
Book Description

However you view the present time, it is a new century, a new world, and also a new humanity - in fact, humanity is not something that was ever defined once and for all, but remains an open project. For several decades we have been witnessing a revolution. However, unlike the political and ideological revolutions that took place around the First World War, this is a technological and much more radical one that does not depend on people's beliefs, but rather on the tireless labour of machines. The rise of automation has brought about a revelation of something that had hitherto remained hidden in the workshops of homo faber. That is, there are very few functions, apart from consumption, where a machine cannot replace a human being, be these material or spiritual - machines need energy, but they can also do without it, whereas humans die if deprived of it, or one can imagine a machine producing symphonies, but not enjoying them. So while human beings are still needed, their roles and scopes have to be reconsidered. Workers may be superfluous, but humans are still needed, including those who until recently only recognised themselves as producers. The exclusion of workers from production does not discount humans being able to produce value in the form of consumption. Recognising this will enable us to conceive the "Webfare" - a new digital system that will teach us to find new names and new forms, more tolerance and room for traditional human needs. Above all, it will teach us how to transform the time given to us by automation into an opportunity for progress.

Completing Humanity

Book Description

Examines the history of the rise and fall of the twentieth century's last major attempt to decolonize international law.

Shocking the Conscience of Humanity

Book Description

The most commonly cited justification for international criminal law is that it addresses crimes of such gravity that they "shock the conscience of humanity." From decisions about how to define crimes and when to exercise jurisdiction, to limitations on defences and sentencing determinations, gravity rhetoric permeates the discourse of international criminal law. Yet the concept of gravity has thus far remained highly undertheorized. This book uncovers the consequences for the regime's legitimacy of its heavy reliance on the poorly understood idea of gravity. Margaret M. deGuzman argues that gravity's ambiguity may at times enable a thin consensus to emerge around decisions, such as the creation of an institution or the definition of a crime, but that, increasingly, it undermines efforts to build a strong and resilient global justice community. The book suggests ways to reconceptualize gravity in line with global values and goals to better support the long-term legitimacy of international criminal law.

Shielding Humanity

Book Description

On the contemporary international law scene, there are not many jurists who match the eminence and stature of Abdul G. Koroma. A distinguished lawyer, diplomat and member of the International Law Commission for many years, he has been a key figure in the elaboration, codification and negotiation of important multilateral treaties in diverse areas of international law. He subsequently served, for 18 years, on the bench of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) where he participated in deciding many of the Court’s leading cases during the busiest periods of its history. These outstanding essays, written by renowned judges, scholars and practitioners of international law in honour of Judge Koroma, discuss both classical and contemporary topics of significant relevance to the current and future of international law. The volume will appeal to anyone interested in the ICJ, peaceful settlement of inter-state disputes, law of the sea, international criminal law, international humanitarian law, regional integration and Africa’s contributions to international law. Contributors are: Avitus A Agbor, Babefemi Akinrinade, Adejoké Babington-Ashaye, Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Tamara Cummings-John, John Dugard, Olufemi Elias, Sir Christopher Greenwood, Chikeziri Igwe, Osman Keh Kamara, Charles Manga Fombad, Madeline Choe-Amusimo Fombad, Charles Chernor Jalloh, Kenneth Keith, Tommy Koh, Tiyanjana Maluwa, Konstantinos D. Magliveras, Brian McGarry, Andrew Morgan, Gino J. Naldi, Lydia A. Nkansah, Vincent O. Nmehielle, Karin Oellers-Frahm, Olajumoke O. Oduwole, Obiora Chinedu Okafor, Phoebe Okowa, Adetola Onayemi, Pemmaraju Sreenivasa Rao, Bernardo Sepúlveda-Amor, Surya P. Subedi, Mia Swart, Abdul Tejan-Cole, Manuel J. Ventura, Sienho Yee, and Abdulqawi A. Yusuf.

Crimes against Humanity in the 21st Century

Book Description

In Crimes Against Humanity in the 21st Century, Dr Robert Dubler SC and Matthew Kalyk provide a comprehensive analysis of crimes against humanity in international criminal law. The text tracks the crime from its conceptual origins in antiquity, to its emergence in customary international law at Nuremberg, to the establishment of the ‘modern definition’ at the Hague with the ICTY, ICTR and ICC, and finally to recent state practice and jurisprudence. The text sets out conclusions about the legal elements of the crime and contends that the raison d'être of the crime is located not in the inhumanity of its authors’ actions but in the extent to which its authors threaten international peace and security so as to justify international intervention. With a foreword by Geoffrey Robertson QC.

Humanity's Law

Book Description

In Humanity's Law, renowned legal scholar Ruti Teitel offers a powerful account of one of the central transformations of the post-Cold War era: the profound normative shift in the international legal order from prioritizing state security to protecting human security. As she demonstrates, courts, tribunals, and other international bodies now rely on a humanity-based framework to assess the rights and wrongs of conflict; to determine whether and how to intervene; and to impose accountability and responsibility. Cumulatively, the norms represent a new law of humanity that spans the law of war, international human rights, and international criminal justice. Teitel explains how this framework is reshaping the discourse of international politics with a new approach to the management of violent conflict. Teitel maintains that this framework is most evidently at work in the jurisprudence of the tribunals-international, regional, and domestic-that are charged with deciding disputes that often span issues of internal and international conflict and security. The book demonstrates how the humanity law framework connects the mandates and rulings of diverse tribunals and institutions, addressing the fragmentation of global legal order. Comprehensive in approach, Humanity's Law considers legal and political developments related to violent conflict in Europe, North America, South America, and Africa. This interdisciplinary work is essential reading for anyone attempting to grasp the momentous changes occurring in global affairs as the management of conflict is increasingly driven by the claims and interests of persons and peoples, and state sovereignty itself is transformed.

International Humanitarian Law and Non-State Actors

Book Description

This book challenges the traditional approach to international law by concentrating on international hThis book challenges the traditional approach to international law by concentrating on international humanitarian law and placing the focus beyond States: it reflects on current legal, policy and practical issues that concern non-State actors in and around situations of armed conflict. With the emergence of the nation-State, international law was almost entirely focused on inter-State relations, thus excluding - for the most part - non-State entities. In the modern era, such a focus needs to be adjusted, in order to encompass the various types of functions and interactions that those entities perform throughout numerous international decision-making processes. The contributions that comprise this volume are oriented towards a broad readership audience in the academic and professional fields related to international humanitarian law, international criminal law, international human rights law and general public international law. Ezequiel Heffes, LLM, is a Thematic Legal Adviser in the Policy and Legal Unit at Geneva Call in Geneva, Switzerland, Marcos D. Kotlik, LLM, is Academic Coordinator at the Observatory of International Humanitarian Law of the University of Buenos Aires, School of Law and was a Judicial Fellow at the International Court of Justice between 2018-2019, and Manuel J. Ventura, LLM (Hons), is an Associate Legal Officer in the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, an Adjunct Fellow at the School of Law at Western Sydney University, and a Director of The Peace and Justice Initiative.

THE Interview That Solves The Human Condition And Saves The World!

Book Description

The best introduction to biologist Jeremy Griffith’s world-saving explanation of the human condition! The transcript of acclaimed British actor and broadcaster Craig Conway’s astonishing, world-changing and world-saving 2020 interview with Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith about his book FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition which presents the completely redeeming, uplifting and healing understanding of the core mystery and problem about human behaviour of our so-called good and evil -stricken human condition thus ending all the conflict and suffering in human life at its source, and providing the now urgently needed road map for the complete rehabilitation and transformation of our lives and world! In fact, a former President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Professor Harry Prosen, has described it as the most important interview of all time! This world-saving interview was broadcast across the UK in 2020 and is being replayed on radio & TV stations around the world. This book is supported by a very informative website at, where you can watch the video of the interview.

Instigation to Crimes against Humanity

Book Description

In Instigation to Crimes Against Humanity – The Flawed Jurisprudence of the Trial and Appeal Chambers of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), Avitus A. Agbor critiques the jurisprudence of the ICTR on instigation to crimes against humanity under Article 6(1).