DOD's 2010 Comprehensive Inventory Management Improvement Plan Addressed Statutory Requirements, But Faces Implementation Challenges

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The Department of Defense (DOD) spends billions of dollars to purchase, manage, store, track, and deliver spare parts and other supplies needed to keep military equipment ready and operating. Since 1990, we have identified DOD supply chain management as a high-risk area due in part to ineffective and inefficient inventory management practices and procedures, weaknesses in accurately forecasting demand for spare parts, and challenges in achieving widespread implementation of key technologies aimed at improving asset visibility. These factors have contributed to the accumulation of billions of dollars in spare parts that are excess to current requirements. Moreover, we have recently reported on the inventory management practices of the military departments and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and recommended DOD take steps to improve demand forecasting, modify policies to provide incentives to reduce on-order inventory that is not needed to support requirements (i.e., on-order excess), ensure proper, documented reviews are conducted to validate methodologies for making retention decisions, and establish metrics and goals for tracking and assessing the cost efficiency of inventory management. To provide high-level strategic direction, DOD issued its Logistics Strategic Plan in July 2010, which, among other things, established a goal to improve supply chain processes, including inventory management practices. Our objectives were to (1) determine the extent to which DOD's Plan addresses the reporting elements required by section 328 of the NDAA and (2) assess the extent to which the Plan addresses six key characteristics that help establish a comprehensive, results-oriented management framework to guide implementation. These characteristics were not required to be included by section 328, but our prior work examining national strategies and logistic issues has shown that these characteristics help establish a results-oriented management framework for effective implementation.

Defense Inventory

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" GAO has identified supply chain management as a high-risk area due in part to ineffective and inefficient inventory management practices that have caused DOD to accumulate billions of dollars worth of unneeded inventory. DOD reported that as of September 2010 it had $8.4 billion worth of on-hand excess inventory, categorized for potential reuse or disposal, and $940 million worth of on-order excess inventory, already purchased but likely to be excess due to changes in requirements. Under the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, GAO is required to assess DOD's implementation of the Comprehensive Inventory Management Improvement Plan (Plan) DOD submitted to Congress. GAO's objectives were to determine the extent to which DOD has (1) established and achieved targets for reducing excess inventory in the Plan, (2) made progress in implementing the overall Plan, (3) metrics to track progress in improving inventory management, and (4) identified and realized any cost savings or avoidance. GAO reviewed relevant data, assessed DOD's actions through January 1, 2012, and interviewed officials implementing the Plan. "

Defense Logistics

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Military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have focused attention on the performance of DoD¿s supply chain management. DoD spent $178 billion on its supply chain in FY 2007. There have been many reported weaknesses in DoD's management of its supply chain. DoD released its Logistics Roadmap in July 2008 to guide, measure, and track logistics improvements. DoD has identified two technologies included in this roadmap -- item unique ident. (IUID) and passive radio frequency ident. (RFID), as having promise to address weaknesses in asset visibility. This report reviewed: the extent to which the roadmap serves as a comprehensive, integrated strategy to improve logistics; and the progress DoD has made implementing IUID and passive RFID.

Defense Logistics

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