The Geometry and Petrogenesis of Dolomite Hydrocarbon Reservoirs

Book Description

The wide distribution of dolomite rocks in North American, Middle- and Far-Eastern hydrocarbon reservoirs is reason enough for their intensive study. In this volume dolomite enthusiasts review progress and define the current boundaries of dolomite research, related particularly to the importance of these rocks as reservoirs.

Dolomite Reservoirs

Book Description

Carbonate Petroleum Reservoirs

Book Description

The case history approach has an impressive record of success in a variety of disciplines. Collections of case histories, casebooks, are now widely used in all sorts of specialties other than in their familiar application to law and medicine. The case method had its formal beginning at Harvard in 1871 when Christopher Lagdell developed it as a means of teaching. It was so successful in teaching law that it was soon adopted in medical education, and the col lection of cases provided the raw material for research on various diseases. Subsequently, the case history approach spread to such varied fields as busi ness, psychology, management, and economics, and there are over 100 books in print that use this approach. The idea for a series of Casebooks in Earth Sciences grew from my ex perience in organizing and editing a collection of examples of one variety of sedimentary deposits. The project began as an effort to bring some order to a large number of descriptions of these deposits that were so varied in pre sentation and terminology that even specialists found them difficult to compare and analyze. Thus, from the beginning, it was evident that something more than a simple collection of papers was needed. Accordingly, the nearly fifty contributors worked together with George de Vries Klein and me to establish a standard format for presenting the case histories.


Book Description

This volume contains 23 state-of-the-art papers presented at the Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomitization held in September 1991 in Ortisei, Italy. The conference was co-sponsored by the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) and the Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM), and marked the 200th anniversary of the 1791 paper by Deodat de Dolomieu describing dolomite in detail for the first time. The papers presented do not aim to give a complete review of the current state of the dolomitic art, but rather discuss important advances and gaps in our knowledge of dolomitization. State-of-the-art papers from worldwide experts. Includes basic science and economic applications.

Giant Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of The World

Book Description

Reservoirs described in this volume are located in the Middle East, Asia, West Africa, North and South America. The authors explore historical and alternative approaches to reservoir description, characterization, and management, as well as examining appropriate levels and timing of data gathering, technology applications, evaluation techniques, and management practices in various stages in the life of individual development projects. The giant fields discussed address issues important to reservoir description, characterization, and management from both geologic & engineering perspectives.

Establishing the Relationship Between Fracture-Related Dolomite and Primary Rock Fabric on the Distribution of Reservoirs in the Michigan Basin

Book Description

This topical report covers the year 2 of the subject 3-year grant, evaluating the relationship between fracture-related dolomite and dolomite constrained by primary rock fabric in the 3 most prolific reservoir intervals in the Michigan Basin (Ordovician Trenton-Black River Formations; Silurian Niagara Group; and the Devonian Dundee Formation). The characterization of select dolomite reservoirs has been the major focus of our efforts in Phase II/Year 2. Fields have been prioritized based upon the availability of rock data for interpretation of depositional environments, fracture density and distribution as well as thin section, geochemical, and petrophysical analyses. Structural mapping and log analysis in the Dundee (Devonian) and Trenton/Black River (Ordovician) suggest a close spatial relationship among gross dolomite distribution and regional-scale, wrench fault related NW-SE and NE-SW structural trends. A high temperature origin for much of the dolomite in the 3 studied intervals (based upon initial fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures and stable isotopic analyses,) coupled with persistent association of this dolomite in reservoirs coincident with wrench fault-related features, is strong evidence for these reservoirs being influenced by hydrothermal dolomitization. For the Niagaran (Silurian), a comprehensive high resolution sequence stratigraphic framework has been developed for a pinnacle reef in the northern reef trend where we had 100% core coverage throughout the reef section. Major findings to date are that facies types, when analyzed at a detailed level, have direct links to reservoir porosity and permeability in these dolomites. This pattern is consistent with our original hypothesis of primary facies control on dolomitization and resulting reservoir quality at some level. The identification of distinct and predictable vertical stacking patterns within a hierarchical sequence and cycle framework provides a high degree of confidence at this point that results will be exportable throughout the basin. Ten petrophysically significant facies have been described in the northern reef trend, providing significantly more resolution than the standard 4-6 that are used most often in the basin (e.g. Gill, 1977). Initial petrophysical characterization (sonic velocity analysis under confining pressures) shows a clear pattern that is dependent upon facies and resulting pore architecture. Primary facies is a key factor in the ultimate diagenetic modification of the rock and the resulting pore architecture. Facies with good porosity and permeability clearly show relatively slow velocity values as would be expected, and low porosity and permeability samples exhibit fast sonic velocity values, again as expected. What is significant is that some facies that have high porosity values, either measured directly or from wireline logs, also have very fast sonic velocity values. This is due to these facies having a pore architecture characterized by more localized pores (vugs, molds or fractures) that are not in communication.

Carbonate Reservoir Characterization: A Geologic-Engineering Analysis, Part I

Book Description

This book integrates those critical geologic aspects of reservoir formation and occurrence with engineering aspects of reservoirs, and presents a comprehensive treatment of the geometry, porosity and permeability evolution, and producing characteristics of carbonate reservoirs. The three major themes discussed are: • the geometry of carbonate reservoirs and relationship to original depositional facies distributions • the origin and types of porosity and permeability systems in carbonate reservoirs and their relationship to post-depositional diagenesis • the relationship between depositional and diagenetic facies and producing characteristics of carbonate reservoirs, and the synergistic geologic-engineering approach to the exploitation of carbonate reservoirs. The intention of the volume is to fully aquaint professional petroleum geologists and engineers with an integrated geologic and engineering approach to the subject. As such, it presents a unique critical appraisal of the complex parameters that affect the recovery of hydrocarbon resources from carbonate rocks. The book may also be used as a text in petroleum geology and engineering courses at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels.

Integrating Depostional Facies and Stratigraphy in Characterizing Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs

Book Description

Reservoir characterization of carbonate rocks requires understanding the role of depositional and diagenetic parameters in reservoir distribution. This is especially true for the diagenetically-altered and structurally-influenced Trenton-Black River reservoirs of the Michigan Basin. Evaluating the depositional evolution and reservoir characteristics of component depositional facies through modeling and stratigraphic reconstruction would aid in exploration and characterization through providing a prediction tool for reservoir distrubution, both within and outside of the Michigan Basin. Results indicate that reservoir development is controlled by primary rock fabric related to depositional facies.