Du musée conservateur au musée virtuel

Book Description

Les Musées de France ont pris une place de plus en plus importante au sein des pratiques culturelles et touristiques. De nouveaux modes d’accès à la culture – désormais mondialisée – encouragent une gouvernance patrimoniale qui tente de conjuguer convergence numérique et transformation des usages dans l’espace muséal. Le défi est désormais de concilier tradition et modernité, art et divertissement, délectation et consommation. Le musée physique (in situ) qui expose les œuvres se prolonge par des dispositifs numériques au sein même de ses murs (cartels, audioguides, interactivités, sons, vidéos…) et la multiplication de sites Internet en ligne, publics ou privés. Le « musée virtuel » en vient à rejoindre le « musée conservateur ». La numérisation du patrimoine modifie-t-elle l’institution ? Le musée conservateur des siècles passés privilégie aujourd’hui la fréquentation du public et la diversification des modes de financement pour accroître ses moyens. Le musée virtuel en devient une extension, mais aussi parfois un concurrent. Dès lors que la mission de service public est confrontée au marché, la relation de l’institution à son patrimoine s’en trouve affectée. Autrement dit, la capacité à transmettre un héritage culturel aux futures générations s’inscrit désormais au cœur des débats sur l’avenir des musées.

Digital Dictionary

Book Description

"Digital age", "digital society", "digital civilization": many expressions are used to describe the major cultural transformation of our contemporary societies. Digital Dictionary presents the multiple facets of this phenomenon, which was born of computers and continues to permeate all human activity as it progresses at a rapid pace. In this multidisciplinary work, experts, academics and practitioners invite us to discover the digital world from various technological and societal perspectives. In this book, citizens, trainers, political leaders or association members, students and users will find a base of knowledge that will allow them to update their understanding and become stakeholders in current societal changes.

Cultural, Training and Educational Spaces

Book Description

For two centuries, the school system has been a central point around which other players have gravitated: local authorities, voluntary organizations and the world of work. Over the course of the 20th century, this school centric configuration underwent a transformation, with local authorities tending to become integrated into the vertical culture of the school system. This was only the beginning of a process that brought schools and socio cultural players into constant contact. Cultural, Training and Educational Spaces first examines the relationships with knowledge generated by the links between the school system and other cultural, training and educational spaces, taking a historical, pedagogical and philosophical perspective. Easy access to learning materials creates different relationships with knowledge than those observed in schools. The book then looks at the pedagogical practices in these different cultural educational spaces, such as libraries and media libraries, museums and historical sites, places of heritage, history and entertainment, social networks and other multimedia formats.

Heritage and Digital Humanities

Book Description

The symposium "Heritage and Digital Humanities," organized by the Labex ArtsH2H (Paris 8-Paris Ouest University), together with the French national archives and the Bibliotheque Nationale de France - on the occasion of the inauguration of the university's master's degree for "Cultural Mediation, Heritage and Digital Technologies" - was the first occasion to look for potential links between an emerging discipline in quest of its identity, digital humanities, and concepts of heritage, which have undergone renewal and been democratized through technical, social, and political changes. This book brings together contributions from professionals at such 'heritage' institutions, as well as from academics. (Series: Communication Studies / Kommunikationswissenschaft - Vol. 4) [Subject: Cultural Studies, Information Technology]

Communautés Virtuelles

Book Description

Indigenous Heritage and Rock Art

Book Description

Prof. Daniel Arsenault, a leading exponent of Canadian Shield rock art, sadly passed away in 2016. This book contains 14 thought-provoking chapters dealing with Daniel’s first love—the archaeology of artistic endeavour. It provides the reader with new ideas about the interpretation and dating of rock art, ethnography, heritage and material culture.

Developing Writing Skills in French

Book Description

'Developing Writing Skills in French' has been devised for intermediate to advanced students of French who need to write French in the course of their life, work or study.

Les lieux de la muséologie

Book Description

Edition bilingue anglais-français. Conservateurs et historiens des musées, théoriciens de la muséologie, acteurs culturels dressent un bilan des enjeux de la théorie muséologique et de la pratique muséale et de ses lieux qui se révèlent de plus en plus divers. L'objet de cet ouvrage est de tenter de circonscrire les limites de cette discipline qu'est la muséologie et de réfléchir sur la notion même de musée