Dramatizing 17th Century Family History of Deacon Stephen Hart & Other Early New England Settlers

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Here is a step-by-step guide to writing historical skits, plays, or monologues for all ages from true life stories, genealogy records, oral history, DNA-driven anthropology, social issues, current events, and personal history of early colonial era settlers. Put direct experience in a small package and launch it worldwide. You could emphasize the early New England 17th century settlers and their diaries of family life, food, clothing, marriage, spirituality, customs, or significant life events, migrations, work, lifestyle, or turning points. Write your life story or your ancestor's or favorite historical person in short vignettes of 1,500 to 1,800 words. Write a longer novel or a short play for school audiences. Write a children's book with illustrations. Write a skit, a monologue, or a play based on genealogy, family history, or significant events. You can focus on relations between families, or early settlers and Native American tribes or on personal family history, marriages, and inter-family issues.

101 Ways to Find Six-Figure Medical or Popular Ghostwriting Jobs & Clients

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How would you like to earn perhaps $100,000 annually as a medical or other specialty ghostwriter? You don't necessarily need a degree in science to earn six figures as a ghostwriter. What you do need is to focus or specialize in one subject or area of expertise. If you choose medical ghostwriting, you'd be writing pharmaceutical reports or informational books about research and clinical trials performed by scientists, physicians, and researchers. You could work with pharmaceutical firms, medical software manufacturers, or for public relations firms or literary agents. You'd be making a lot more than the usual $10,000 a ghostwriter may receive for writing a career development how-to book. Medical ghostwriters can receive up to $20,000 per report. Pharmaceutical and clinical trials reports or medical journal articles often are written by ghostwriters. Ghostwriting medical or other factual information is big business. It's one way pharmaceutical manufacturers communicate with physicians. If you want to ghostwrite in this field, get paid to investigate information physicians receive about medicines and interview researchers, you can take the roads leading to steadier writing jobs, document management, or run your own business as a medical, business, or celebrity ghostwriter. Here is the training you need to begin if you enjoy journalism with an attitude.

Large Print Crossword Puzzles for Memory Enhancement

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Word or number games and puzzles, reading, writing creatively and analytically, or conversation may be the best methods for keeping the mind sharp. Use it or lose it applies to memory. And crossword puzzle design or solving is one excellent way to begin to sharpen and focus as well as stay creative and analytical. Solve these puzzles to enhance your memory at any age. Or design your own puzzles based on your interest in a specific subject area or using general knowledge. Try your hand at humorous puzzles or puzzles on one subject such as medical terminology, anthropology, genetics, people and places, foods, cities of the world, cultures, folklore, or your special interest area. However you design and/or solve numerous crossword puzzles, you'll learn one more way to enhance memory and creative expression. The puzzles are in both standard newspaper style in freeform word fashion. Build puzzles from your own word list or from a variety of affordable puzzle-generating software with built-in word lists, searches, and dictionaries. Solving or designing word puzzles enhances your memory, helps to stimulate your brain to build new neurons and other connections, and helps you to exercise your verbal skills.

Do You Have the Aptitude & Personality to Be a Popular Author?

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Are you best-suited to be a historical novelist, mystery writer, short story sprinter, digital interactive story writer on ancient civilizations, a nonfiction writer, or an author of thrillers using historical settings or universal themes? Do you think like a fiction writer, investigative journalist, or an imaginative, creative nonfiction author writing biography in the style of genre or mainstream fiction? Enhance your creativity. How are you going to clarify and resolve the issues, problems, or situations in your plot by the way your characters behave to move the action forward? How do you get measurable results when writing fiction or creative nonfiction? Consider what steps you show to reveal how your story is resolved by the characters. This also is known as the dnouement. Dnouement as it applies to a short story or novel is the final resolution. Its your clarification of a dramatic or narrative plot. What category of dnouement will your characters take to move the plot forward? Take the writing style preference classifier and find out how you approach your favorite writing style using facts and acts. Which genre is for you--interactive, traditional, creative nonfiction, fiction, decisive or investigative? Would you rather write for readers that need to interact with their own story endings or plot branches? Which style best fits you? Whats your writing profile? Enjoy this ancient echoes writing genre interest, personality, and aptitude classifier and see the various ways in which way you can be more creative. There are 35 questionsseven questions for each of the five pairs. There are 10 choices, five assessments and a section on how to write a novel/story/script by developing depth of character that drives your plot.

How to Start Personal Histories and Genealogy Journalism Businesses

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Here's how to open your own genealogy, family history journalism, or personal history business. This includes a genealogy course template and instruction on how to start and operate a home-based business working with personal and oral histories, genealogy, family history, and life story writing. You also learn how to interview people, what questions to ask, and how to put together a business and/or a course or book on any aspect of genealogy around the world, journalism, writing, personal history, and life story writing. Start your own course using the genealogy course template to inspire you to develop your own specialties and niche areas. Work with almost any ethnic group, and create businesses ranging from DNA-driven genealogy reporting services to family history, memoirs writing, or personal history videography services. Use social history to find information such as female ancestors' maiden names that had not been recorded using hidden and niche areas of information, including ethnic, religious, and institutional sources such as widows' military pension applications. Develop genealogy and personal history classes anywhere. You'll make history. To start, first you need to create a course syllabus-either to teach beginners genealogy or to train professionals in other fields to use personal history techniques to find hidden information, or organize information for the reports you generate for your clients or family. You'll learn how to write social history by using genealogy journalism resources, find hidden records, and market your own course or write your book or report in many different areas of personal history and genealogy journalism. Make family tree charts. Start your own business, club, franchise, or course.

Tracing Your Baltic, Scandinavian, Eastern European, & Middle Eastern Ancestry Online

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Are you online and ready for global smart card and database genealogy for virtual travelers? Here's how to search family history for nations bordering the Baltic Sea, the Balkans countries, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. The nations listed in this guide (all faiths) include Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Armenia, Assyria, Greece, Lebanon, Syria, and many other lands in the Middle East, the Balkans-Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Eastern Europe-Hungary, and more. Collecting details about people is moving toward smart card technology and its offspring. The new wave in genealogy is authentication technology. Authentication begins with new-wave technology used to gather population registers. Compare the new technology to the old method of door-to-door census taking, tombstone tracings, and city directory publishing. No, genealogists are not using smart cards this year, but smart card technology is being used to compile population registers in Europe. The future holds a new wave of technology used for authentication for banking transactions being applied to other areas. Currently this technology is used for collecting details for population registrars such as census taking. The application for research is of interest to family historians, librarians, and governments. It's already in use by private industry for electronic authentication. Family history is now about intelligent connections, whether it's a population registrar, census detail, or electronic identity for banking. Smart card genealogy began in 1998 in Finland with governments seeking to put census and population registers in an electronic form that would be available to researchers, and these applications are going global.

Adventures in My Beloved Medieval Alania and Beyond

Book Description

This Medieval Princess in the Caucasus Mountains Seeks to Do Acts of Kindness My life adventure is resilience and to find a voice that resonates all of my confidence. Now in my youth just before I will become sixteen years of age, my confidence speaks all about lighting a wonderful brightness and walking out of the darkness of insatiable banalities. With the renewal of spring, the world is repaired, and the gardens bloom in my magnificent Alania. I walk up steep hills and ride far to remember each intimate glimpse of blooms on trees and to listen as waterfalls whisper. We have come up here all the way from Sarkel to remain here in the mountains, close to my childhood home. To insure my confidence, my voice, and my resilience, here I light the eternal flame to brighten the damp room. I am Raziet, now called Serakh. I am Karachaian-Balkarian, and from my grandfathers, of sweet Alania. I am partly Khazar and partly from the peoples that dwell by Mount Elbrus. I am all of them, all mixed together for generations. My many ancestors came from Persia, the Kavkaz, the Steppes, and beyond where the sky rides the moon. I am the tamga of the horse, the orchards, my pet wolf, and the open grasslands. And today, I am here, not where the Volga meets the Caspian, but with our friends and my cousin breathing deeply the sparkling air beneath my Mount Elbrus. We wait in our aoul. We are all of my magnificient Alania, and here now, in this land of orchards to the north, the scent of the birch trees, the patina, the starlight, my venture, value, and vision. Sit at my table and experience the eternal light of Khazaria and the rest of these mountains and rivers from the Caucasus to the seas of Pontus and Meotis. We are all one from many in the joy of life and we are here to do acts of kindness.

Writing, Financing, & Producing Documentaries

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Learn how to write, finance, produce, distribute, publicize, launch, and market documentaries-videos on DVD or similar formats and/or movie scripts. Use your personal computer and your camcorder linked together for editing. Learn about the best script-formatting software to use. Make time and money budgets. Learn how to get funding by fundraising. Write Audio-Visual scripts and turn them into reality-based documentaries for information, travel, or education. Use the Internet's Web to syndicate and disseminate your content in text, audio, or video formats. This can be a career, business, or hobby. You can work online. Documentaries may be based on reality video, life stories, or current issues in the news or in society. Popular subjects for linking your personal computer to your camcorder can be anything from world or local travel, your lectures, or life issues. You can link your personal computer to the tapes in your camcorder and broadcast at home part time or whatever hours you desire. You can transfer your files to CDs and DVDs and save them or mail them out. Podcasting refers to uploaded MP3 audio files to a Web site that offers 'podcasts'-broadcasting from a Web site online. RSS feeds are put on Web sites that offer content syndication of your writing or 'Blogs' which are online publications, diaries, or sites that allow content and comment to be inserted regularly. Now anyone can publish or broadcast via the Web and/or print-on-demand publishing software. Learn how to start and run 25+ low-cost online home-based scriptwriting or video production businesses at home. Use your video scriptwriting, public relations, and documentary producing interest.

How to Start, Teach, & Franchise a Creative Genealogy Writing Class or Club

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It's easy to start, teach, and franchise a creative genealogy writing club, class, or publication. Start by looking at the descriptions of each business and outline a plan for how your group operates. Flesh out each category with your additional research pertaining to your local area and your resources. Your goal always is to solve problems and get measurable results or find accurate records and resources. Or research personal history and DNA-driven genealogy interpretation reporting. You can make keepsake albums/scrapbooks, put video online or on disc, and create multimedia text and image with sound productions or work with researching records in archives, oral history, or living legacies and time capsules. A living legacy is a celebration of life as it is now. A time capsule contains projects and products, items, records, and research you want given to future generations such as genograms of medical record family history, family newsletters, or genealogy documents, diaries, photos, and video transcribed as text or oral history for future generations without current technology to play the video discs. Or start and plan a family and/or school reunion project or franchise, business or event. Another alternative is the genealogy-related play or skit, life story, or memoir.

How to Turn Poems, Lyrics, & Folklore into Salable Children's Books

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Do you want to adapt your poem to a storybook that tells a story in words, and pictures-or only amplify the images that you create with words? Would you rather turn your poem into a picture book that tells a story with pictures? Will words take second place to illustrations? Decide first whether you will write a story book or a picture book. Then use the images in your poem to clarify your writing. You won't be able to read a picture book into a tape recorder or turn it into an audio book or radio play. You will be able to narrate a word book for audio playing. Start with an inspirational poem, proverb, or song lyrics. Ask children what makes them laugh. You can make something out of nothing. You can make a story out of anything intangible, such as an idea with a plan still in your mind. Capture your children's dreams, proverbs, song lyrics, and the surprise elements that make them laugh. Record imagination, "what-if" talk, and personal history. A folktale or story is something that could come from any place in the past, from science, or from nothing that you can put your hands on. What children want in a book, poem, or folklore is a cave where they can go to be themselves. When suspending belief, children still want to be themselves as they navigate fantasy. The story book becomes a den or tree house where children can go inside, shut the door, and play. Introduce children to poetry by showing how you transform your poem into a children's book by expanding and emphasizing significant events in the life story of one child. Poems, memorable experiences, significant life events or turning points are all ways to make something out of nothing tangible. You begin re-working a concept, framework, or vision. Here's how to write, publish, and promote salable material from concept to framework to poem to children's book-step-by-step.