Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #1: Gang Lords of Lankhmar (DCC RPG Adv. )

Book Description

A level 1 adventure set in Lankhmar! The City of the Black Toga: Home to hundreds of back alley courts, rotting tenements, and an endless number of gangs, whose fortunes rise and fall as surely as the tides of the Inner Sea. Each gang vies against the others, pitting beggar against bravo, slayer against thug, and gang lord against gang lord. Made in the US.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #15: The House of Jade and Shadow

Book Description

Goodman Games is proud to present DCC Lankhmar #15: The House of Jade and Shadow. An exiled nobleman arrives in Lankhmar bearing a fortune in jewels, spurring the PCs to stage a daring robbery. They soon discover that the noble's estate also harbors a sinister cult with terrible plans for Lankhmar.  The House of Jade and Shadow is a 1st-level adventure that mixes both role-playing opportunities with rip-roaring action, just like the classic tales of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser did. This adventure includes multiple player handouts, pitting their minds as well as their sword-arms against horrific foes to escape the House of Jade and Shadow. This adventure is for use with DCC Lankhmar, but can easily be inserted into any DCC RPG campaign with minor adjustments.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #8: The Land of Eight Cities (DCC RPG Adv.)

Book Description

North of Lankhmar lies the Land of the Eight Cities, a young realm lying in the shadows of the Great Forest and rich in natural resources. This barely-tamed wilderness is rife with opportunities for adventure and riches, but also contains hitherto-unknown dangers. Nevertheless, for adventurers who've worn out their welcome in Lankhmar, the Forest Land is a welcoming place to escape their enemies in the City of the Black Toga. Made in the US.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Boxed Set (Boxed RPG Setting)

Book Description

Enter the thrilling world of Fritz Leiber's Nehwon, home to the legendary city of Lankhmar and the infamous heroes Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser! Prepare yourself to battle members of the city's nefarious Thieves' Guild in fog- shrouded alleys, to barter for cursed curios in the Plaza of Dark Delights, and to seek the wisdom of Ningauble of the Seven Eyes and Sheelba of the Eyeless Face! All this and more is possible with DCC Lankhmar. This boxed set contains comprehensive rules options and new material for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG explicitly designed to capture the unique setting of Nehwon and Lankhmar, the City of the Black Toga. Inside, you'll find new spells, monsters, magical items, patrons, and rules to make your DCC RPG campaign more like Leiber's exiting stories--including the popular "Fleeting Luck" mechanic where good fortune blesses your characters one minute, only to dash their hopes the next. This set also includes a detailed look at Lankhmar and provides the judge with an assortment of descriptions, tables, and adventure ideas to get their DCC Lankhmar campaign up and running with a minimum of effort, including the adventure "No Small Crimes in Lankhmar" and a beautiful city map illustrated by Doug Kovacs. A copy of the Dungeon Crawl Classics rulebook is required to use this boxed set. Made in the US. Inside this box you will find: The Judge's Guide to Nehwon (104 pages) Compendium of Secret Knowledge (40 pages) Lankhmar: City of the Black Toga (44 pages) Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #0: No Small Crimes in Lankhmar (12 pages) A gigantic 33" x 17" poster map of the City of Lankhmar, Another 17" x 22" map of Nehwon, A 3-panel judges screen with tables specific to the DCC Lankhmar setting, An exclusive issue of the Goodman Games Gazette, Plus download codes for a digital edition

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #3: Acting Up in Lankhmar (DCC RPG Adv. )

Book Description

A level 3 adventure set in Lankhmar! A corrupt Duke of Lankhmar's foibles paraded before the masses for their entertainment puts an acting troupe in trouble. Threatened by the insulted Duke and his private guard, the performers need assistance to make it through their final performance of "The Fiascos of Duke Hogfat." With nobody else to turn to, the troupe hires the PCs as their evening's protectors. Will the play end in a standing ovation or will the Duke and his thugs bring down the house on the troupe and their defenders? Made in the US.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #5: Blasphemy & Larceny in Lakhmar (DCC RPG Adv. )

Book Description

A level 5 adventure set in Lankhmar! A member of your gang awakens in an alleyway with foggy memories of a deal made, a job taken, a partner slain, and a heist planned. They struggle to remember the details, but you all agree that breaking into an abandoned temple should be a simple matter - in and out. Yet the heist is on a collision course with something sinister. Made in the US.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #9 - Grave Matters (DCC RPG Adv. )

Book Description

Your adventures in Lankhmar continue in this new adventure module set in The City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes! In this level 2 adventure, the characters confront a small gang of smugglers operating out of an embalmer's business in one of Lankhmar's run-down neighborhoods. The PCs must infiltrate the smugglers' base of operation to recover a stolen sarcophagus containing an Overlord's mummy before it vanishes from the city limits. Made in the USA.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar #7: a Dozen Lankhmar Locations (DCC RPG Setting)

Book Description

Travel the fog-shrouded streets of Lankhmar and visit some of its most infamous sites! From the home of Muulsh the Moneylender to the Silver Eel to the winding passages of Thieves' House, this book provides the judge with a detailed look at a dozen interesting locales inside the City of the Black Toga. Suitable for planning adventures or when the players take an unexpected turn, A Dozen Lankhmar Locations provides information and maps to aid any judge running a city-based adventure in the City of Seven-Score Thousand Smokes or other fantasy metropolis. Made in the US.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar Complete Collection (Boxed Collection)

Book Description

The complete Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar collection! This limited release will be available only for a select time. It contains all eight Lankhmar adventure modules, plus the DCC Lankhmar boxed set, collectively packaged together in a custom-printed corrugated shipping box. The MSRP value of buying all these items individually would be more than $20 higher than this complete collection. Made in the US.

Dungeon Crawl Classics Tome of Adventure, Volume 1

Book Description

This hardcover compilation of adventure modules presents DCC RPG fans with seven complete adventures, now collected into a single hardcover volume for the first time! Written by legendary DCC authors Joseph Goodman and Harley Stroh, the hardcover includes these popular adventures: DCC #66.5: Doom of the Savage Kings DCC #67: Sailors on the Starless Sea DCC #68: People of the Pit DCC #69: The Emerald Enchanter DCC #70: Jewels of the Carnifex DCC #71: The 13th Skull DCC #72: Beyond the Black Gate Made in the USA.