Global status report on the public health response to dementia

Book Description

Dementia is a leading cause of disability and dependency globally. It is a syndrome, usually of a chronic or progressive nature, that leads to deterioration in cognitive function (i.e. ability to process thought) beyond what would be expected from normal ageing. Dementia can be overwhelming not only for the person who has it, but also for carers, families and society as a whole. Globally, a lack of awareness and understanding of dementia continues to lead to widespread stigmatization and discrimination, which may prevent people from accessing diagnosis and care. The World Health Organization (WHO) has long recognized the importance of addressing dementia and the need for increased investments in health and social care systems. The First Ministerial Conference on Global Action Against Dementia was held in March 2015, convening health ministers and delegations from 89 countries around the world to discuss comprehensive actions to address dementia. Two years later, WHO Member States unanimously approved the Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017–2025. Further, WHO’s Global Dementia Observatory (GDO) was established to monitor global progress on key targets and indicators within these action areas.

A blueprint for dementia research

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Research and innovation are integral parts of the global response to dementia. Yet, the Global status report on the public health response to dementia shows that despite some encouraging efforts most countries are far from reaching the adopted targets of the Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017–2025. This blueprint for dementia research summarizes the current state of dementia research across six broad themes, identifies existing knowledge gaps, and outlines 15 strategic goals with actions and timebound milestones to address these gaps. The blueprint also outlines drivers of research that together create an enabling research environment that is essential for accelerating dementia research globally. Going forward, the blueprint will guide policymakers, funders, and the research community on future activities in dementia research, and contribute to making dementia research more efficient, equitable, and impactful.

Preventing Cognitive Decline and Dementia

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Societies around the world are concerned about dementia and the other forms of cognitive impairment that affect many older adults. We now know that brain changes typically begin years before people show symptoms, which suggests a window of opportunity to prevent or delay the onset of these conditions. Emerging evidence that the prevalence of dementia is declining in high-income countries offers hope that public health interventions will be effective in preventing or delaying cognitive impairments. Until recently, the research and clinical communities have focused primarily on understanding and treating these conditions after they have developed. Thus, the evidence base on how to prevent or delay these conditions has been limited at best, despite the many claims of success made in popular media and advertising. Today, however, a growing body of prevention research is emerging. Preventing Cognitive Decline and Dementia: A Way Forward assesses the current state of knowledge on interventions to prevent cognitive decline and dementia, and informs future research in this area. This report provides recommendations of appropriate content for inclusion in public health messages from the National Institute on Aging.

Dementia and Human Rights

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The time has come to further challenge biomedical and clinical thinking about dementia, which has for so long underpinned policy and practice. Framing dementia as a disability, this book takes a rights-based approach to expand the debate. Applying a social constructionist lens, it builds on earlier critical perspectives by bringing together concepts including disability, social inclusion, personhood, equality, participation, dignity, empowerment, autonomy and solidarity. Launching the debate into new and exciting territory, the book argues that people living with dementia come within the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and therefore have full entitlement to all the rights the Convention enshrines. A human rights-based approach has not to date been fully applied to interrogate the lived experience and policy response to dementia. With the fresh analytical tools provided in this book, policy makers and practitioners will will gain new insights into how this broader perspective can be used to further promote the quality of life and quality of care for all those affected by dementia.

Social & Public Policy of Alzheimer's Disease in the United States

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This book focuses on the public policy and political dimensions of Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias (AD/D) in the United States, with coverage of the global dimensions and relevant examples from other countries. Starting off with a discussion on the characteristics of AD/D and competing theories of their causes, their human and financial costs, and the increasing burden they place on all societies as populations age, the book examines in detail the range of policy issues they raise. These include funding policies, payment policy and regulatory functions, long-term services and support (LTCS), public health and prevention policies. The book analyses the big business surrounding AD/D and shows that the strong public fear of developing dementia heightens the likelihood of exploitation of vulnerable people looking for a technological fix. It examines both informal and formal caregivers and the heavy burden placed on families, primarily women, and recent policy attempts to strengthen LTCS. It also examines the latest evidence of potential risk-reduction and prevention strategies and the difficult issues surrounding advance directives, assisted suicide, and definitions of death that increasingly face policy makers. It concludes by analyzing the policy implications on possible technological scenarios.


Book Description

The report “Dementia: a public health priority” has been jointly developed by WHO and Alzheimer's Disease International. The purpose of this report is to raise awareness of dementia as a public health priority, to articulate a public health approach and to advocate for action at international and national levels.