Drought Mitigation and Management

Book Description

Drought is a natural hazard characterized by lower than expected or lower than normal rainfall having slow but widespread impact. This book focus on drought management and mitigation in agriculture and allied sectors. The chapters cover Basic concepts, assessment, monitoring, forecasting, early warning, vulnerability and adaptation to drought and mitigation and management strategies. Management of different land use systems under drought and finally socio economic impact and livelihood issues of drought are also focussed. It would be useful to a wide range of stakeholders, i.e. planners, researchers, students and interested public. This will also serve as text book as well as supplementary reading for courses in agronomy, ecology, geography and agro meteorology besides administration and disaster management units.

Drought Management on Farmland

Book Description

At last, integrated management of drought on farms is dealt with in one comprehensive book. Although drought is a highly variable, near-universal natural phenomenon which has repercussions on a country's water and food supplies and many other sectors of the economy, there are many ways of avoiding, resisting and mitigating the effects of drought. Pro-active preparedness entails using the principles of risk management to upgrade the drought resistance of a farm systematically, and to have auxiliary contingency plans at the ready for use during unusually long droughts. The book provides tools for these strategies as it covers the management of water, soils, crops, rangeland, fodder and livestock, and many other drought-related topics. Audience: This book will be an important source of information for university and college staff and students in agricultural sciences, water and land use, environmental management, geography and risk management, and also farmers, agricultural advisors and policy makers.

Drought Management and Planning for Water Resources

Book Description

Droughts and their management are a serious challenge to water resource professionals. While droughts predominate in arid regions, their frequency and severity in more temperate regions with more abundant rainfall have been on the rise. Drought Management and Planning for Water Resources provides an essential collection of planning and manag

Climate Change and Management of Cool Season Grain Legume Crops

Book Description

This book covers all aspect of legume production management technologies, plant ecological response, nutrients management, biological nitrogen fixation, molecular approaches, potential cultivars, biodiversity management under climate change. Also covered are various aspects of legume management under climate change such as, production management technology, ecology & adaptation, diseases, and international trade; physiology and crops response to nutrients, drought, salinity, and water use efficiency; Biodiversity management, molecular approaches and biological Nitrogen fixation; climate change and strategies. This book presents the most comprehensive and up to date review of research on different cool season grain legume crops, nutrients management, biotic and abiotic stresses management, agronomical approaches for drought management, salinity, drought, weed management and water use efficiency, impact on international trade around the world.

Solving The Pulses Crisis

Book Description

India has achieved self sufficiency in food grain production in recent years with record production of 250 mt during 2011-12. However, the pulses production remained low and considered to be the major concern for researchers and development planners. Considering the much more importance in near future and to avoid pulses crisis situation, the present attempt was made to compile the available scientific information, so as to highlight the issues, technologies and strategies in the title of "Solving Pulses Crisis" in India. The publication is divided into two parts. The first part deals national issues, technologies and strategies while the second part deals with crop based issue and technologies. The first part consists of 13 s. The first three s deals with pulses related national issues, technologies and strategies including NEH region too. The IV deals with crop diversification involving pulses while V focused on pulses production under organic system. The issues related to legumes as a nutrient supplement in VI, tillage and crop establishment in VII water management in pulses in VIII and Integrated nutrient management in IX are discussed in detail. The aspects of weed and pest management are presented in X to XI, respectively. The specific issues related to post harvest, value addition are discussed in XII, while trade related policy issues are focused in XIII. In part second, the crop issues, strategies and technologies are presented. Accordingly, XIV deals with pigeonpea while in XV issues related to greengram and black gram are discussed. The XVI to XIX deals with chickpea, lentil, field pea and lathyrus while in XX the issues technologies and prospects of Guar are discussed. In last XXI the issues and technologies related to arid legumes (mothbean, cowpea and horsegram) with special reference to arid areas are discussed. Hopefully, the publication will prove to be a reference and a way forward for solving pulses crisis in India and achieving the targets matching with food production strategies in years to come.

New modalities for managing drought risk in rainfed agriculture

Book Description

In this paper we explore the potential for a new approach to managing drought risk among rainfed rice producers in Odisha, India. Droughts have historically been a serious constraint to agricultural production in rainfed agricultural systems, with droughts resulting in significant reductions in both yields and cultivated area, in turn leading to significant impacts on rural livelihoods and food security. Scientists and policy makers have proposed various strategies for managing risks, with limited success. In this study we consider two such strategies, specifically drought-tolerant rice and weather index insurance. While neither drought-tolerant cultivars nor weather index insurance products are perfect solutions for adequately managing drought risk in and of themselves, there is scope to exploit the benefits of each and bundle them into a complementary risk management product, specifically through proper index calibration and an optimized insurance design. In this study, we explore preferences for such a complementary risk management product using discrete choice experiments in Odisha, India. We are able to estimate the added value that farmers perceive in the bundled product above and beyond the value associated with each of the independent products. We also show that valuations are sensitive to the basis risk implied by the insurance product, with farmers less enthusiastic about risk management products that leave significant risks uninsured.