Dual Lifestylists

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Herein highlighted is the fact that man is the most inconsistent being God ever made. This makes inconsistency to be one of the greatest guilt of mankind. Circumstance is one of the greatest determinants of human disposition and attitude to any challenge. The best person can as well become the worst depending on his plight.

This Stage-Managed Life & World

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The belief that every physical experience has a spiritual undertone reveals that everything is stage-managed in life. Long before Josiah was born, God sent a young prophet from Judah to make it know to King Jeroboam of Israel. And indeed, Josiah lived nearly 257 years later to accomplish the purpose of God. This means that God stage-managed to ensure that Josiah lived to accomplish His assigned purpose. Queen Esther stage-managed her husband, the Emperor, to get rid of Haman the Amalekite, the preserved the lives of her fellow Jews as well as made Mordecai the Prime Minister of the Persian Empire at the expense of Haman. Naomi and Ruth stage-managed Boaz to marry Ruth so that Boaz would continually provide for them. God stage-managed to ensure the Israelites left the Egyptian captivity with enormous wealth. Check out the desirability or otherwise of stage-management of events of life.

Moses’ Double Standard Dealership

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Why Pastors Act Strangely exemplified by Moses Double Standard Dealership Style reveals that Men of Gods mistakes are usually multi-dimensional. There is what we can call Mans Monumental Monstrous Metamorphosis practiced it is that the job of leading the Israelites that Moses rejected earlier, he was no longer eager to give up and be replaced by Korah who volunteered to do so. These do not add up. There is also the subject of Men of Gods Monstrous Mindset, Mannerisms, Methods and Tactics (MGMMMT). It is part of Mans Mind Mutilating Manners and Manliness. Moses was bold and courageous to use his God-given privilege as he deemed fit and to the best of his interest and that of his loved ones. Maybe, God gave His designated representatives in any generation that privilege because fundamentally, He had meant man to take charge of the earth on His behalf as long as man obeyed Him. If so, then Moses was still in order as far as God was concerned.

Until You Rebel...

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Rebellion is abhorred by rulers and Christians and perhaps, everyone, despite the fact that they are all engaged in it, under different guises. Rebellion is an inevitable route God meant for man to arrive the palace of relevance, recognition and respect. Individual mannerisms might differ but all recognized and relevant individuals who have ever lived are rebels or are engaged in rebellion in one form or the other at different times of their lives. Perhaps, no rebellion, no relevance as rebellion has resounding reward. Joseph became relevant because he did not follow in the traditional heritage of shepherd that the Hebrews were famous for in his generation. Jesus became relevant because He made a marked departure from the traditional Jewish religion as it was known at the time. Find out how you can benefit from God-authored and sponsored rebellion to become and remain relevant in your lifetime. There is something seemingly rebellious God planned that you should do to become relevant inevitably in this life and in the life to come.

God Authored and Approved Brain Drain

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The term Brain Drain or Best Brains Drain/carting away is only a derogatory reference to God intended concept of maximizing the spectacularly skilled persons He sent to live and add great value to mankind in each generation. It is peddled by persons who have failed in their responsibility to manage such special God-sent individuals to benefi t themselves and their territory optimally. When some fail examinations, rather than take responsibility for their poor performance and double their efforts to turn their failure in their success, they would choose to fi nd fault with the examiners, script markers and graders. The two major ways to stop acclaimed oppression is either to make the oppressor stop any how or resist the oppressor into stopping. When Laban would not stop cheating Jacob, commonsense made Jacob opt to withdraw his services from Labans employment without notice. He did not continue to shout blue murder without doing something tangible from his own end. In fact, Jacob did not waste his time seeking mediation by the elders or leaders and rulers of Labans nation of Haran also known as Padan-Aram. Some call it taking charge of how others treat you. Prolonged accusation of being oppressed is a sign of weakness or laziness, foolishness, planlessness, and even outright stupidity. After prolonged mourning over being mocked for childlessness, Hannah made concerted effort to put an end and God blessed her effort to the regret of her mocker and maligner. Enjoy a happy reading.

Securing Strength to Prevail Through Fasting & Praying

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Abstinence from food and drinks in any form, as well as pleasure reduces the influence of the flesh on the soul while it promotes the dominance of the Spirit of God which gave life to man at creation. God communicates with man through the spirit of man. Herein are the ways to sustain the body to fast and benefit from fasting and prayers. These are simple methods and tactics to survive through life by the spiritual strength of fasting and prayers.

Nigeria Needs Nehemiah

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Nehemiah governed Judah from Jerusalem for twelve years. He was a professional caterer who specialized in wine service and worked for the Emperor of Persia before he returned to Jerusalem to lead the rebuilding of the walls and the fixing of the gates of the city. His outstanding record performance led to his emergence as the governor, an office he used to achieved several other things his predecessors could not. He depended on God, his boss and kinsmen supporters to defy all odds to achieve on record time. Nations, particularly those tagged needy nations, rather than poor nations, need rewarding rulers like nebulous Nehemiah.

All Humans Are Helpless

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The term Managing Your Measure Maximally means optimizing your personalized measure of joy and sadness, surplus and scarcity, prosperity and peasantness or peasantry, etc., as long as you live. All humans have their high and low seasons, best and worst seasons, good and bad seasons. Ecclesiastes 3 attests to these but how we manage such season matters. How we manage our lives maximally amidst the realization that you are inevitably vulnerable is the real issue here. God Almighty has the fi nal defi nition of what is good and bad, acceptable and unacceptable at any point in time. Therefore, cleaving to and looking up to Him always, is one of the best things to do in life. If parents can hurt, strength can fail the strong, wealth can fail the rich, and wisdom would not immune from vulnerability and attendant misfortune, then, there is no better wisdom than depending on God who is not subject to the law of inevitable vulnerability.

The Weight of Womanhood

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The Weight of Womanhood highlights the incomprehensible avoidable pressures put on women by societal expectations, male folks and sometimes women themselves. There is this culture of taking women for granted or taking advantage of women. Laban used his two daughters to swindle his nephew, Jacob, the Philistine Kings, and high officials used Delilah against Israelite leader, Samson who had become a pain in the ass for the Philistines’ leadership. King Saul attempted to use his daughters rather than any of his sons to kill David. Certain cultures imply that one of the worst things a woman can do is to conceive and bear a girlchild. They turn a blind eye to the murder of millions of growing girlchild in the womb on yearly basis. Moses’ older sister, Miriam resented and antagonized his wife to the extent that God was incensed to punish Miriam. King Rehoboam robbed his eldest son of his right because he preferred one of his stepmothers to the eldest son’s mother. When Samson’s mother claimed that an angel had visited her to talk about the imminent conception and birth of Samson, his father did not believe her. She had to ask God to resend His angel to attest to her claim before Samson’s father believed her. Most men take women’s gynecological and maternal exigencies for granted. Once Hannah did not conceive and bear him a child quickly, though he was supposed to love her very much, Elkanah opted for a second wife, Peninnah who made life miserable for Hannah once she bore Elkanah children while Hannah remained barren. He did not do anything to restrain Peninnah from worsening Hannah’s miseries.

I Know, but Cannot

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"Yes" and "No" answers at the same time on the same issue questioned would be considered abnormal. However, we experience it daily. Saul allowed anyone to remove the reproach which Goliath constituted with some promises to whoever does, but when it was time to fulfill the promise, he backed because of the benefiting individual. Abraham loved the excellent services which Eliezer, native of Damascus who was born in his household rendered, but would not accept that it was enough reason for him to become his successor.