Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas

Book Description

Wolf--aka Dr. Quantum--is a physicist who knows how to put complex science-based ideas into terms that even science-phobes can understand. With clarity and humor he presents mind-expanding ideas in the form of short quotes and longer excerpts.

Dr. Quantum's Little Book Of Big Ideas

Book Description

Respected among scientists and spiritual leaders alike for his pioneering work combining scientific and spiritual thought, Fred Alan Wolf (aka Dr. Quantum) is, as Deepak Chopra states, "one of the most important pioneers in the field of consciousness." Featured in the word-of-mouth indie hit, What the Bleep Do We Know?!, Dr. Wolf is a physicist who knows how to put complex science-based ideas into terms that even science-phobes can understand. With clarity and a sense of humor, Dr. Quantum presents Big Ideas in the form of both short quotes and longer excerpts and covers topics ranging from the construction of our everyday reality to our relationship to one another. Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas is a perfect gift for anyone interested in the realm where science meets spirit.

Forbidden Science

Book Description

Reveals the cutting edge of New Science and shows how established science disallows inquiry that challenges the status quo--even when it produces verifiable results • Contains 43 essays by 19 researchers denoting cutting-edge, heretical, or suppressed scientific research, including Immanuel Velikovsky, Nikola Tesla, Rupert Sheldrake, and Masaru Emoto • Edited by Atlantis Rising publisher, J. Douglas Kenyon Following the model of his bestselling Forbidden History and Forbidden Religion, J. Douglas Kenyon has assembled from his bimonthly journal, Atlantis Rising, material that explores science and technology that has been suppressed by the orthodox scientific community--from the true function of the Great Pyramid and the megaliths at Nabta Playa to Immanuel Velikovsky’s astronomical insights, free energy from space, cold fusion, and Rupert Sheldrake’s research into telepathy and ESP. There is an organized war going on in science between materialistic theory and anything that could be termed spiritual or metaphysical. For example, Masaru Emoto’s research into the energetics of water, although supported by photographic evidence, has been scoffed at by mainstream science because he has asserted that humans affect their surroundings with their thoughts. The materialism or absolute skepticism of the scientific establishment is detrimental to any scientific inquiry that thinks outside the box. This mentality is interested in preserving funding for its own projects, those that will not rock the establishment. From Tesla’s discovery of alternating current to Robert Schoch’s re-dating of the Sphinx, this book serves as a compelling introduction to the true history of alternative and New Science research.

What the Bleep Do We Know!?TM

Book Description

Everyone is still talking about the movie What the Bleep Do We Know!? Now comes the paperback edition of the book based on the mind-boggling movie that grossed $11 million in the U.S. alone. As the movie did, this book compels readers to ask themselves Great Questions that will recreate their lives as they know them. With the help of fourteen leading quantum physicists, scientists and spiritual thinkers, this book guides readers on a course from the scientific to the spiritual, and from the universal to the deeply personal. Along the way, it asks such questions as : Are we seeing the world as it really is? What are thoughts made of? What is the relationship between our thoughts and our world? Are we biologically addicted to certain emotions? How can I create my day every day? What the Bleep answers this question and others through an innovative, new approach to self-help and spirituality that's far different—and more exciting—than anything else on bookshelves. More than twenty short, focused, interactive chapters take readers on a journey that will integrate the answers to these Great Questions into every aspect of their lives.

Living Greatness

Book Description

When You Think About It

Book Description

At an early age you begin to ask yourself questions. Lots of questions. Some of these questions you can find answers to, but many you tell yourself have no answers, so you tuck them away for another day. That day came for the author when she lost her only child, Breana. The pain was immense and the questions unending. Where is she? Would she see her again? Why isn't she here for her son? If everything has a purpose, what could the purpose of losing her possibly be? Is there really a God, and what or who is He? For Cyndi life had no reason without her daughter in it. Is this physical world we live in the only reality? If so, what is the point?She became obsessed with finding her and with answering those long-ago questions. When faith is not enough, where do you turn? The things we learn as children become the facts we base our decisions on. Are they true-or just accepted and passed down through time? She began reading intensely. There was an interest in anything written by mediums, psychics, doctors, nurses, scientists, near-death experiencers, and hospice workers; anyone who had something to say on the subject was where she looked. She noticed that early physicists were being quoted in some of the books she was reading. Why? She wanted to learn more. What is this quantum world and how do we fit into it? She realized that greater minds than hers had written these books and she wasn't sure if she could understand them. The concentration she needed was unavailable to her in the beginning. Determination drove her forward however, and in time the concentration came.She was surprised when she began to see the lines cross between God (not religion) and science. God appeared to be the ultimate scientist and not a god at all. In fact, He is very different from the human god she had learned of as a child. There were many reasons to be afraid of that God. She wondered why she had not come across a book that incorporated all of these subjects into one. Had no one else seen the correlation? Could she write something for her grandson that would help him understand what she now understood so clearly? She began taking notes. Those notes became When You Think About It.

Modern Day Shapeshifting

Book Description

A powerful and thought provoking read on how to transform ourselves from our baggage-laden past and shift into the perfect part of ourselves: our souls. This step-by-step book marries a relationship between modern psychology and modern spirituality. It addresses powerful topics necessary to deliberately direct life experiences to achieve healthy and favorable outcomes. It includes learning life manifestation skills from both a psychological and soulful point of view. It gives the individual the knowledge and guidance to stay on course while consciously directing their lifes journey. This is the manual needed for individuals struggling physically, emotionally and mentally to create healthy focus and direction. It is a practical guide for individuals to access their innate and individual wisdom. It teaches you the Art of Shapshifting and how consciousness creates the nature of reality. It gives you effective strategies to design more of what you desire in life. It also helps you create a personal mapping system that keeps you on course. If you do the exercises and follow the advice, your life will change!

Authentic Power and Greatness

Book Description

Throughout human history, many insightful teachers, thinkers, and philosophers have explored the topic of finding purpose and living a life filled with happiness. These ideals, insights of spiritual wisdom and higher principles are valid, but most of were written thousands of years ago. How can we practically integrate these ancient teachings into the complexities of our modern, everyday lives? In this groundbreaking book, Joseph Rodarick Law teaches the principles of happiness from a holistic perspective, one that includes fulfilling relationships, a rewarding career, spiritual growth, and finding one's purpose in life. Written in a question-and-answer dialogue through a series of insightful interviews, the book gives you private access to the ideas, thoughts and advice of some of the most respected thinkers in the world today: Jack Canfield, bestselling author and co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul Dr. Edward de Bono, international leading thinker and author of Six Thinking Hats Marci Shimoff, happiness expert and author of Happy for No Reason Dr. John Demartini, philosopher and author of Count Your Blessings: The Healing Power of Gratitude and Love Fred Alan Wolf, quantum physicist and author of Dr. Quantum's Little Book Of Big Ideas: Where Science Meets Spirit Mingyur Rinpoche, meditation master and author of The Joy of Living Bill Bartmann, billionaire business coach and author of Billionaire — Secrets to Success Sonia Choquette, professional life coach and author of Your Heart's Desire: Instructions for Creating the Life You Really Want and many more...

Adventures In Quantumland: Exploring Our Unseen Reality

Book Description

This title is a self-contained follow-up to Understanding Our Unseen Reality: Solving Quantum Riddles (2015). Intended for the general reader but including more advanced material and an appendix of technical references for physics students and researchers, it reviews the basics of the transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics in its newer incarnation as a fully relativistic, realist interpretation of quantum theory, while embarking on further explorations of the implications of quantum theory. This interpretation is applied to new experiments and alleged 'paradoxes' that are found to be fully explicable once various misconceptions are identified.There is currently much disagreement about the meaning of quantum theory, as well as confusion about the implications of various experiments such as 'weak measurements,' 'quantum eraser,' and delayed choice. This book provides a clear way forward, presenting new developments and elaborating a promising interpretational approach that has completely nullified earlier objections (such as the Maudlin objection). It also explains why some prominent competing interpretations, such as 'decoherence' in an Everettian ('Many Worlds') approach, do not work as advertised.Adventures in Quantumland: Exploring Our Unseen Reality offers a fully relativistic interpretation of quantum mechanics with no discontinuity between non-relativistic and relativistic domains and shows how quantum theory allows for free will and for reconciliation of science and spiritual traditions.Related Link(s)

To Believe Or Not To Believe: The Social and Neurological Consequences of Belief Systems

Book Description

To Believe or not To Believe: The Social and Neurological Consequences of Belief Systems An in-depth look at how we limit our conscious evolution by maintaining rigid belief systems that no longer serve us and are lacking any logic or reason considering today’s advances in physics, neuroscience, and recent archaeological fi nds. Neuroscience has shown that people who meditate have much higher brain coherence than people who don’t; this balance is thought to be the gateway for spiritual enlightenment, which could be viewed as a bioneurological event. Through a better understanding of reality and our relationship to it, humankind will be able to see through the veils of illusion that keep us in constant confl ict with one another. Included are interviews with Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Andrew Newberg, Fred Alan Wolf, Neale Donald Walsch, Lynne McTaggart, Gary Zukav, Amit Goswami, Shakti Gawain, Dan Millman, Byron Katie, Alberto Villoldo, PhD, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Peter Russell, Timothy Freke, and Rollin McCraty of HeartMath. The book’s message refl ects the words of Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”