Down Below and the Archon's Castle

Book Description

Playing in their underground fort, Tod spins off into another world and Zoe follows to find her lost friend. There, she finds unusual companions in the form of a Sphere, a Rubbery Man, and a Rock Man. Together hey journey to find Tod, in a below world of Ancient Stone Ones, a world composed only of women, and a castle ruled by a mad scientist. Read this work if you would like to begin a seven-part series, which follows a couple through time, from the fantasy world of childhood to the afterworld.

Beyond the Portal

Book Description

A hunter of mystery stones deciphers the markings of a petroglyph, revealing an alternate view of the universe. A wide cast of beings appears, including a half-skeletal shaman who serves as our guide within a rich archetypal realm. The shapes on the Stone touch upon the mystery of birthing, the creature sense of our being, our hidden soul self, and the immortal nature of form. Come journey with us, following the continuing inspiration of the Mystery Stone found by the Shenandoah River.

LIttle People and the Time Rider

Book Description

Two friends enter the world of Little People, who have musical names and plants that sing. When the land is invaded by giants who steal from the present and future, the visitors are challenged to help. The clue to survival comes from a prehistoric creature who is a time traveler and who offers a beautiful vision of the future. A classic utopian story, with a lyrical tone, opens the door to an alternate vision of the world that challenges you to find your true name

Alwon in Another World

Book Description

Alwon's longing transports him into another world. In the realities of Over-world, This World, and the Netherworld, he encounters an array of archetypal beings. They include Beyonder, a Big-foot creature, which guides him on his voyage as his shadow side, for which he must find resolution. Alwon's last challenge is to discover his way out of a maze of caves which are the bodies of dragons. In the end, the resolution of his spirit journey depends on acceptance from unexpected help outside himself.

Across the Gulf and Journey Into Un-Time

Book Description

Friends since childhood, Zoe and Tod, travel into the mountains of Guatemala where they explore the ways of village life. Invited to witness a Mayan ritual, they enter a deep cave. The New Year is to be brought in by the elders, but time is stopped and the ancient gods demand a sacrifice. In the swirling chaos of un-time, Zoe and Tod have a revelation that will change their lives.

Ten Metadiscoveries We Have Made

Book Description

This work offers ten meta-insights about the universe, ones which also resonate with our inner world. Drawing upon the author's interdisciplinary studies and life, we ask what can be said in total? This work serves as an invitation for each of us to explore our own philosophy and identify our own meta-discoveries. When doing such work, we will become more aware and able to actualize our lives more fully.

Ten Traits of Empire

Book Description

A wave of authoritarianism is sweeping the planet, tempting people to choose a dark path. It would be in our interest to know the traits of empires, so we can be alert to its dangers, to prevent and control its rise. Yet we are not taught to name the reality or to identify empire's basic traits. Thus, this work seeks to make clear the traits of the empire path. Then, this work wrestles with questions "Is there a good empire? Is a more utopian vision possible? And, if we are in an empire, how do we resist and build to a better future? We invite you to read this work to understand the flow of history and to gain hope that our world and its children can live in a richer, freer world.

Transformational Stories

Book Description

The stories in this work describe depth psychological experiences of persons who often ended up in psychiatric hospitals. Beyond suffering and pain, these person's stories show a spirit and courage which led them to become advocates or artists. Many of the authors are well known and part of a national and international movement, advocating for rights of those in the psychiatric system. This work also includes a handful of professionals who may not have been hospitalized, but have found effective methods to help those in distress. Read this work if you want to see what happens in intense psychological experiences, and how the path to healing has been discovered.

Ten Mememtos on Our Desk

Book Description

This work invites us to enter the world of mementos, as to their significance and hidden meaning. By way of example, the author describes ten mementos from his own desk. His "first reflections" describe the object and the immediate story behind them. In his "second reflections," the author ventures into the philosophic and metaphysical domains to consider each memento's meaning. The ordinary world of mementos may not give us much pause during the course of the day. Yet they are in front of us and telling us something important about ourselves and our lives You are invited to take a journey into this world of mimentos, so you may begin to explore the meaning of yours, and discover what is being said to you.

Flower Amid the Devastation

Book Description

A spirit-storm causes devastation across a land and the Flower of Life is rent. The quest to find its lost petals and center becomes the basis for this projected trilogy-length work. Drawing upon Southwestern and Eastern Woodland Cosmology, its title Servants of the Flower World, invokes the opposite of Lord of the Rings. It involves the drama of confrontation between good and evil, which takes place in This World and an inverted Flower World, in which the fate of both can go either way. Join us in imagining an alternate world composed of a rich variety of beings, in which the usual pattern of might makes right is upended in unexpected ways, and a coherent, alternative and life-giving vision is offered.