Double Planet

Book Description

The Dragon, an enormous comet, is on a trajectory that will bring it perilously close to an Earth that is still suffering from the scars of a nuclear incident, and from the problems of the Greenhouse Effect. For the optimists - those that remain - it is a sign of change for the better; for others, the comet foreshadows humanity's final doom. But to Francis Reese and the hard-pressed astronauts of the depleted space programme, the Dragon presents a third outrageous, yet irresistible possibility - the transformation of a barren world into a new home for the beleaguered peoples of Earth.

The Double Planet

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Double Planet

Book Description

The Planet Factory

Book Description

Forget about rockets to Mars – the future of space science lies with the search for exoplanets Twenty years ago, the search for planets outside the Solar System was the preserve of science-fiction writers. Now it's one of the fastest-growing fields in astronomy, with thousands of exoplanets discovered to date, and the number rising fast. These new-found worlds are more alien than anything in fiction. Planets larger than Jupiter with years lasting a week; others with two suns lighting their skies, or with no sun at all. Planets with diamond mantles supporting oceans of tar; possible Earth-sized worlds with split hemispheres of perpetual day and night; waterworlds drowning under global oceans and volcanic lava planets awash with seas of magma. The discovery of this diversity is just the beginning. There is a whole galaxy of possibilities. The Planet Factory tells the story of these exoplanets. What can we learn about these faraway surface environments and planetary atmospheres? And do the results hint at the tantalising possibility of alien life?


Book Description

Introduces this small, distant, and mysterious planet, surveying its discovery sixty years ago, peculiar orbit, and recently discovered satellite.


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Book Description

Orbiting at the edge of the outer Solar System, Pluto is an intriguing object in astronomy. Since the fascinating events surrounding its discovery, it has helped increase our understanding of the origin and evolution of the Solar System, and raised questions about the nature and benefits of scientific classification. This is a timely and exciting account of Pluto and its satellites. The author uses Pluto as a case study to discuss discovery in astronomy, how remote astronomical bodies are investigated, and the role of classification in science by discussing Pluto's recent classification as a dwarf planet. Besides Pluto, the book also explores the rich assortment of bodies that constitute the Edgeworth–Kuiper Belt, of which Pluto is the largest innermost member. Richly illustrated, this text is written for general readers, amateur astronomers and students alike. Boxed text provides more advanced information especially for readers who wish to delve deeper into the subject.

Other Proof of Poincare’s Hypothesis

Book Description

Not so long ago, about 30 years ago, not only the world community of mathematicians, but other scientific communities and even non-scientific communities with close attention — some with partiality, some without partiality — but followed with interest, and even delved into scientific details of the proof of the Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman of the hypothesis that was formulated in 1904 by the outstanding French mathematician Henri Poincaré. I was also interested in the same evidence. True, the reason for my interest was not so much Perelman’s proofs in their mathematical details, but rather the formulation of the hypothesis itself, which seemed to me an extremely interesting formulation of the problem of such manifolds, the topological and metric properties of which, in their unity with each other, are the cause of the geometric shape of the space of the universe. If someone asks, why start the same scientific business if there is already a mathematical proof of the same hypothesis. Firstly, if anything determines the geometric shape of any space, including the space of the universe, then perhaps its physical content. If so, then from the standpoint of the spatial unity of the geometric form of the space of the universe and the physical content of the same geometric form, Poincaré’s mathematical hypothesis is certainly a theoretically incomplete hypothesis. All the same justifies the need for the science of physical and geometric science in their unity with themselves and among themselves to prove those manifolds, physical and geometric manifolds, the natural properties of which in their unity with each other are responsible for the spatial unity of the universe with itself. Secondly, since truth is not an absolute truth, it reveals itself each time as a relative truth, which does not prohibit, but permits another proof of the same mathematical hypothesis, which in a given place is no longer mathematical, but geometrically physical and physically geometric.

Planets Beyond

Book Description

This book serves as a fascinating progress report on the outer solar system, offering a way to better appreciate the newest findings. It unlocks some of the mysteries surrounding Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto — from the drama of their discoveries to the startling results of Voyager 2’s historic 1989 encounter with Neptune.