Doppler Spectra of Sea-Surface Backscatter at High Acoustic Frequencies

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The initial transfer of energy from atmospheric wind to the ocean surface, which would be a significant factor in ambient noise, may occur via the so-called Cat's Paw phenomena. To study this effect, an experiment was conducted at Seneca Lake for a moderately disturbed (no whitecaps) air-water interface. Doppler spectrum measurements of high-frequency acoustic waves backscattered from the wind-driven water surface indicate the presence of small-scale roughness that is convected downward by surface drift. For a slightly rippled surface, there is a sharp resonant peak corresponding to a convection velocity of approximately 0.4 m/s which is nearly independent of wind speed. The spectrum is broadened by phase modulation due to the orbital motion of large-scale gravity waves but remains skewed in the downwind direction. (Author).

High-Frequency Acoustic Backscatter from the Sea Surface

Book Description

This document contains the slide presentation entitled 'High-Frequency Acoustic Backscatter From the Sea Surface, ' given at the 107th meeting of the Acoustic Society of America on 8 May 1984 in Norfolk, Virginia. A high resolution scattering experiment was conducted in the shallow waters of the North Atlantic. A narrow beam parametric array, which was rotatable in both azimuth and elevation, was utilized as a broadband high-frequency acoustic projector. Acoustic surface scattering data were obtained at normal incidence and low grazing angles (less than 10 deg) as a function of acoustic transmit frequency and sea state conditions. Meteorologic and oceanographic data were obtained in concert with the acoustic measurements and included wind speed and direction, ocean surface wave spectra and currents, and ocean sound speed. Surface backscattering strength, Doppler spectra (shift and spread), and envelope statistics were some of the measured parameters. It will be shown that the Doppler spectra are approximately Gaussian and the spectral shift could be predicted from Bragg diffraction theory modified by the induced Doppler due to surface currents. The measured Doppler spreads, however, were greater than those predicted by composite roughness theory.

Space-frequency Correlations in Multistatic Acoustic Reverberation Due to a Wind-driven Sea Surface

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Analytic methods are used to assess the impact of the two-dimensional (2-D) wave spectrum of a wind-driven sea on multistatic low-frequency surface reverberation. The problem is initially posed with a narrowband source beneath a time-dependent sea surface in an ocean that can have depth dependence and bottom layering. The propagated signal interacts with the slower moving surface waves to produce a narrowband scattered field. The small-waveheight approximation is applied to a deterministic sea surface to express the scattered field in terms of the surface elevation and the Green's function for a perfectly calm sea. Randomness is then incorporated into the surface description, and its impact is formulated for an arbitrarily placed pair of receivers. The three-dimensional (3-D) cross-spectral density (CSD) of the reverberation is reduced to a sum of baseband and sideband terms formulated as multiple mean-sea-surface integrals. The sideband result is identified as an active scattering generalization of the van Cittert-Zernike theorem from partial coherence theory. The focus is then narrowed to shallow deployment in a homogeneous ocean, and stationary-phase estimates are used to produce analytic expressions for the CSD. The zero-Doppler component and Bragg-Doppler sidebands are expressed in terms of the power spectrum of the source, the power spectrum and directionality of the surface waves, and the multistatic source/receiver geometry. Sample sideband calculations are provided to illustrate the results, and system implications are considered.

Remote Sensing of Ocean Surface Current and Current Shear by HF Backscatter Radar

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The Doppler spectrum of radar return from the sea at HF contains two narrow lines displaced upward and downward from the carrier frequency, resulting from backscatter off ocean surface waves moving toward and away from the radar, respectively. These Bragg lines indicate resonant backscatter which occurs for the ocean waves of length one-half the radio wavelength. The phase velocity of these gravity waves consists of two components; the first is determined by the wavelength and the second by the current component in the direction of wave propagation averaged over depth with an exponential weighting function that has a characteristic scale proportional to the wavelength. The Doppler shift of the radar carrier is determined by the wave phase velocity. Its variation with carrier frequency is thus related to the vertical profile of the current component in the radar direction by a Laplace transform; therein lies the principle of radio measurement of ocean current and its vertical shear. Radio backscatter experiments to verify the feasibility of such measurements were conducted using the radar operating at four frequencies covering the range from 3 to 30 MHz. The depth-averaged radial current deduced from the centroid of the Doppler-shifted sea echo experiments at 6.8, 13.3, 21.7, and 29.8 MHz showed fluctuations on the order of 1 cm/sec superimposed on temporal trends that reached maximum values of about 40 cm/sec. It is concluded that multifrequency backscatter ground-wave radar at HF constitutes a powerful technique for mapping current and its vertical profile in the top few meters of the ocean.

Ocean Variability & Acoustic Propagation

Book Description

Fifteen years ago NATO organised a conference entitled 'Ocean Acoustic Modelling'. Many of its participants were again present at this variability workshop. One such participant. in concluding his 1975 paper, quoted the following from a 1972 literature survey: ' ... history presents a sad lack of communications between acousticians and oceanographers' Have we done any better in the last 15 years? We believe so, but only moderately. There is still a massive underdeveloped potential for acousticians and oceanographers to make significant progress together. Currently, the two camps talk together insufficiently even to avoid simple misun derstandings. such as those in Table 1. Table 1 Ocsanographic and acoustic jargon (from an idea by Pol/ardi Jargon Oceanographic use Acoustic use dbordB decibar (depth in m) decibel (energy level) PE primitive equations parabolic equations convergence zone converging currents converging rays (downwelling water) (high energy density) front thermohaline front wave, ray or time front speed water current speed sound propagation speed 1 The list goes on.

Detection and Characterization of Deep Water Wave Breaking Using Moderate Incidence Angle Microwave Backscatter from the Sea Surface

Book Description

The importance of wave breaking in both microwave remote sensing and air-sea interaction has led to this investigation of the utility of a Ku-Band CW Doppler scatterometer to detect and characterize wave breaking in the open ocean. Field and laboratory measurements by previous authors of microwave backscatter from sharp-crested and breaking waves have shown that these events can exhibit characteristic signatures in moderate incidence angle measurements of the radar cross-section (RCS) and Doppler spectrum. Specifically, breaking events have been associated with polarization independent sea spikes in the RCS accompanied by increased mean frequency and bandwidth of the Doppler spectrum. Simultaneous microwave, video, and environmental measurements were made during the SAXON experiment off Chesapeake Bay in the fall of 1988. The scatterometer was pointed upwind with an incidence angle of 45 degrees and an illumination area small compared to the wavelength of the dominant surface waves. An autocovariance estimation technique was used to produced time series of the RCS, mean Doppler frequency, and Doppler spectral bandwidth in real-time. The joint statistics of the microwave quantities indicative of breaking are used to investigate detection schemes for breaking events identified from the video recordings. The most successful scheme is based on thresholds in both the RCS and the Doppler bandwidth determined from joint distributions for breaking and non-breaking waves. Microwave events consisting of a sea spike in the RCS accompanied by a large bandwidth are associated with the steep forward face of waves in the early stages of breaking. The location of the illumination area with respect to the phase of the breaking wave, the stage of breaking development, and the orientation of an individual crest with respect to the antenna look-direction all influence the detect ability of a breaking event occurring in the vicinity of the radar spot. Since sea spikes tend to occur on the forward face of waves in the process of breaking, the whitecap associated with a given sea spike may occur after the crest of the wave responsible for the sea spike has passed the center of the illumination area. Approximately 70% of the waves which produce whitecaps within a distance of 5m of the bore sight location are successfully identified by a threshold-based detection scheme utilizing both RCS and bandwidth information. The sea spike statistics are investigated as functions of wave field parameters and friction velocity u*. For VV and HH polarization, the frequency of sea spike occurrence and the sea spike contribution to the mean RCS show an approximately cubic dependence on u*, which is consistent with theoretical modelling and various measures of whitecap coverage. The data also suggest that the average RCS of an individual sea spike is not dependent on u*. At high friction velocities (u*~=40-50cms-l), the contribution of sea spikes to the mean RCS is in the range of 5-10% for VV and 10-20% for HH. The wind speed dependence of the percentage of crests producing sea spikes is comparable to that of the fraction of breaking crests reported by previous authors. The percentage of wave crests producing sea spikes is found to vary approximately as (Re*)1.5, where Re* is a Reynolds number based on u* and the dominant surface wavelength. This result agrees with measurements of the degree of wave breaking by. previous authors and is shown to be consistent with a cubic dependence on u *. Models for the probability of wave breaking as a function of moments of the wave height spectrum are compared to our results. The Doppler frequency and bandwidth measurements are also used to inquire into the kinematics of the breaking process.

The Acoustic Bubble

Book Description

The Acoustic Bubble describes the interaction of acoustic fields with bubbles in liquid. The book consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 provides a basic introduction to acoustics, including some of the more esoteric phenomena that can be seen when high-frequency high-intensity underwater sound is employed. Chapter 2 discusses the nucleation of cavitation and basic fluid dynamics, while Chapter 3 draws together the acoustics and bubble dynamics to discuss the free oscillation of a bubble and acoustic emissions from such activity. The acoustic probes that are often applied to study the behavior of a bubble when an externally-applied acoustic field drives it into oscillation is deliberated in Chapter 4. The last chapter outlines a variety of effects associated with acoustically-induced bubble activity. The bubble detection, sonoluminescence, sonochemistry, and pulse enhancement are also covered. This publication is a good reference for physics and engineering students and researchers intending to acquire knowledge of the acoustic interactions of acoustic fields with bubbles.

Ocean Reverberation

Book Description

During the past decade there has been a renewed interest in active sonar systems at both low and medium frequencies. More recently this interest has been extended to very high frequencies in shallow water. Reverberation often limits the detection performance of these systems, and there is a need to understand the underlying mechanisms that cause the scattering. With more emphasis being given to reverberation phenomena in the Scientific Program of Work at the SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, it was considered an opportune time to host a meeting, bringing together scientists from NATO countries to foster cross-disciplinary dialogue and generate ideas for new research directions. Consequently the Ocean Reverberation Symposium was held 25-29 May 1992 in La Spezia, Italy. Over 60 presentations were made on a diverse selection of topics, of which ten papers will be published as a SACLANTCEN Conference Proceedings. The papers in this volume are grouped into 8 sections, usually in the same order as presented at the corresponding session of the Symposium: Section 1 - Scattering Mechanisms Section 2 - High Frequency Measurements and Mechanisms Section 3 - Reverberation Modelling Section 4 - ARSRP Mid-Atlantic Ridge Experiment Section 5 - Low Frequency Measurements Section 6 - Volume Scattering Section 7 - Signal Processing Issues Section 8 - Applications Taken together the papers show some emerging trends in the research.