully developed and developing turbulent flows between isothermal walls using a discontinuous Galerkin method (DGM). Three cases (Ma = 0.2, 0.7 and 1.5) of DNS of turbulent channel flows between isothermal walls with Re ~ 2800, based on bulk velocity and half channel width, have been carried out. It is found that a power law seems to scale mean streamwise velocity with Ma slightly better than the more usual log-law. Inner and outer scaling of second-order and higher-order statistics have been analyzed. The linkage between the pressure gradient and vorticity flux on the wall has been theoretically derived and confirmed and they are highly correlated very close to the wall. The correlation coefficients are influenced by Ma, and viscosity when Ma is high. The near-wall spanwise streak spacing increases with Ma. Isosurfaces of the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor are more sparsely distributed and elongated as Ma increases. DNS of turbulent isothermal-wall bounded flow subjected to favourable and adverse pressure gradient (FPG, APG) at Ma ~ 0.2 and Reref ~ 428000, based on the inlet bulk velocity and the streamwise length of the bottom wall, is also investigated. The FPG/APG is obtained by imposing a concave/convex curvature on the top wall of a plane channel. The flows on the bottom and top walls are tripped turbulent and laminar boundary layers, respectively. It is observed that the first and second order statistics are strongly influenced by the pressure gradients. The cross-correlation coefficients of the pressure gradients and vorticity flux remain constant across the FPG/APG regions of the flat wall. High correlations between the streamwise/wallnormal pressure gradient and the spanwise vorticity are found near the separation region close to the curved top wall. The angle of inclined hairpin structure to streamwise direction of the bottom wall is smaller (flatter) in the FPG region than the APG region.

Validation of the Lattice Boltzmann Method for Direct Numerical Simulation of Wall-bounded Turbulent Flows

Book Description

In this work, the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) was validated for direct numerical simulation (DNS) of wall-bounded turbulent flows. The LBM is a discrete-particle-based method that numerically solves the Boltzmann equation as opposed to conventional DNS methods that are based on the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations. The advantages of the LBM are its simple implementation, its ability to handle complex geometries, and its scalability on modern high-performance computers. An LBM code was developed and used to simulate fully-developed turbulent channel flow. In order to validate the results, the turbulence statistics were compared to those calculated from a conventional NS-based finite difference (FD) simulation. In the present study, special care was taken to make sure the computational domains for LBM and FD simulations were the same. Similar validation studies in the literature have used LBM simulations with smaller computational domains in order to reduce the computational cost. However, reducing the size of the computational domain affects the turbulence statistics and confounds the results of the validation. The turbulence statistics calculated from the LBM and FD simulations were found to agree qualitatively; however, there were several significant deviations, particularly in the variance profiles. The largest discrepancy was in the variance of the pressure fluctuations, which differed by approximately 7%. Given that both the LBM and FD simulations resolved the full range of turbulent scales and no models were used, this error was deemed to be significant. The cause of the discrepancy in the pressure variance was found to be the compressibility of the LBM. The LBM allows the density to vary, while the FD method does not since it solves the incompressible form of the NS equations. The effect of the compressibility could be reduced by lowering the Mach number, but this would come at the cost of significantly increasing the computational cost. Therefore, the conclusion of this work is that, while the LBM is capable of producing accurate solutions for incompressible turbulent flows, it is significantly more expensive than conventional methods for simple wall-bounded turbulent flows.