Book Description
Drone Professional 1 covers drones, professional drone pilots, UAVs, drone software and technology, civil aviation, commercial aviation, drone science and drone education. 16 drone professionals worldwide share their current best thinking, expertise and experience on commercial drone issues. Editor Louise Jupp.Contributors: Benoit Le Ber, Jasper Schmeits, Anne-Lise Scaillierez, Filippo Tomasello, James Oliver, S. James Ellis, Debbie Jewitt, Robert Miller, Justin Melman, Janna Mae Rubin, Rabih Bou Rashid, Kim James, Tawanda Chihambakwe, Graham Dyer, Arie van Ravenswaay and Louise Jupp (Editor)This is great resource because it combines both technical and personal anecdotal feedback from frontline experts. What is truly inspiring is the broad range of professional drone applications included in this book. \Fully referenced, this is an impeccable resource for professional drone operators.