The National Planning Policy Framework

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This report recommends that a default answer of 'yes' to development should be removed from the National Planning Policy Framework (NPFF). The phrase 'significantly and demonstrably' must also be removed from the presumption that all planning applications should be approved unless the adverse effects 'significantly and demonstrably' outweigh the benefits, because it adds a further barrier to the achievement of truly sustainable development. The definition of 'sustainable development' is inadequate and often conflated with 'sustainable economic growth'. The framework gives the impression that greater emphasis should be given in planning decisions to economic growth, undermining the equally important environmental and social elements of the planning system. The NPPF should require local planning decisions to be taken in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development consistent with Local Plans. It is unacceptable that so many parts of England have yet to develop and adopt a new Local Plan. Clarity within the NPPF has suffered in the pursuit of brevity. Inconsistent drafting could create gaps in planning policy or guidance that could lead to a huge expansion in the size of Local Plans - as local authorities attempt to plug those gaps. The test for 'viability', as currently worded, risks allowing unsustainable developments to go ahead if measures to make them sustainable are deemed to make them unviable for the developer. MPs also call for a sensible transition period to give local authorities time to put Local Plans in place where they have not already done so.

Draft National Planning Policy Framework

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HC 190 - Operation of the National Planning Policy Framework

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The Committee invited submissions on how the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) has worked in practice since it came into operation in April 2012. The evidence to this inquiry has highlighted a number of emerging concerns: that the NPPF is not preventing unsustainable development in some places; that inappropriate housing is being imposed upon some communities as a result of speculative planning applications; and that town centres are being given insufficient protection against the threat of out of town development. These issues do not, however, point to the need to tear up or withdrawn the NPPF; rather they suggest a need to reinforce its provisions and ensure it does the job it was intended to do.

Sustainable development in the National Planning Policy Framework

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Sustainable development in the National Planning Policy Framework : Oral and written evidence, Wednesday 12 October 2011, Neil Sinden, Campaign to Protect Rural England, Peter Nixon, National Trust, Dr Hugh Ellis, Town and Country Planning Association, Na

The draft National Policy Statement for Hazardous Waste

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The draft National Policy Statement for Hazardous Waste (ISBN 9780108510878) was published for consultation in July 2011. Additional written evidence is contained in Volume 2, available on the Committee website at

Draft National Planning Policy Framework

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Housing Politics in the United Kingdom

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Affordable housing in the United Kingdom has become an ever more potent issue in recent years, as rapid population growth and a long-term lag in new housing construction have combined to making finding secure, affordable housing difficult for a broad range of people. This book uses insights from public choice theory, the new institutionalism, and social constructionism to lay bare the historically entrenched power relationships among markets, planners, and electoral politics that have made this problem seem so intractable.

Natural environment white paper

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The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee express concern that, more than one year on from publication of the natural environment white paper, "The Natural Choice: securing the value of nature" (Cm. 8082, ISBN 9780101808224), Defra has failed to set out clear plans to ensure that government decision-making fully values the services nature provides. All government policy should fully value natural capital. Government Ministers must also: publish an action plan with a timetable to deliver each of the White Paper's 92 commitments; give planners and developers guidance on how the National Planning Policy Framework can be used to protect Nature Improvement Areas; fully assess the benefits and costs of environmental regulation, to prevent a perception that environmental protection imposes a drag on the UK economy; publish the Government's response to advice from the Natural Capital Committee. The report also concludes that: biodiversity offsetting can deliver positive impacts on the natural environment; the target to end all peat use by 2030 shows a lamentable lack of ambition and a review of progress must be brought forward to 2014; Defra must set a target to increase public engagement with nature, since local authorities, NGOs and charities can only secure funding for environmental projects when they can demonstrate measurable success; the Department for Health and the Department for Education must define measurements which demonstrate how greater public engagement with nature delivers gains in public health and educational attainment; the entire coastal path around England should be in place within 10 years.